- Flood Risk and Flood Management (M.Sc.)
Lecture / ExerciseDisse; Kasparek, Spackova - Geodetic Monotoring of Landslides (M.Sc.)
Lecture; Wunderlich - Geostatistics and Environmental Monitoring (B.Sc.)
Lecture; Disse, Rieger - Hydrological and pedological field exercices (B.Sc.)
Field Exercise; Kasparek, Rieger, Scholtes - Landslides - recognition, investigation & mitigation measures (M.Sc.)
Lecture / Exercise; Krautblatter, Straub, Wunderlich - Pilot Project Hornbergl – Prevention against alpine natural hazards (M.Sc.)
Exercise; de Vries, Kolbe, Wunderlich, Donaubauer, Reith, Schopf - Risk Analysis 1 (M.Sc.)
Lecture; Straub - Risk Analysis 2 (M.Sc.)
Lecture / Exercise; Straub
German Aerospace Center (DLR)
- various Bachelor & Master Theses
- Internships
- Master course ESPACE at TUM