During this project we will use street view images to predict building characteristics such as property use, number of floors, window-to-wall ratio, age. Herefore, we will use well-established maschine learning techniques for image classification, segmentation and object-detection such as multilayer perceptron (MLP) or convolutional neural networks (CNN).
The project can be decomposed into the following tasks:
- Study the literature on image classification, segmentation and object-detection to gain an overview over precition methods and valuation techniques. We have listed a couple relevant papers in the real estate field in the reference section at the end!
- Download Google Street View Images for given real estate addresses.
- Predict building characteristics such as property use, number of floors, window-to-wall ratio, age. You might find more features to predict from the literature.
- Validate predictions based on given data.
Visualize prediction accuracy and validation.
- Independent and thorough operation
- Programming experience with Python (e.g., PyTorch, Tensorflow)
Interest / first experience in image classification and segmentation.
Accompanying Lectures
Generally, the accompanying lecture can be selected in consultation with the supervisor from the entire list of courses offered by the Professorship for Real Estate Development. For this IDP, attendance to one of the following lectures is recommended:
- Applied Research Methods in Real Estate
- Sustainable Real Estate Development
- Seminar Real Estate Investment
Please check if you can apply for this project by visiting this website: https://www.cit.tum.de/cit/studium/studiengaenge/master-informatik/interdisziplinaeres-projekt/
If you are interested, please contact Valentin Kaufmann for further details.