- Möglichkeiten der modellbasierten Konformitätsprüfung von Brückenentwürfen des Straßenbaus mit IFC4x3. , 2023 mehr…
- Systematic Evaluation of the IFC Data Model for Infrastructural Assets and BIM Use Cases. , 2022 mehr…
- BIM-Programmierschnittstellen. In: Building Information Modeling - Technologische Grundlagen und industrielle Praxis. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2021, 263-290 mehr…
- Begleitung der internationalen Standardisierungsprojekte IFC-Road & IFC-Rail: Abschlussbericht AP4 Validierung des Datenmodells. Technische Universität München, 2020, mehr…
- Prototypische Entwicklung zum Export von Straßengeometrien in das IFC-Datenformat. Technische Universität München, 2020, mehr…
- Begleitung der internationalen Standardisierungsprojekte IFC-Road & IFC-Rail: Abschlussbericht Gesamtprojekt. Technische Universität München, 2020, mehr…
- Webbasierte Integration von Sensordaten in digitale Brückenbauwerke. Bachelor's thesis, 2020 mehr…
- Automated retrieval of shared IFC model data based on user-specific requirements. , 2020 mehr…
- Untersuchung und Implementierung von bahnspezifischen Regelsätzen zur Modellüberprüfung. Bachelor's thesis, 2019 mehr…
- IfcBridge Model Generation using Visual Programming. Proc. of the 31. Forum Bauinformatik, 2019 mehr…
- 3D-Modellierung von Brückenbauwerken mit Autodesk Revit und Erweiterung um IFC4x1 Entitäten. Bachelor's thesis, 2018 mehr…
- Linking BIM and GIS models in infrastructure by example of IFC and CityGML. Proc. of the ASCE International Workshop on Computing in Civil Engineering 2017, 2017 mehr…
- Development of an IFC Alignment Import/Export Plug-in for Autodesk AutoCAD Civil 3D. Bachelorarbeit, 2017 mehr…
- IFC-Bridge: Previous Initiatives and Their Proposals. Proc. of the 29th Forum Bauinformatik, 2017 mehr…
- Embedding Procedural Knowledge into Building Information Models: The IFC Procedural Language and Its Application for Flexible Transition Curve Representation. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering 30 (4), 2016, 1-14 mehr…
- Extension of the upcoming IFC alignment standard with cross sections for road design. Proc. of the ICCBEI 2015, 2015 mehr…
- Open BIM for Infrastructure – mit OKSTRA und IFC Alignment zur internationalen Standardisierung des Datenaustauschs. Tagungsband zum 6. OKSTRA-Symposium, 2015 mehr…
- Einbettung von prozeduralem Wissen in Produktdatenmodelle am Beispiel der Richtlinien für die Anlage von Landstraßen mithilfe der Programmiersprache IFCPL. Proceedings of the 27th Forum Bauinformatik, 2015 mehr…
- Einsatz wissensbasierter Methoden in frühen Phasen des Brückenentwurfs. Proceedings of the 27th Forum Bauinformatik, 2015 mehr…
- A Novel Knowledge-Based Engineering Approach for Infrastructure Design. The Fourth International Conference on Soft Computing Technology in Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering, 2015 mehr…
- Free-Sketching Ansätze in der Trassenmodellierung. Technische Universität München, 2015, mehr…
- Creating a 3D-BIM-compliant road design based on IFC alignment originating from an OKSTRA-accordant 2D road design using the TUM Open Infra Platform and the OKSTRA class library. Technische Universität München, 2015, mehr…
- An alignment meta-model for the comparison of alignment product models. Proc. of the 10th European Conference on Product & Process Modelling, 2014 mehr…
- Erweiterung von IFC Alignment um Straßenquerschnitte. Proc. of the 26th Forum Bauinformatik, 2014 mehr…
- A Refined Product Model for Shield Tunnels Based on a Generalized Approach for Alignment Representation. Proc. of the ICCBEI 2013, 2013 mehr…
- Exchange of Parametric Bridge Models using a Neutral Data Format. ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering 27 (6), 2013, 593-606 mehr…
- Integration of Parametric Geometry into IFC-Bridge. Proc. of the 23th Forum Bauinformatik, September 2011, 2011 mehr…
- Towards the Exchange of Parametric 3D Bridge Models Using a Neutral Data Format. Proc. of the ASCE International Workshop on Computing in Civil Engineering, 2011 mehr…
- Parametrische Modellierung von Brückenbauwerken. Tagungsband des 20. Forum Bauinformatik, 2008 mehr…
TUM Open Infra Platform
The TUM Open Infra Platform (short OIP) is an open-source IFC viewer that allows one to visualize, navigate, and handle IFC files of almost all IFC versions. Additionally, point clouds in various file formats can be displayed. This enables, e.g., direct comparison between an IFC file and a point cloud of the same building.
OIP is in constant development, trying to support as many entities defined in the IFC schema as possible, with the highest priority on the additions in the most recent IFC versions. To get an overview of the IfcRepresentationItems that OIP currently supports, take a look at the table here.

System requirements
The minimum requirements for TUM Open Infra Platform are:
- Windows 7 or newer
- 1-GHz-CPU
- 1 GiB RAM
- Screen resolution of at least 800 x 600 pixels
- DirectX11 or 12 compatible graphics card (at least feature level 11.0)
- Graphics card with 1.0 GiB of memory, for instance
Note: Only 64-bit editions of Windows are supported.
For a detailed guide on how to build OIP on your local machine, please refer to the setup help on GitHub .
Bug reports & Support
The source code of OIP is hosted on GitHub . Bugs can be directly reported in the issue section.
Alternatively, bug reports and requests can be sent to jonas.schlenger@tum.de. Please, make sure to include the 'log.txt' (log file generated by the application) in your attachment.
If you are working with Windows 7 and the application fails with D3DERR_INVALIDCALL install http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=36805
Source Code
The source code of the TUM Open Infra Platform is hosted on GitHub. The Open Infra Platform consist of three repositories:
Infrastructure Framework + UI: Backend for managing different BIM data formats and a graphical frontend
oipExpress: Early binding generator for EXPRESS to support file loading and writing of IFC files
Blue-Framework: Simple 3D engine used for visualization
The code is available under the GPL v3 license. If you need a different license, please contact us.
If you like to cite our software, you can use the following citation string or the BibTeX fragment:
Jaud et al., (2022). TUM Open Infra Platform: an open source package for simultaneous viewing and analysis of digital models in the civil engineering domain. Journal of Open Source Software, 7(72), 3061, doi.org/10.21105/joss.03061
author = {Jaud, Štefan and Hecht, Helge and Schlenger, Jonas and Amann, Julian},
title = {TUM Open Infra Platform: an open source package for simultaneous viewing and analysis of digital models in the civil engineering domain},
journal = {Journal of Open Source Software},
year = {2022},
volume = {7},
number = {72},
pages = {3061},
publisher = {The Open Journal},
doi = {10.21105/joss.03061},
url = {https://doi.org/10.21105/joss.03061}