BIM.project Winter Term 22/23
Your project task for this semester is to design the university of the future by using the infrastructural spaces within the city. The expectation from university spaces experienced a significant change during corona. For a long time, everyone was stuck at home, and when it was time to come back, it was not the same. Some spaces gained significant importance and some spaces became vacant. That’s why this semester’s topic “university of the future” is giving you an opportunity to design and think about what the new needs in the educational spaces are.
Munich is the most expensive city in Germany in terms of real estate prices. To tackle this problem, one of the most common strategies used is urban densification. Huge infrastructural space in the city, occupied by train tracks, is a great place to start the urban densification process. Your additional challenge for this semester would be to build your university of the future on top of the train tracks. Each interdisciplinary team of students is required to create 2 different preliminary conceptional designs. Those designs will be shown during the concept presentations. After that, one selected design will be continued using BIM methods.

Group 1

Bourkkadi, Englert, Geipel, Mikhailina, Nordmann
Group 2

Wang, Farooq, Chiappini, Jenegger, Zelger, Abdelaziz
Group 4

Jiarui Zhang, Yanlin Liu, Qi Shaowen, Muhammad Ahmed, Mostafa Rahal
Group 5

Ahmed Ibrahim, Sunghun Lee, Nikita Kurkin, Mahmoud Kanso, Glace Mathew, Ahmed Genedi
Group 6

Veronika Lokshyna, Mehmet Bahadir Yesilkaya, Usman Maqsood, Sabir Furqan, Nidhi Sonavane
Group 7

Ghafoor, Malik, Pereira, Mahmoud, Vinh, Hassan
Group 8

Yuqiao Sun, Ahmet Emre Erdi, Yunus Emre Kaygisiz, Kristiana Bezha, Gent Elshani
Group 9

Nouman, Wang, Qadir, Prem Kooniyara, Elgammal, Muhammad Ali Afridi
Overall Site

Adam Abdulmalik Ali