Foto von Fabian Pfitzner

M.Sc. Fabian Pfitzner



  • Pfitzner, F.; Braun, A.; Borrmann, A.: From data to knowledge: Construction process analysis through continuous image capturing, object detection, and knowledge graph creation. Automation in Construction 164, 2024, 105451 mehr…
  • Pfitzner, F.; Hu, S.; Braun, A.; Borrmann, A.; Y., Fang: Monitoring Concrete Pouring With Knowledge Graph-Enhanced Computer Vision: A Case Study From Munich. Proc. of EC3 2024, 2024 mehr…


  • Pfitzner, F.; Schlenger, J.; Borrmann, A.: Automated Productivity Evaluation of Concreting Works: The Example of Concrete Pillar Production. Proc. of Construction Logistics, Equipment, and Robotics, 2023 mehr…
  • Pfitzner, F.; Braun, A.; Borrmann, A.: Object Detection Based Knowledge Graph Creation: Enabling Insight into Construction Processes. Proc. of the ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering 2023, 2023 mehr…
  • Schlenger, J.; Pfitzner, F.; Braun, A.; Vilgertshofer, S.; Borrmann, A.: Digitaler Zwilling Baustelle – Baustellenüberwachung zur automatisierten Zeit- und Kostenkontrolle. Bautechnik 100 (4), 2023, 190-197 mehr…
  • Vega-Torres, M.A.; Pfitzner, F.: Investigating Robot Dogs for Construction Monitoring: A Comparative Analysis of Specifications and On-site Requirements. Proceedings of the 34th Forum Bauinformatik 2023, 2023 mehr…


  • Collins, F.; Pfitzner, F.; Schlenger, J.: Scalable construction monitoring for an as-performed progress documentation across time. Proceedings of 33. Forum Bauinformatik, 2022 mehr…
  • Pfitzner F., Braun A., Borrmann A.: Towards data mining on construction sites: Heterogeneous data acquisition and fusion. Proc. of European Conference on Product and Process Modeling 2022, 2022 mehr…


  • Pfitzner, F.: Data Mining within the as-performed construction process. , 2021 mehr…


  • Pfitzner, F.: Intuitiver Lärmschutzwandentwurf entlang einer Trasse in frühen Entwurfsphasen. Bachelor's thesis, 2019 mehr…
  • Pfitzner, F.; Bratoev, I.; Jaud, Š: Interactive Design of Noise Protection Walls. Proc. of the 31st Forum Bauinformatik, 2019 mehr…


  • Friedl, F.: Bim-Based Progress Monitoring Using 2D Semantic Segmentation. Masterarbeit, 2024 mehr…
  • Khochinskii, M.: Automated calculation of as-planned environmental impacts from construction activities using BIM-based construction schedule. Masterarbeit, 2024 mehr…


  • Fuchs, J.: Continuous Monitoring of Construction Site Progress and Activities with LIDAR-Sensors. Bachelor's thesis, 2023 mehr…
  • Wunderskirchner, L.: Case study on BIM based process modeling: Fundamentals, implementation and software comparison. Bachelor's thesis, 2023 mehr…