The BIMsite project is focused on the transition from construction planning to construction process. Until recently, building layouts and construction drawings have been designed and delivered in 2D, leading to problems and delays on the construction site due to insufficient depth of planning. Building Information Modeling (BIM), the digital representation of physical and functional characteristics of a building, has been introduced into the field of civil engineering to improve planning efficiency and planning quality. BIM facilitates and accelerates the planning process by the use of semantic construction components and continuous data exchange. However, concerning the selection of construction methods on one hand and planning of construction work and construction schedules on the other hand, most engineers still use manual methods and rely on experience. Up to now, the development of a representation of the construction process in BIM is still in an early phase, giving away the opportunity to optimize the planning process towards time efficiency, robustness, as well as health and safety concerns.
The BIMsite project is dedicated to the question of how digital building models can be used for relevant questions in work preparation and during construction. On the one hand, it is to be examined which requirements building models must fulfil with regard to information content and level of detail so that a direct further use for the corresponding project phases is possible. Building on this, model-based methods of construction site simulation will be developed in a further focal point, which will make it possible to make statements about the project-critical target variables of productivity and safety. For the validation of the prognosis models, site monitoring procedures are to be used, which in addition enable dynamic adjustments and possible rescheduling during construction with little effort.
Breden, Steve: Entwicklung einer Anwendungssoftware zur Unterstützung der Bauausführung. , 2019 more…BibTeX
Eickeler, Felix; Borrmann, André: Adaptive feature-conserving compression for large scale point clouds. Proc. of the 26th EG-ICE Workshop on Intelligent Computing in Engineering, 2019 more…BibTeX
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Holland, Michael: Datenanalyse in der Cloud – Entwicklung eines Prototyps zur Automatisierung von Baudokumentation und Baufortschrittskontrolle mit den Prinzipien des Internet of Things. , 2019 more…BibTeX
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Jahr, Katrin: Über Baustellen Lernen – Wissensgewinn aus Luftbildern. Proc. of the 31th Forum Bauinformatik, 2019 more…BibTeX
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Jahr, Katrin; Iwaszczuk, Dorota; Borrmann, André: Combining airborne images and open data to retrieve knowledge of construction sites. Proc. of the EG-ICE Workshop on Intelligent Computing in Engineering, 2019 more…BibTeX
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Eickeler, Felix: „Die schönsten Bahnstrecken Deutschlands“ zu IFC-Alignment. Proc. of the 30th Forum Bauinformatik, 2018 more…BibTeX
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Eickeler, Felix; Mistre, Arnoud; Borrmann, André: Defining quality metrics for photogrammetric construction site monitoring. Proc. of the 12th European Conference on Product and Process Modelling, 2018 more…BibTeX
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Hinterschwepfinger, J.: BIM-gestütztes Anforderungsmanagement zur Kalkulation eines Hochbauprojektes. Bachelor thesis, 2018 more…BibTeX
Jahr, Katrin; Borrmann, André: Semi-automated site equipment selection and configuration through formal knowledge representation and inference. Advanced Engineering Informatics 38, 2018, 488--500 more…BibTeX
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Jahr, Katrin; Braun, Alex; Borrmann, André: Formwork detection in UAV pictures of construction sites. Proc. of the 12th European Conference on Product and Process Modelling, 2018 more…BibTeX
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Luginger, L.: BIM-gestützte Simulation und Validierung einer Bauablaufplanung. Bachelor thesis, 2018 more…BibTeX
Nothdurft, Felix: Vorauswahl von Daten für die photogrammetrische Baufortschrittskontrolle. Bachelor's thesis, 2018 more…BibTeX
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Oelfe, Stephan: Parametrische Konstruktion von Systemparkhäusern mit Hilfe von Grasshopper 3D und Tekla Structures. Bachelor thesis, 2018 more…BibTeX
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Riga, Katrin; Jahr, Katrin; Dusch, Tobias: Baustelleneinrichtungsplanung mittels Ganzzahliger Optimierung. Proc. of the 30. Forum Bauinformatik, Weimar, 2018 more…BibTeX
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Roque Costa, Luis Miguel: Grundlagen der Baustelleneinrichtungsplanung am Beispiel von Containeranlagen. Bachelor thesis, 2018 more…BibTeX
Eickeler, Felix; Jahr, Katrin: Prediciton and Simulation of Crane Based Camera Configurations for Construction Site Monitoring. Proc. of the 29th Forum Bauinformatik, 2017 more…BibTeX
Häringer, Paul: Anwendung der MVD-Methode in einem Datenaustauschszenario im BIMsite Forschungsprojekt. Proc. of the 29th Forum Bauinformatik, 2017 more…BibTeX
Jahr, Katrin; Borrmann, André: Using a Knowledge Based System for Automatic Site Equipment Planning. Proc. of the EG-ICE Workshop on Intelligent Computing in Engineering, 2017 more…BibTeX
Li, Haoran: Neue Konzepte zur Seilmontage bei Hängebrücken - Eine Untersuchung von UAS gestützten Methoden. Bachelor's thesis, 2017 more…BibTeX
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Ickstadt, Carolin: Analyse der Level of Development und des modellgestützten Datenaustausches mit IFC-Dateien anhand der Modellierung eines Parkhauses. Bachelor thesis, 2016 more…BibTeX
Jahr, Katrin: Automatisierte Dimensionierung von Baustelleneinrichtungsgegenständen. Proc. of the 28th Forum Bauinformatik, 2016 more…BibTeX
Krepp, Stefan; Jahr, Katrin; Bigontina, Sonja; Bügler, Maximilian; Borrmann, André: BIMsite - Towards a BIM-based Generation and Evaluation of Realization Variants Comprising Construction Methods, Site Layouts and Schedules. Proc. of the EG-ICE Workshop on Intelligent Computing in Engineering, 2016 more…BibTeX
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