BIM projects winter term 17/18
In Summer 2018, the TUM Craft Race at the Starnberger lake takes place for the first time. The lake with panoramic views of the Alps is a very popular destination and recreation area for the metropolitan region of Munich. The center for watersports of the ZHS (Zentraler Hochschulsport München) is perfectly situated close to Starnberg at the north-west end of the lake. Besides activities like Sailing, Windsurfing, Stand-Up-Paddling and Slacklining there is a private lawn for sunbathing with access to the lake for swimming. For the TUM Craft Race, interdisciplinary teams from Product design and Sports should design and build their own boats and compete in a race. For this reason, the ZHS wants to construct a new boathouse with workshop area to provide space for the students to design and test their prototypes.
Group A
Tsvetelina Ilieva, Zhiwei Meng, Gergana Popgavrilova