Geothermal-Alliance Bavaria (GAB)
The Geothermal Alliance Bavaria (GAB) addresses questions from research and practice in the field of deep geothermal energy. Our research aims to answer open questions in deep geothermal energy and to develop targeted solutions. The technology is considered holistically from exploration to the realized project and its optimized operation. Due to the interdisciplinary research approach of the GAB, pportunities as well as risks can be considered holistically from different perspectives.
In the subproject “longterm. Ensuring sustainable thermal water production”, the minimization of the drilling, exploration and production risk of hydrothermal geothermal energy in the Bavarian Molasse Basin, as well as sustainable reservoir management, are to be addressed in particular. For this purpose, a holistic approach is planned, which considers the interactions of the different influencing parameters (temperature, hydraulics, stresses/mechanics, hydrochemistry) in all scales. In particular, the Bavarian Molasse Basin should be investigated as an continuous geothermal system. Thus, the influences of the different structural units of the Bavarian Molasse Basin on the exploration, development and productivity of the Malm reservoir will be investigated. The key role lies on the petrophysical and geomechanical characterization of the reservoir as well as on the interaction between the building units of the Bavarian Molasse Basin based on drilling data, production data, drill cores, analog samples and field laboratories. The knowledge gained should then be applied in site-specific investigations for the development of prognostic and monitoring tools to improve reservoir engineering and monitoring and to ensure sustainable reservoir management and reduce drilling risk.
The Technical University of Munich (TUM), the GeoZentrum Nordbayern of the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU), the University of Bayreuth, the Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich (LMU) and the Munich University of Applied Sciences (HM) take part in the research association. This collaborative research project is funded by the Bavarian State Ministry for Science and the Arts.