In addition to representatives of the Bavarian State Ministries for the Environment and Consumer Protection (StMUV) and for Housing, Construction and Transport (StMB), 10 housing construction companies from Bavaria also participated. The aim of the project is to investigate the feasibility and cost-effectiveness of climate protection and climate adaptation measures in publicly funded housing construction.
Since the beginning of the project, the research team has scientifically accompanied the tendering processes of the 10 model projects. In cooperation with the tenderers and the building owners, text modules and defined submission outputs have been created. These enable the consideration of measures for climate-friendly construction in architectural and urban planning competitions. The competitions are currently underway, and the first results are expected in July 2021.
The workshop was concluded with two input presentations in which the urgency of the topic of climate adaptation was pointed out. Dr. Burghoff from the German Insurance Association addressed physical risks from climate change and showed how the insurance industry is responding to the issue. The Bavarian Chamber of Architects has expanded its Energy Efficiency and Sustainability advice center (BEN) to include the topics of climate adaptation and "Green & Blue Infrastructure and Municipal Sustainability Strategy", where building owners and planners can obtain free consultation.
The contact person at the chair for the research project is Doris Eckert.