We are very pleased that Dr.-Ing. Hannes Harter, former employee and doctoral student at our Chair of Energy Efficient and Sustainable Design and Construction - TUM School of Engineering and Design - has won first place in the architecture category with his dissertation and congratulate him on this success. Dr.-Ing. Hannes Harter successfully completed his dissertation entitled "Life Cycle Analysis of Technical Building Equipment of Large Residential Building Stocks Based on Semantic 3D Urban Models" in October 2021 (https://mediatum.ub.tum.de/603803?show_id=1610979).
We also congratulate all other winners in the same and other categories (https://www.ed.tum.de/en/ed/news-single-view-start/article/tum-school-ed-erfolgreich-bei-nachwuchspreis-auf-it-gebaut/).