In 2020, the University Award of the Bavarian Construction Industry Association was offered for the first time. Among the award winners are three graduates of the master’s program Energy-efficient and Sustainable Building (ENB), which is offered at our Institute of Energy Efficient and Sustainable Planning and Building.
In the category "Sustainable Building", Mr. Martin Gabriel took 1st prize with his work on "Robuste Sanierungsstrategien mit Fokus auf Lastmanagementpotential und Energieverbrauch". The 2nd prize in this category also went to a graduate of the ENB program, Ms. Anne Winkelkotte, for her work on "Ökonomische und Ökologische Lebenszyklusbetrachtung von Gebäuden ".
The 2nd prize in the category "Innovative Materials and Designs" went to Mr. Fabian Jaugstetter for his work "Design Tool for Extrusion Based Additive Manufacturing".
The university award is sponsored by the Bavarian Construction Industry Association and is endowed with € 3,500 for each subject area. The award ceremony will take place during an event organized by the Bavarian Construction Industry Association.
We would like to congratulate the award winners!