The Chair of Energy Efficient and Sustainable Planning and Building is represented with a lecture at the "Congress CityGreen: Green future concepts for Bavaria's cities and communities ".
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In the summer semester of 2022, the design seminar on "Social Sustainability in Architectural Design" will take place. Master students of Architecture and RNB can register until 10.05.2022.
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The Institute for Energy Efficient and Sustainable Design and Building is represented at the “MIPIM - Marché International des Professionnels de l’immobilier“ in a panel discussion.
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72 cities were presented in the poster exhibition of the City Indicator Project (module „Sustainable Architecture, Urban and Landscape Planning“). Each city was researched by a team of students in the winter semesters 2019/20, 2020/21 and 2021/22. They analyzed the current sustainability of the city…
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The City Indicator Project is part of the module „Sustainable Architecture, Urban and Landscape Planning“. In this exhibition, students present their results summarized in a poster format where their cities are analyzed and improved towards a livable urban future. This year, 72 cities are displayed…
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Marion Schiffer convinced the jury of the Association of German Landscape Architects with her Bachelor's thesis "New urban and climate-friendly district in Freising-Lerchenfeld".
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We are delighted to inform you about the Final Conference and Stakeholder Networking event of our european research project EERAdata. The event takes place as an online event for partners and stakeholders and online for external participants on the 9th of December 2021.
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The Research Training Group (Graduiertenkolleg) “Urban Green Infrastructure – Training Next Generation Professionals for Integrated Urban Planning Research” will focus on the reconstruction of cities with sustainable urban infrastructures that are in harmony with the natural world and adapted to the…
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The new semester has started. We are looking forward to the following exciting interdisciplinary courses at the new TUM School of Design and Engineering this semester:
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Our chair will go on an excursion to Amsterdam from September 18 to September 26, 2021 with day trips to The Hague, Utrecht and Rotterdam. In a dense program, current projects of sustainable planning will be viewed and discussed together with experts on site.
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