Supporting policy decisions and renovation action to prioritise investments in energy efficiency

Project Duration
01.07.2019 – 31.12.2021
Funding Organisation
European Union
Project Sponsor
Executive Agency for SMEs - European Commission (EASME)
Project partners
Coordinator: TUM - Technische Universität München (Germany)
TRILATERAL – Trilateral Research LTD (United Kingdom)
DTU – Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (Denmark)
KSSENA – Zavod Energetska Agencija Za Savinjsko Salesko in Korosko (Slovenia)
COAMá – Colegio official de Arquitectos de Malaga (Spain)
AEE – Agencia Andaluza de la Energia (Spain)
COP – Kobenhavns Kommune (Denmark)
MOV– Mestna Obcina Velenje (Slovenia)
Project coordination:
Sebastian Botzler, botzler(at)
Brief Summary:
Deep building renovation is providing greener, healthier, more valuable and climate friendlier buildings for all of us.EERAdata is setting the frameworks for it EERAdata is setting the frameworks for it
EERAdata was created to guide municipalities and regions through the complex process of gathering relevant building data for a holistic, socio-economic and sustainable building renovation planning. We foster the transformation and perception of buildings as resources and a cost-effective solution to reach Europe’s Climate goals.
EERAdata is accelerating the implementation of the EE-first principle across Europe by supporting policy-makers to effectively assess the impacts of EE investments, with an initial focus on investments in buildings. There is need to gather the evidence on the benefits of EE in ecological and socio-economic terms as well as on its interactions with the broader policy context and energy market.
EERAdata is developing and testing a decision-support tool to help local administrations in the collection and processing of their building and demographic data towards an assessment and prioritisation of Energy Efficiency measures in planning, renovating and constructing buildings.
This work will be undertaken in collaboration with several other partners situated in 6 different locations across Europe. A mix of academic and business expertise will contribute towards the project including; Technische Universität München, ITTI Poland, Trilateral Research, Technical University Denmark (DTU), KSSENA, Andalusian Energy Agency, KØBENHAVNS KOMMUNE, MESTINA OBCINA VELENJE, Colegio Oficial De Arquitectos De Málaga.
Within the project consortium, The Institute of Energy Efficient and Sustainable Design and Building took the overall project coordination, develops the core methodologies and investigates in the following topics:
- Socio economic parameters and indicators of energy-efficiency in the building sector
- Assessing and quantifying socio-economic and environmental benefits of building renovation beyond energy savings
- Life Cycle Assessment of building stocks and collecting related datasets and indicators for sustainable urban development
- Developing methodologies, algorithms and models for a complex assessment of the building stock and a holistic planning of energy efficiency measures for a sustainable urban transition with regard to social, economic and environmental effects of buildings