Master's and Bachelor's Theses
For final theses, we expect a substantive discussion of our ongoing research projects. Starting from the winter semester 2023/24, we provide a preparatory course: “Einführung in das wissenschaftliche Arbeiten am Lehrstuhl für energieeffizientes und nachhaltiges Planen und Bauen (ENPB)” (EN: “Introduction to scientific work at the Chair of Energy Efficient and Sustainable Design and Building (ENPB)“). By developing an exposé within this block course, you will receive 3 ECTs and be well prepared for the potential research topic of your master’s/bachelor’s thesis.
If you would like to write a thesis at our chair, it is necessary to take this course. Please register on TUMonline if you are interested (please pay attention to the registration deadline on TUMonline). It is important to mention that there is no guaranteed supervision after taking this course. The supervision will be based on the submitted exposé at the end of the course. For further questions please contact Ms. Chujun Zong (chujun.zong(at)tum.de).
Please register for the course in the winter semester 2024/25.