- Bayesian improved cross entropy method for network reliability assessment. Structural Safety 103, 2023, 102344 more…
- Rare event estimation with sequential directional importance sampling. Structural Safety (100), 2023, 102291 more…
- Certified dimension reduction for Bayesian updating with the cross-entropy method. SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification 11 (1), 2023, 358-388 more…
- Bayesian updating and marginal likelihood estimation by cross entropy-based importance sampling. Journal of Computational Physics 473, 2023, 111746 more…
- Spatial modeling of concrete strength based on data. Structural Safety 103, 2023, 102345 more…
- A framework for quantifying the value of vibration-based structural health monitoring. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing (184), 2023, 109708 more…
- Bayesian updating of reliability by cross-entropy based importance sampling. Structural Safety 102, 2023, 102325 more…
- Stochastic efficient global optimization with high noise variance and mixed design variables. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering 45 (7), 2023 more…
- Sparse Bayesian learning for complex-valued rational approximations. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 124, 2023, 1721-1747 more…
- Non-linear structural models and the partial safety factor concept. Structural Safety 103, 2023, 102341 more…
- Bayesian post-processing of Monte Carlo simulation in reliability analysis. Reliability Engineering & System Safety (227), 2022, 108731 more…
- A unifying review of NDE models towards optimal decision support. Structural Safety 97, 2022, 102213 more…
- Inspection and maintenance planning of a feeder piping system. Reliability Engineering & System Safety (224), 2022, 108521 more…
- Reliability-based inspection and maintenance planning of a nuclear feeder piping system. Reliability Engineering & System Safety 224 (108521), 2022 more…
- An adaptive subset simulation algorithm for system reliability analysis with discontinuous limit states. Reliability Engineering & System Safety (225), 2022, 108607 more…
- An adaptive subset simulation algorithm for system reliability analysis with discontinuous limit states. Reliability Engineering & System Safety 225 (108607), 2022 more…
- Bayesian learning of Gaussian mixture model for calculating debris flow exceedance probability. Georisk 16 (1), 2022, 154-177 more…
- Sequential active learning of low-dimensional model representations for reliability analysis. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 44 (3), 2022, 558-584 more…
- Sequential active learning of low-dimensional model representations for reliability analysis. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 2022 more…
- Value of information from vibration-based structural health monitoring extracted via Bayesian model updating. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing (166), 2022 more…
- Series system reliability of uncertain linear structures under Gaussian excitation by cross entropy-based importance sampling. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE (148), 2022 more…
- Optimal life-cycle mitigation of fatigue failure risk for structural systems. Reliability Engineering & System Safety (222), 2022, 108390 more…
- Selection of representative natural hazard scenarios for engineering systems. Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 2022 more…
- Bayesian parameter updating in linear structural dynamics with frequency transformed data using rational surrogate models. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing (166), 2022 more…
- The spatial averaging method for non-homogeneous random fields with application to reliability analysis. Engineering Structures 253 (113761), 2022 more…
- The effect of random field parameter uncertainty on the response variability of composite structures. Composites Part C: Open Access (9), 2022, 100324 more…
- Decision-theoretic reliability sensitivity. Reliability Engineering & System Safety 221, 2022, 108215 more…
- Hidden safety in structural design codes. Engineering Structures, 2022 more…
- Hidden safety in structural design codes. Engineering Structures, 2022 more…
- The ensemble Kalman filter for rare event estimation. SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification 10 (1), 2022, 317-349 more…
- Rare event estimation using stochastic spectral embedding. Structural Safety 96, 2022, 102179 more…
- Optimal Adaptive Inspection and Maintenance Planning for Deteriorating Structural Systems. Reliability Engineering & System Safety 215 (107891), 2021 more…
- Uncertainty quantification of microstructure variability and mechanical behavior of additively manufactured lattice structures. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering (385), 2021 more…
- Risk-based Fatigue Design Considering Inspections and Maintenance. ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty Analysis , 2021, Part A, 7(1): 04020055. more…
- Variance-based reliability sensitivity analysis and the FORM α-factors. Reliability Engineering & System Safety (210), 2021 more…
- Combination line sampling for structural reliability analysis. Structural Safety, 2021, 88: 102025 more…
- Bayesian analysis of hierarchical random fields for material modeling. Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics 66 (103167), 2021 more…
- Bayesian inference with subset simulation in varying dimensions applied to the Karhunen-Loève expansion. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering (122), 2021, 5100–5127 more…
- Cross-entropy-based importance sampling with failure-informed dimension reduction for rare event simulation. SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification (9(2)), 2021, 818-847 more…
- Error analysis for probabilities of rare events with approximate models. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 59 (4), 2021, 1948-1975 more…
- Assessing the Safety of Environment Perception in Automated Driving Vehicles. SAE International Journal of Transportation Safety, 8(1):1-8 (8(1)), 2020, 1-8 more…
- Exploiting Redundancy for Reliability Analysis of Sensor Perception in Automated Driving Vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (21 (12)), 2020, 5073 – 5085. more…
- Efficient estimation of hydraulic conductivity heterogeneity with non-redundant measurement information. International Journal on Geomathematics, 2020, 11: 15 more…
- Conditional reliability analysis in high dimensions based on controlled mixture importance sampling and information reuse. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering (381), 2020 more…
- A framework for global reliability sensitivity analysis in the presence of multi-uncertainty. Reliability Engineering & System Safety 195, 2020, 106726 more…
- Global sensitivity analysis in high dimensions with PLS-PCE. Reliability Engineering & System Safety 198, 2020, 106861 more…
- Reliability assessment of large hydraulic structures with spatially distributed measurements. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering (16:4), 2020, 599-612 more…
- Optimization of site exploration program for slope reliability assessment. ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering 6 (1), 2020, 04020004 more…
- Time variant reliability estimation of randomly excited uncertain dynamical systems by combined Markov chain splitting and Girsanov's transformation. Archive of Applied Mechanics 90, 2020, 2363-2377 more…
- Bayesian identification and model comparison for random property fields derived from material microstructure. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 365, 2020, 113026 more…
- Polynomial chaos-based rational approximation in linear structural dynamics with parameter uncertainties. Computers & Structures (233), 2020, 106223 more…
- Reliability analysis of deteriorating structures systems. Structural Safety (82), 2020 more…
- Sparse polynomial chaos expansions using variational relevance vector machines. Journal of Computational Physics, 416: 109498, 2020 more…
- Bayesian inference of random fields represented with the Karhunen-Loève expansion. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 358, 2020, 112632 more…
- Multilevel sequential importance sampling for rare event estimation. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 42(4), 2020, A2062-A2087 more…
- Stochastic Physical Simulation Framework to Quantify the Effect of Rainfall on Automotive Lidar. SAE International Journal of Advances and Current Practices in Mobility 1 (2), 2019, 531-538 more…
- Reliability assessment of safety-critical sensor information: Does one need a reference truth. IEEE Transactions on Reliability 68 (4), 2019, 1227-1241 more…
- Predictive repair of wind turbine drive-train components based on machine learning. Wind Energy 22 (9), 2019, 1230-1242 more…
- Cross entropy based importance sampling using Gaussian densities revisited. Structural Safety (76), 2019, 15-27 more…
- Global reliability sensitivity estimation based on failure samples. Structural Safety 81, 2019, 101871 more…
- Risk-based optimal inspection strategies for structural systems using dynamic Bayesian networks. Structural Safety, 76: 68-80, 2019 more…
- Assessment and design of an engineering structure with polymorphic uncertainty quantification. Surveys for Applied Mathematics and Mechanics - GAMM Mitteilungen, 42(2), e201900009, 2019 more…
- PLS-based adaptation for efficient PCE representation in high dimensions. Journal of Computational Physics 387, 2019, 186-204 more…
- Improved cross entropy-based importance sampling with a flexible mixture model. Reliability Engineering & System Safety 191, 2019, 106564 more…
- Challenges of order reduction techniques for problems involving polymorphic uncertainty. Surveys for Applied Mathematics and Mechanics - GAMM Mitteilungen, 42(2), e201900011, 2019 more…
- Evaluating component importance and reliability of power transmission networks subject to windstorms: methodology and application to the Nordic grid. Reliability Engineering & System Safety 191, 2019, 106517 more…
- Estimation of the lower and upper bounds on the probability of failure using subset simulation and random set theory. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing (100), 2018, 782-801 more…
- Bayesian inference with reliability methods without knowing the maximum of the likelihood function. Probbilistic Engineering Mechanics (53), 2018, 14-22 more…
- Bayesian Inference with Subset Simulation: strategies and improvements. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering (331), 2018, 72-93 more…
- An Improved Non-parametric Bayesian Independence Test for Probabilistic Learning of the Dependence Structure among Continuous Random Variables. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering (22(3)), 2018, 974-986 more…
- Risk-based flood protection planning under climate change and modeling uncertainty: a pre-alpine case study. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci, 2018 more…
- Managing uncertainty in flood protection planning with climate projections. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 22, 2511–2526, 2018, 2018 more…
- Risk-based planning of flexible flood protection under climate change uncertainty. Natural Hazards and Earth System Science 18, 2018, 1327-1347 more…
- Risk-based flood protection planning under climate change and modeling uncertainty: a pre-alpine case study. Natural Hazards and Earth System Science 18 (5), 2018 more…
- Managing uncertainty in design flood magnitude: Flexible protection strategies vs. safety factors. Journal of Flood Risk Management e12455, 2018 more…
- Probabilistic failure analysis of infinite slopes under random rainfall processes and spatially random soil. Georisk, 2018 more…
- Bayesian updating of slope reliability in spatially variable soils with in-situ measurements. Engineering Geology (239), 2018, 310-320 more…
- Bayesian network for risk-informed inspection planning in ships. Beton- und Stahlbetonbau Spezial 2018 – IPW (113), 2018, 116-121 more…
- Multilevel sequential^2 Monte Carlo for Bayesian inverse problems. Journal of Computational Physics (368), 2018, 154-178 more…
- A dynamic Bayesian network-based model for evaluating rainfall-induced landslides. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment 78, 2018, 2069–2080 more…
- Reliability sensitivity analysis with sequential importance sampling. Structural Safety 75, 2018, 24-34 more…
- Probabilistic Design Storm Method for Improved Flood Estimation in Ungauged Catchments. Water Resources Research (53(12)), 2017, 10701-10722 more…
- Probabilistic Design Storm Method for Improved Flood Estimation in Ungauged Catchments. "AGUPublications RESEARCH ARTICLE 10.1002/2017WR020947 ", 2017 more…
- Erratum for `Transitional Markov Chain Monte Carlo: Observations and Improvements'' by Wolfgang Betz, Iason Papaioannou, and Daniel Straub. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 2017 more…
- "Closure to “Transitional Markov Chain Monte Carlo: Observations and Improvements” by Wolfgang Betz, Iason Papaioannou, and Daniel Straub Closure to ``Transitional Markov Chain Monte Carlo: Observations and Improvements'' by Wolfgang Betz, Iason Papaioannou, and Daniel Straub". Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 2017 more…
- Coupling the cross-entropy with the line sampling method for reliability-based design optimization. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2017 more…
- Bayesian updating with subset simulation using artificial neural networks. Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. (319), 2017, 124-145 more…
- Spatial modeling of corrosion in ship structures. ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, 2017 more…
- Spatial Probabilistic Modeling of Corrosion in Ship Structures. http://risk.asmedigitalcollection.asme.org/ on 05/09/2018 , 2017 more…
- Risk Analysis of the EASA Minimum Fuel Requirements Considering the ACARE-defined Safety Target. Journal of Air Transport Management (65), 2017, 1-10 more…
- Learning soil parameters and updating geotechnical reliability estimates under spatial variability – theory and application to shallow foundations. Georisk (Vol. 11), 2017, 116-128 more…
- Probabilistic prediction of wildfire economic losses to housing in Cyprus using Bayesian network analysis. International Journal of Wildland Fire, 26: , 2017, 10-23 more…
- Reliability and component importance in networks subject to spatially distributed hazards followed by cascading failures. ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part B: Mechanical Engineering, 3(2), 021007-021007-021009., 2017 more…
- Reliability analysis and updating of structural systems with subset simulation. Structural Safety (64), 2017, 20-36. more…
- Capturing cognitive causal paths in human reliability analysis with Bayesian network models. Reliability Engineering & System Safety (158), 2017, 117-129 more…
- Long-term adaption decisions via fully and partially observable Markov decision processes. Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure, 2017 more…
- Transitional Markov Chain Monte Carlo: Observations and Improvements. Journal of Engineering Mechanics (142), 2016, Issue 5 more…
- Probabilistic approach to assessing and monitoring settlements caused by tunneling. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 51: 313–325, 2016 more…
- Efficient slope reliability analysis at low-probability levels in spatially variable soils. Computers and Geotechnics, 75: , 2016, 18-27 more…
- Reliability analysis and updating of deteriorating structural systems with dynamic Bayesian networks. Structural Safety, 62: , 2016, 34–46 more…
- Sequential importance sampling for structural reliability analysis. Structural Safety, 62: , 2016, 66-75 more…
- Probabilistic prediction of daily fire occurrence in the Mediterranean based on weather and anthropogenic factors. iForest, (10), 2016, 32-40 more…
- Bayesian analysis of rare events. Journal of Computational Physics, 314:, 2016, 538-556 more…
- Quantifying the effectiveness of early warning systems for natural hazards. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 16: 149–166., 2016 more…
- A discretization procedure for rare events in Bayesian networks. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 153:, 2016, 96-109 more…
- Framework for Post-Earthquake Risk Assessment and Decision Making for Infrastructure Systems. ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering 1 (1), 2015 more…
- 40 years FORM: Some new aspects? Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics (42), 2015, 71-77 more…
- MCMC algorithms for Subset Simulation. Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics (41), 2015, 89-103 more…
- Assessing and updating the reliability of concrete bridges subjected to spatial deterioration – principles and software implementation. Structural Concrete, 16(3): 356–365., 2015 more…
- Characteristics of the landslide dams induced by the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake and dynamic behavior analysis using large-scale shaking table tests. Engineering Geology, 2015 more…
- Bayesian Updating with Structural Reliability Methods. Journal of Engineering Mechanics 141 (3), 2015 more…
- Reliability and Effectiveness of Warning Systems for Natural Hazards: Concepts and Application to Debris Flow Warning. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 142: 192-202, 2015 more…
- Reliability and effectiveness of early warning systems for natural hazards: Concept and application to debris flow warning. Reliability Engineering & System Safety (142), 2015, 192-202 more…
- Forecasting rock slope failure: how reliable and effective are warning systems? Landslides (Vol. 13), 2015, 737-750 more…
- Multilevel estimation of rare events. SIAM/ASA Journal of Uncertainty Quantification, 3(1): 922-953 , 2015 more…
- Cost-Benefit Analysis for Optimization of Risk Protection Under Budget Constraints. Risk Analysis 35 (5), 2015, 941–959 more…
- Reliability assessment of high cycle fatigue under variable amplitude loading: Review and solutions. Engineering Fracture Mechanics (121), 2014, 40-66 more…
- Numerical methods for the discretization of random fields by means of the Karhunen–Loève expansion. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering (271), 2014, 109-129 more…
- Alpha-stable distributions for better performance of ACO in detecting damage on not well spaced frequency systems. Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics (35), 2014, 29-36 more…
- Updating of Service-Life Prediction of Reinforced Concrete Structures with Potential Mapping. Cement & Concrete Composites 47, 2014, 47-52 more…
- Value of Information Analysis with Structural Reliability Methods. Journal of Structural Safety (49), 2014, 75-86 more…
- Efficient Bayesian network modeling of systems. Reliability Engineering & System Safety (112), 2013, 200-2013 more…
- Stochastic hydroelastic analysis of pontoon-type very large floating structures considering directional wave spectrum. Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics (33), 2013, 26-37 more…
- Measuring the consequences of wildfires with vulnerability and exposure indicators in a Bayesian network. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 15, EGU 2013, 2013 more…
- Fire occurrence prediction in the Mediterranean – the example of Southern France. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 15, EGU 2013, 2013 more…
- Treatment of arbitrarily autocorrelated load functions in the scope of parameter identification. Journal of Computer and Structures (126), 2013, 29-40 more…
- Economic optimization of natural hazard protection – conceptual study of existing approaches. Geophysical Research Abstracts 15, 2013 more…
- Early warning, warning or alarm systems for natural hazards? A generic classification. Geophysical Research Abstracts 15, 2013 more…
- Probabilistic models for tunnel construction risk assessment. Advances in Engineering Software, 62: , 2013, 72-84 more…
- Dynamic Bayesian network for probabilistic modeling of tunnel excavation processes. Journal of Computer Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 28, 2013, 1-21 more…
- Probabilistic assessment of tunnel construction performance based on data. Journal of Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 37 (1), 2013, 62-78 more…
- Reliability assessment of hydraulic cylinders considering service loads and flaw distribution. International Journal of Pressure Vessels & Pinings 98, 2012, pp. 76-88 more…
- A modified ant colony damage identification algorithm for not well- spaced frequency systems. Meccanica dei materiali e delle strutture (3), 2012, 45-52 more…
- Risk Assessment for Design of FPSO Systems. Part I: Generic Models and Acceptance Criteria. Marine Structures 28 (1), 2012, 120-133 more…
- Probabilistic graphical models for flood state detection of roads combining imagery and DEM. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 9 (6), 2012, 1051-1055 more…
- Risk assessment for structural design criteria of FPSO systems. Part II: Consequence models and applications to determination of target reliabilities. Marine Structures 28, 2012 more…
- Risk Assessment for Design Criteria of FPSO Systems. Part II: Consequence Models and Applications to Determination of Target Reliabilities. Marine Structures 28 (1), 2012, 50-55 more…
- Nested Reliability Analysis and Calibration of Safety Factors for Mooring Lines. Applied Ocean Research 34 ( 1), 2012, 107-115 more…
- Nested reliability analysis of mooring lines for floating systems. Applied Ocean Research 34 (34), 2012 more…
- Reliability updating in geotechnical engineering including spatial variability of soil. Computers & Geotechnics 42, 2012, 44–51 more…
- Toward a Probabilistic Acoustic Emission Source Location Algorithm: a Bayesian Approach. Journal of Sound and Vibration 331 (19), 2012, 4233–4245 more…
- Bayesian network modeling of correlated random variables drawn from a Gaussian random field. Structural Safety 33 (6), 2011, 317-332 more…
- Statistics of Non-Linear Stochastic Dynamical Systems by under Lévy noises by a convolution quadrature approach. Journal of Physics A: Math. Theor. 44 (18), 2011 more…
- Fractional Spectral Moments for Digital Simulation of Multivariate Wind Velocity Fields. International Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics 99 (6-7), 2011, 741-747 more…
- Stochastic Dynamics of Nonlinear Systems with Fractional Power-Law Nonlinear Term. Fractional Calculus Approach. Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics 26 (1), 2011 more…
- Reliability Updating with Equality Information. Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics 26 (2), 2011, 254–258 more…
- Reliability Acceptance Criteria for Deteriorating Elements of Structural Systems. Journal of Structural Engineering, Trans. ASCE 137 (12), 2011, 1573–1582 more…
- A new representation of power spectral density and correlation function by means of fractional spectral moments. Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics 25 (3), 2010, 348–353 more…
- Fractional calculus approach to the statistical characterization of random variables and vectors. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 389 (5), 2010, 909–920 more…
- A Novel Exact Representation of Stationary Coloured Gaussian Processes (Fractional Differential Approach). Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 43 (8 - 085002), 2010 more…
- Bayesian Network Enhanced with Structural Reliability Methods. Part B: Applications. Journal of Engineering Mechanics 36 (10), 2010, 1259-1270 more…
- Bayesian Network Enhanced with Structural Reliability Methods. Part A: Theory. Journal of Engineering Mechanics 136 (10), 2010, 1248-1258 more…
- On the use of fractional calculus for the probabilistic characterization of random variables. Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics 24 (3), 2009, 321–330 more…
- Elastic waves propagation in 1D fractional non-local continuum. Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 42 (2), 2009, 95–103 more…
- Risk Based Structural Integrity Management Using Bayesian Probabilistic Nets. Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 131 (1), 2009 more…
- Stochastic modeling of deterioration processes through dynamic Bayesian networks. Journal of Engineering Mechanics 135 (10), 2009, 1089-1099 more…
- A framework for the asset integrity management of large deteriorating concrete structures. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering 5 (3), 2009, 199 - 213 more…
- Inter-generational distribution of the life cycle cost of an engineering facility. Journal of Reliability of Structures and Material 1 (3), 2007, 33-46 more…
- Temporal Variability in Corrosion Modeling and Reliability Updating. Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 129 (4), 2007, 265-272 more…
- Spatially explicit avalanche risk assessment linking Bayesian networks to a GIS. Natural Hazards and Earth System Science 6 (6), 2006, 911-926 more…
- Risikobasierte Inspektionsstrategien für den optimalen Unterhalt von Tragwerken. Stahlbau 75 (5), 2006, 389–396 more…
- Computational Aspects of Risk-Based Inspection Planning. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 21 (3), 2006, 179–192 more…
- A Computational Framework for Risk Assessment of RC Structures Using Indicators. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 21 (3), 2006, 216–230 more…
- A Bayesian probabilistic framework for avalanche modelling based on observations. Cold Regions Science and Technology 46 (3), 2006, 192–203 more…
- Risk based inspection planning for structural systems. Structural Safety 27 (4), 2005, 335–355 more…