- PERMAS-RA/STRUREL system of programs for probabilistic reliability analysis. Structural Safety Vol.28 (1-2), 2006, 108/129 more…
- The effect of discounting, different mortality reduction schemes and predictive cohort life tables on risk acceptability criteria. Reliability Engineering & System Safety Vol.91 ((4)), 2006, 469/484 more…
- Life quality index revisited, Structural Safety 26. Structural Safety Vol.3 ((27)), 2005, 276/278 more…
- Socio-economically sustainable civil engineering infrastructures by optimization. Structural Safety Vol.27 ((3)), 2005, 187/229 more…
- Optimal and Acceptable Technical Facilities Involving Risks. Risk Analysis: An International Journal Vol.24 ((3)), 2004, 675/695 more…
- Time-variant reliability-oriented structural optimization and a renewal model for life-cycle costing. Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics Vol.19 ((1-2)), 2004, 171/183 more…
- Optimization of sustainable Civil Engineering infrastructures. Journal of Structural Engineering Vol.31 ((1)), 2004, 35/49 more…
- Aspects of parallel wire cable reliability. Structural Safety Vol.25 ((2)), 2003, 201/225 more…
- Optimization and risk acceptability based on the Life Quality Index. Structural Safety Vol.24 ((2-4)), 2002, 297/331 more…
- Optimization and the life quality index as an alternative for the development of new design regulations. Journal of Structural Engineering Vol.29 ((3)), 2002, 19/30 more…
- Optimizing systematically renewed structures. Reliability Engineering & System Safety Vol. 73 ((3)), 2001, 269/279 more…
- Numerical computation of mean failure times for locally non-stationary failure models. In: Applications of Statistics and Probability. A.A.Balkema / Rotterdam / Brookfield, 2000 more…
- A new approach for structural optimization of series systems. In: Applications of Statistics and Probability. A.A.Balkema / Rotterdam / Brookfield, 2000 more…
- Time-variant reliability-based structural optimization using SORM. Optimization Vol. 47 ((3-4)), 2000, 349/368 more…
- Reviewing probabilistic soils modelling. Computers and Geotechnics Vol. 26 ((3-4)), 2000, 199/223 more…
- Optimization—the basis of code-making and reliability verification. Structural Safety 22 ((1)), 2000, 27/60 more…
- Non-stationary and stationary coincidence probabilities for intermittent pulse load processes. Probabilistic engineering mechanics Vol, 15 ((2)), 2000, 155/167 more…
- Optimal design under time-variant reliability constraints. Structural Safety Vol. 22 ((2)), 2000, 113/127 more…
- Failure rates or time-dependent failure probabilities in structural reliability. In: Safety and Reliability. A.A.Balkema / Rotterdam / Brookfield, 1999 more…
- Design for optimal reliability. In: Structural Safety and Reliability. A.A.Balkema / Rotterdam / Brookfield, 1998 more…
- Reliability for load and non-load induced strength deterioration - Derivation of partial safety factors. In: Structural Safety and Reliabilty. A.A.Balkema / Rotterdam / Brookfield, 1998 more…
- Time variant reliability of a column under variable loads with intermittencies. In: Safety and Reliability. A.A.Balkema / Rotterdam / Brookfield, 1998 more…
- Computational techniques in stationary and non-stationary load combination - A review and some extensions. Journal of Structural Engineering Vo. 25 ((1)), 1998, 1/20 more…
- Time variant reliability for structures with nonlinear behaviour. Journal of Structural Engineering Vol. 25 ((5)), 1998, 43/48 more…
- Two Basic Problems in Reliability-Based Structural Optimization. Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 46 ((3)), 1997, 309/333 more…
- Polynomial Approximation of Morison Wave Loading. J. Offshore Mech. Arct. Eng. 119 ((1)), 1997, 30/36 more…
- Problems and Solution Strategies in Reliability Updating. Safety and Reliability Proceedings of ASME ((2)), 1996, 111/118 more…
- On conditional sampling to assess the reliability of dynamic offshore Jacket Structures. In: Applications of Statistics and Probability. A.A.Balkema / Rotterdam / Brookfield, 1995 more…
- Synthesis of Session 9b: Random processes, geostatical methods: Reliability analysis. In: Applications of Statistics and Probablitiy. A.A.Balkema / Rotterdam / Brookfield, 1995 more…
- Size effects in fibre reinforced laminated structures. In: Applications of Statistics and Probability. A.A.Balkema / Rotterdam / Brookfield, 1995 more…
- Effect of uncertain system properties on the reliability of dynamic jacket structures. In: Computational Stochastic Mechanics. A.A.Balkema / Rotterdam / Brookfield, 1995 more…
- Approximations of first-passage times for differentiable processes based on higher-order threshold crossings. Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics 10 ((1)), 1995, 53/60 more…
- Combination of non-stationary rectangular wave renewal processes. In: Structural Safety & Reliability. A.A.Balkema / Rotterdam / Brookfield, 1994 more…
- Quality assurance in structural design. In: Structural Safety & Reliability. A.A.Balkema / Rotterdam / Brookfield, 1994 more…
- On the combination of non-stationary rectangular wave renewal processes. Structural Safety 13 ((1-2)), 1993, 21/28 more…
- Comparison of analytical counting methods for Gaussian processes. Strucutral Safety 12 ((1)), 1993, 35/57 more…
- A benchmark study on importance sampling techniques in structural reliability. Structural Safety 12 ((4)), 1993, 255/276 more…
- On predictive distribution functions for the three asymptotic extreme value distributions. Structural Safety 11 ((3-4)), 1992, 255/258 more…
- Zur statistischen Instandhaltungsplanung für bestehende Betonbauwerke. In: Rekonstruktion einer hisstorischen Mississippi-Brücke. Springer, 1992 more…
- Action Scenarios and Logic Trees. JCSS - Joint Committee on Structural Safety , 1991, more…
- Stochastic Modeling of Material Properties and Quality Control. Joint Committee on Structural Safety, IABSE, 1991, more…
- Basis Concepts for Reliability Analysis of Systems. In: Reliability Based Design of Engineering Wood Structures. Springer, 1991 more…
- Wahrscheinlichkeit der Materialermüdung in Schiffskonstruktionen und rationale Inspektionsplanung. In: Jahrbuch der Schiffbautechnischen Gesellschaft. Springer, 1991 more…
- Second order methods in time variant reliability problems. ASME Safety and Reliability Vol. 2, 1991, 143/150 more…
- Reliability Analysis of Mechanical Components using the Stochastic Finite Element Code PERMAS-RA. Transact. SMIRT 11 Tokyo, 1991 more…
- Estimated of Structural Properties by Testing for Use in Limit State Design – General principles for planning, sampling and evaluation for the elementary case. JCSS - Joint Committee on Structural Safety, 1990, more…
- Investigation of the Ergodicity Assumption for sea States in the Reliability Assessment of Offshore Structures. Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference of Offshore Mechanics and Artics Engineering, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1990 more…
- Reliability and Risk Function for Deteriorated Structures. In: Durability of Structures. IABSE SYMPOSIUM, 1989 more…
- Updating First- and Second-Order Reliability Estimated by Importance Sampling. Structural Eng. Vol.6 ((1)), 1989, 223/227 more…
- Structural reliability under non-stationary Gaussian vector process loads. Eighth International Conference on Offshore, 1989 more…
- Die Versagensbaumanalyse bei der Zuverlässigkeitstechnischen Untersuchung von bestehenden Staumauern. Wasserwirtschaft 78 ((3)), 1988, 125/132 more…
- Probability of failure of brittle redundant structural systems in time. Structural Safety 5 ((3)), 1988, 169/185 more…
- Improvement of second-order reliability estimates by importance sampling. Journal of Engineering Mechanics Vol. 114 ((12)), 1988, 2195/2199 more…
- An efficient numerical solution to the multinormal integral. Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics Vol.3 ((2)), 1988, 98/101 more…
- Outcrossing rates of marked poisson cluster processes in structural reliability. Applied mathematical modelling Vol. 12 ((5)), 1988, 482/490 more…
- Zuverlässigkeitstheorie im Konstruktiven Ingenieurbau. In: Zuverlässigkeitstheorie bei wasserwirtschaftlichen Aufgaben. Sonderausdruck aus DFG - Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, 1987 more…
- Reliability-oriented Design of Fatigue Experiments. In: Materials and Member Behavior. ASCE, 1987 more…
- Discussion to: Harbitz, A., an efficient sampling method to probability of failure calculation. Structural Safety Vol.4 ((4)), 1987, 313/314 more…
- Time-variant reliability of structural systems subject to fatigue. Proc. ICASP 5, 1987 more…
- Asymptotic crossing rate of Gaussian vector processes into inersections of failure domains. Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics Vol. 1 (No. 3), 1986, 177/ 179 more…
- Sensitivity and importance measures in structural reliability. Civil engineering System Vol. 3 ((4)), 1986, 203/209 more…
- Outcrossing Formulation for Deteriorating Structural Systems. FRG, 1986, more…
- Optimisation of Measures for Quality Assurance. Safety and Quality Assurance of Civil Engineering Structures, 1986, 91/100 more…
- Optimisation of Measures for Quality Assurance. Safety and Quality Assurance of Civil Engineering Structures, 1986 more…
- Outcrossing Rates of Gaussian Vector Processes for Cut Sets of Componential Failure Domains. , 4th International Conference on Structural Safety and Reliability. , 1985 more…
- Multi-Failure Mode Systems under Time-Variant Loading. In: Probabilistic Methods in the Mechanics of Solids and Structures. Springer-Verlag, 1985, 445/454 more…
- A Bound and an Approximation to the Multivariate Normal Distribution Function. Math. Japonica Proceedings of the AMS (30(5)), 1985, 821/828 more…
- Discussion to: Fast Probability Integration by Three-Parameter Normal Tail Approximation. Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. Structural Safety (1(4)), 1984, 159/160 more…
- On the variability of the creep coefficient of structural concrete. Matériaux et Constructions (17(4)), 1984, 321/328 more…
- Predictive distribution of strength under control. Research Assoc., Institut für Massivbau, Technical University of Munich, 1983, more…
- Equivalent Components in First-Order System Reliability. Reliability Engineering 5 ((2)), 1983, 99/115 more…
- Reliability of Parallel Systems under Imposed Uniform Strain. The Journal of Engineering Mechanics Proceedings of the ASCE (109(3)), 1983, 896/907 more…
- Resistance of large brittle parallel systems. Fourth International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Soll an Structural engineering, 1983Università di Firenze (Italy) more…
- Reliability Formulations for Time-Variant Non-Deteriorating and Deteriorating Structural Systems. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Soil and Structural Engineering , 1983 more…
- Nonlinear Combination of Load Processes. J. Struc. Mech. (10(2)), 1982, 145/166 more…
- Factors of Safety and Pile Load Tests. International journal for nummerical and analytical methods in geomechanics (6), 1982, 409/424 more…
- Non-Normal Dependent Vectors in Structural Safety. - Proceedings of the ASCE (16762(6)), 1981, 1227/1238 more…
- Models for Human Error and Control in Strucutral reliability. Internationale Vereinigung für Brückenbau und Hochbau, 1980, Sonderdruck aus dem Schlussbericht more…
- Quadratic Limit States in Structural Reliability. Journal of the engineering mechanics divison Proceedings of the ASCE (105(4)), 1979, 661/677 more…
- Über die Wirkung von Abnahmekontroleen auf das Verteilungsgesetz von normalen Produktionesprozessen bei bekannter Standardabweichung. Verfasser (21), 1979, 122/124 more…
- The interaction between design and quality control of concrete structure. MIT: Department of civil engineering, School of Engineering, Massachutes Institute of Technology 503 (Publication No. R75-20), 1975, 2/35 more…
- Symposium: Bemessung und Sicherheit von Stahlbeton-Druckgliedern. Internationale Vereinigung für Brückenbau und Hochbau, 1974, Sonderdruck aus dem Schlussbericht more…
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