Integrated development of Alpine watersheds
How to efficiently manage risks posed by mountain streams? This question is addressed by this project carried out for the Bavarian authorities. Processes such as floods, debris flows or mudflows are considered. Guidelines for preparing and evaluating strategies for managing natural hazards in Alpine valleys are developed. These guidelines will serve as the basis for future design and maintenance activities on infrastructure for natural hazard protection in Bavaria.

- Financed by the Bavarian State Ministry of the Environment and Public Health.
- Chair for Hydraulic and Water Resources Engineering, TUM
- Institute for Water and River Basin Management, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
- Chair for Engineering Geology, TUM
- Chair of Geodesy, TUM
- Špačková O., Straub D. (in print). Cost-benefit analysis for optimization of risk protection under budget constraints. Risk Analysis. Link:
- Špačková, O., Rimböck, A., Straub, D., 2014. Optimal flood risk management - decision process in practice, in: Proc. of ASCE-ICVRAM-ISUMA 2014. Liverpool, UK. Link:
- Špačková, O., Rimböck, A., Straub, D., 2014. Risk management in Bavarian Alpine torrents: a framework for flood risk quantification accounting for subscenarios, in: Proc. of the IAEG Congress 2014. IAEG XII congress, Torino, Italy. Link:
- Spackova O., Rimböck A., Straub D. 2013. How to select optimal mitigation strategies for natural hazards? Proc. ICOSSAR’13, Columbia University, New York. Link:
- Asenkerschbaumer, M., Špačková, O., Straub, D., Ehret, U., Singer, J., Reith, C. (2012). Integrale Wildbachsanierungskonzepte – Abschlussbericht der Phase I.
Student projects
- MSc. thesis, Ulrich Schuster, 2013: Probabilistic modelling of design floods based on rainfall data and hydrologic models
- Study project, Francesca Rupini, 2013: Comparison of flood damage estimation methods – case study Bad Hindelang.
- Study project, Stefan Giehl, 2013: Sensitivity Analysis of Hydrologic and Hydraulic Modeling in Torrential Watersheds.
- BSc thesis, Michael Ellinger, 2012:
“Reduzierung von Hochwasserrisiken durch den Einsatz mobiler Schutzsysteme (am Projektbeispiel Bad Reichenhall)”. - MSc thesis, Gautier Tribet, 2011:
“Development and implementation of flood risk assessment in the context of the Floods Directive”.