Past seminars
July 20 | Ting-Ting Sun (Tongji University) | Probabilistic response determination and dynamic reliability analysis for high-dimensional nonlinear stochastic systems via the physically-driven DR-PDEE |
July 20 | Prof. Rafael Holdorf Lopez (UFSC) | A hierarchical Bayesian approach based on bridge weigh-in-motion data for structural model updating |
July 5 | Dr. Felix Schranner (TUM) | Data-driven design of numerical methods for compressible flow simulation |
June 7 | Dr. Iason Papaioannou (ERA) | Bayesian post-processing of the moving particles method for rare event estimation |
June 1 | Prof. Kostas Papakonstantinou (Penn State) | Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes for optimal decision-making under uncertainty: Theoretical developments, applications, and future directions |
May 17 | Dr. Johann Spross (KTH) | Probabilistic modelling of construction time in tunnel projects |
May 7 | Benedikt Schatz (TUM) | Reliability analysis of slopes in Tailings Storage Facilities using a combination of the limit equilibrium and finite element methods |
March 22 | Prof. Kostas Papakonstantinou (Penn State) | The Scaled Spherical Simplex filter with n+2 sigma points for recursive Bayesian estimation and its connection to the Quadratic Point Estimate Method with 2n^2+1 points for uncertainty quantification |
March 15 | Georg Helling (TUM) | Analysis of the influence of hydrological input scenarios on the benefit-cost ratio of flood polders |
March 8 | Prof. Kostas Papakonstantinou (Penn State) | A discussion on Hamiltonian sampling and the inverse importance sampling process for reliability estimation |
February 22 | Zeyuan Zheng (TUM) | Analysis of causes and prevention of failure for perception for autonomous racing vehicles |
February 15 | Max Ehre (TUM) | Estimating rare event probabilities with Stein variational adaptive importance sampling |
February 8 | Beshoy Fawzy (TUM) | Decision transformer for railway maintenance planning |
February 7 | Hassan Alnasser (Applied Mathematical Statistics,TUM) | D-vine-based subset simulation for identifying risky flights in runway overruns |
February 1 | Dafydd Cotoarba (GNI/ERA) | Stochastic modeling in geology and geotechnics |
December 13 | Dr. Abdul-Lateef Haji-Ali (Heriot-Watt University) | Adaptive Sampling for Computing Probabilities and Risk Measures |
November 8 | Dr. Felipe Uribe (Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology) | Prior models for edge-preserving Bayesian inversion |
October 26 | Prof. Yue Li (Case Western Reserve University) | Risk-informed Assessment and Management for Infrastructure - from a Multi-hazard Perspective |
October 19 | Mara Ruf (ERA) | Flood risk assessment of the Bavarian Danube and evaluation of flood polder effectiveness |
September 21 | Max Ehre (ERA) | A tutorial on Stein variational gradient descent |
September 14 | Jian Tan (TUM) | A comparison of Gaussian processes and neural networks for active learning-based reliability analysis |
July 28 11.00 | Daniel Koutas (TUM) | Reinforcement learning for inspection and maintenance planning: A comparison of neural networks and Monte Carlo tree search |
July 20 | Jianpeng Chan (ERA) | MCMC in discrete spaces |
July 13 | Dr. Konstantinos Tatsis (ETH Zürich) | Probabilistic learning of dynamical systems using sequential Bayesian inference |
July 6 | Max Teichgräber (ERA) | Impossibility. What is it? |
June 29 | Nick Pfeiffer (TUM) | Active learning of artificial neural networks for network reliability analysis |
June 22 | Ella Steins (RWTH Aachen) | Quantile Estimation For Transpiration Cooling |
June 15 | Reza Allahvirdizadeh (KTH Stockholm) | Improved dynamic design of high-speed railway bridges using reliability-based design optimization |
June 1 | Dr. Felix Schranner (TUM) | Functional Safety development of an ADAS-System |
Mai 25 | Pablo Ramirez (TUM) | Identification of Covariance Functions for the Material Properties of Wood Using Experimental Data |
Mai 25 | Konstantin Althaus (TUM) | Consensus based sampling for rare event estimation |
April 27 | Guanting Zeng (TUM) | Bayesian inference of Gaussian mixture models with subset simulation |
March 17, 4pm (online) | Dr. Mayank Chadha (University of California, San Diego) | Decision-making under uncertainty in Structural Health Monitoring (It’s still gambling, but with confidence) |
March 9 (online) | Hugo Rosero (ERA) | Selection of representative natural hazard scenarios for engineering systems |
February 25 (online) | Mara Ruf (TUM) | Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis of a probabilistic flood polder model at the Danube River |
January 26 (offline) | Antonios Kamariotis (ERA) | Bayesian filtering for uncertainty quantification of structural deterioration |
January 19 (online) | Dafydd Cotoarbă (TUM) | Risk-Based Approach for Optimal Pre-Loading of a Road Embankment |
December 1 (offline) | Ivan Viveros (TUM) | Modelling of extreme winds |
November 24 (offline) | Ji-Eun Byun (ERA) | Reliability-based optimization using buffered failure probability |
October 20 (offline) | Haotian Jin (TUM) | Computing decision-oriented reliability sensitivity with neural networks |
October 20 (offline) | Qiong Chen (TUM) | Earthquake hazard analysis and cascading effects to the power network system in Chile |
October 6 (online) | Aidan Hughes (TUOS) | Risk-based active learning for structural health monitoring |
July 7 | Dafydd Cotoarba (TUM) | Optimal Preloading for Embankment Construction under Uncertainty |
June 29 11.00 | Dana Khdairat (TUM) | A hierarchical approach to Gaussian process regression with application to engineering datasets |
June 23 | Prof. Matteo Pozzi (Carnegie Mellon) | Price of optimism and pessimism in decision making |
June 16 | Antonis Kamariotis (ERA) | Quantifying the value of vibration-based structural health monitoring |
June 9 | Dr. Alexander Mendler (TUM - ZfP) | A reliability-based approach to determine the minimum diagnosable damage for structural health monitoring |
June 2 | Dr. Iason Papaioannou (ERA) | Elliptical slice sampler for subset simulation |
May 12 | Felix Schneider (TUM) | A Sparse Bayesian Learning Approach for Rational Approximations |
April 28 | Severin Willibald (TUM) | Implementation of flood hazard analysis under consideration of uncertainty - Case study of the Danube River in Bavaria |
April 21 | Elizabeth Bismut (ERA) | Gaussian Process regression in Matlab |
April 7 | Prof. Rafael Holdorf (UFSC) | Efficient optimization approaches for expected value functions |
March 24 16.00 | Barbara Carrera (GSI Environmental) | Comparison of rotation-based MCMC algorithms in a Sequential Monte Carlo application |
March 17 | Luca Sardi (TUM) | Bayesian filtering for joint state-parameter estimation of structural deterioration |
March 10 | Minhao Qiu (FAU) | Reliability design of multi-sensor systems of automated driving systems |
February 23 11.00 | Rafael Flock (TUM) | Likelihood-informed dimension reduction for Bayesian updating with the cross-entropy method |
February 10 | Jianpeng Chan (ERA) | Improved cross entropy-based importance sampling for network reliability assessment |
February 3 | Dr. Ji-Eun Byun (University College London) | Matrix-based Bayesian network for probabilistic modelling of large-scale systems |
January 20 | Marco Kryda (ERA) | Associating sensor data and ground truth labels: An essential step towards validating perception sensors in automated driving vehicles |
December 16 | Mara Ruf (TUM) | Development of a stochastic model for the estimation of expected damage due to dike failure | ||
December 9 | Wanchang Zhang (TUM) | Estimating filtering distributions via a cross entropy based importance sampling scheme | ||
December 2 | Fabian Wagner (TUM) | Ensemble Kalman Filter for Rare Event Estimation | ||
November 25 | Nina Korshunova (TUM) | Influence of the microstructural variability on the mechanical behavior of additive manufacturing products | ||
November 18 | Hugo Rosero (TUM) | Selection of representative hazard scenarios for engineering systems | ||
November 11 | S. Geyer (ERA) M. Stupp (TUM) | Analytical Bayesian update of Gaussian random fields - theory and application to material properties | ||
October 28 | Dr. Benjamin Hirzinger (University of Innsbruck) | Modeling and reliability assessment strategies for railway bridges subjected to high-speed trains | ||
October 21 | Paul Wagner (ETH Zürich) | Reliability analysis using stochastic spectral embedding | ||
October 7 | Cathrin Merscher (TUM) | Seismic and tsunami Hazard analysis and cascading effects to the power network in Lima and Callao, Peru. | ||
September 23 | Spencer Sharp (TUM) | Complex vehicle scenarios through structural reliability methods and fitness functions | ||
September 9 | Max Ehre (ERA) | Sequential, active learning of low-dimensional model representations for reliability analysis | ||
June 24 | Michael Engel (TUM) | Cross Entropy Based Importance Sampling for Bayesian Updating | ||
June 10 | Leena Warmedinger (TUM) | Debris flow risk analysis for Akhaldaba (Georgia) | ||
June 3 | Antonis Kamariotis (ERA group) | Optimal maintenance decisions supported by Structural Health Monitoring | ||
May 11 | Marco Kryda (ERA group) | Reliability Analysis of Perception Sensors in Autonomous Vehicles Using Fleet Based Data | ||
April 29 | Jianpeng Chan (ERA group) | An adaptive subset simulation algorithm for system reliability analysis with discontinuous limit states | ||
February 12 | Prof. Mahesh Pandey (University of Waterloo) | Stochastic Processes in Reliability Analysis: Applications to Degradation and Maintenance Problems | ||
February 5 | Dr. Anneli Guthke (University of Stuttgart) | A unified risk equation | ||
January 22 | Prof. Xiaohui Tan | Reliability analysis of geotechnical engineering in unsaturated soil with spatial variability | ||
January 8 | Dr. Oindrila Kanjilal (ERA group) | Estimation of first passage probabilities for uncertain linear dynamical systems by importance sampling |
December 18 | Max Teichgräber (ERA group) | How the Daniels system can be utilized for semi-probabilistic design at system level | ||
December 11 | Antonios Kamariotis (ERA group) | Sequential Bayesian deterioration model and structural reliability updating using monitoring data | ||
November 27 | Dominik Hesping (TUM) | Construction and Evaluation of Machine Learning Methods for predicting a Multivariate Probability Distribution of Design Soil Parameters | ||
November 13 | Prof. Daniel Straub & Dr. Karl Breitung | Bias, variance and error of subset simulation | ||
November 6 | Dr. Sinan Xiao (University of Stuttgart) | Failure probability estimation with thermodynamic integration and parallel tempering | ||
November 5 | Felipe Uribe (ERA group) | Failure-informed cross-entropy-based importance sampling for rare event simulation | ||
October 1 | Prof. Ji Lie (Tonghi University) | Physical Stochastic System: A New View about Objective World | ||
July 31 | Dr. Johan Spross (KTH Stockholm) | Probabilistic design of embankments on vertical drains using the observational method | ||
July 25 | Prof. Eleni Chatzi (ETH Zürich) | Infrastructure Monitoring: Sense-making from Data | ||
July 15 | Dr. Panagiotis Tsilifis (EPFL Lausanne) | Bayesian Inversion and Surrogate modeling using Variational Inference
| ||
July 10 | Dr. Emiliano Torre (ETH Zürich) | Modeling complex dependencies with copulas in UQ problems: why and how | ||
June 19 | multiple presenters (ERA group) | Presentations for the UNCECOMP conference | ||
June 12 | Dr. Johan Spross (KTH Stockholm) | Risk management perspectives on geotechnical design
| ||
May 15 | multiple presenters (ERA group) | Presentations for the ICASP conference
| ||
May 8 | Dr. Iason Papaioannou (ERA group) | On the advanced line sampling method for reliability analysis
| ||
April 24 | Sebastian Geyer (ERA group) | Structural Reliability Methods: Different methods for different purposes
| ||
April 18 | Prof. KK Phoon (NUS Singapore) | Addressing the site challenge in transformation models | ||
April 2 | Dr. Oindrila Kanjila (Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru) | Structural reliability estimation using Markov chain splitting and Girsanov's transformation based methods | ||
March 13 | Sai G. S. Pai (EPFL Lausanne) | Accurate and efficient model-based data-interpretation to assist asset-management decision-making | ||
February 6 | Antonis Kamariotis (TUM) | Mixed aleatory-epistemic uncertainty quantification and sensitivity analysis | ||
January 30 | Dr. Iason Papaioannou (ERA group) | Global reliability sensitivity analysis and the FORM alpha factors | ||
January 23 | Christian Dörfler (IABG) | Zuverlässigkeitsanalysen für Sensor-Systeme zur Anwendung von hochautomatisierten Fahrfunktionen | ||
January 16 | Jorge Mendoza (NTNU Trondheim) | Integrated risk-based design approach for large infrastructures. | ||
January 16 | Elizabeth Bismut (ERA group) | Learning. Validation. Verification | ||
January 9 | Sebastian Geyer (ERA group) | Probabilistic modeling and the Eurocode: A look behind the Eurocode design and into the probability theory included in the code |
December 19 | Max Ehre (ERA group) | Information reuse in multi-uncertainty reliability analysis |
December 12 | Prof. George Stefanou (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki) | Stochastic finite elements based on mesoscale random fields of material properties |
November 21 | Prof. Luyi Li (Northwestern Polytechnical University) | Research & life in Germany |
November 14 | Prof. Daniel Straub (ERA group) | Decision-theoretic sensitivity analysis |
November 12 | Dr. Mauricio Monsalve (CIGIDEN, Chile) | Reducing disaster risk through data driven research |
October 24 | Hugo Rosero (ERA group) | From Natural Hazards to Lifeline Systems: An Overview on Uncertainties |
July 4 | Marco Daub Max Ehre Martin Fusseder | Interval methods for systems design under polymorphic uncertainties Reliability analysis in the presence of multi-uncertainty The Method of Generalized Influence Functions |
June 20 | Sebastian Geyer (ERA group) | High dimensions - How reliability methods with Gaussian models deal with the curse of dimensionality |
June 13 | Hugo Rosero (ERA group) | Introduction to BERAN for analysis with Bayesian Networks |
June 6 | Mario Berk (ERA group) | Machine Learning with Matlab |
May 30 | Dr. Iason Papaioannou (ERA group) | Identifying structures in high dimensions: The Partial Least Square method |
May 16 | Max Teichgräber (ERA group) | An attempt to define hidden safety and a parameter study on the effects of erasing hidden safety |
May 2 | Felipe Uribe (ERA group) | BUS and the reversible jump MCMC |
April 19 (Thursday 13:30) | Dr. Gian Franco Napa García (Instituto Tecnológico Vale ITV, Brazil) | Towards a robust risk-based design of geotechnical structures |
February 8 | Felipe Uribe (ERA group) | Estimation of the lower and upper bounds on the probability of failure using random sets and dependence modeling |
January 24 | Kilian Zwirglmaier (ERA group) | Reliability analysis using hybrid Bayesian networks |
January 17 | Wolfgang Betz (ERA group) | Monte Carlo simulation: A Bayesian perspective |
January 10 | Beatrice Dittes (ERA group) | Long-term planning for flood protection infrastructure in an uncertain climate |
December 20 | Dr. Luyi Li (Northwestern Polytechnical University) | Multivariate sensitivity analysis for dynamic models with both random and random process inputs |
December 13 | Mario Berk (ERA group) | Inference of latent variable models: An application to sensor information reliability estimation without reference truth |
November 29 | Max Teichgräber (ERA group) | The effect of traffic load model assumptions on the reliability of road bridges |
November 15 | Max Ehre (ERA group) | Low-rank tensor approximations for reliability estimation |
November 8 | Sebastian Geyer (ERA group) | Estimation of corrosion probabilities of reinforced concrete surfaces with spatial modeling and Bayesian updating |
October 25 | Elizabeth Bismut (ERA group) | Reliability of deteriorating structures |
October 13 | Dr. Johan Spross (KTH Royal Institute of Technology) | Toward a Reliability Framework for the Observational Method in Geotechnical Engineering |
July 26 | Alexandra Mitsi (Munich Re) | Earthquake vulnerability assessment of a structure for insurance purposes |
July 5 | Lorenzo Colone (DTU) | Improving offshore wind O&M: structural load analysis, reliability and machine monitoring |
June 28 | Elizabeth Bismut (ERA group) | Adaptive inspection and maintenance planning in structural systems: application and benefits |
May 31 | Iason Papaioannou (ERA group) | A flexible mixture model for cross entropy-based importance sampling |
May 31 | Max Ehre (ERA group) | A continuous velocity process for mildly heterogeneous porous media |
May 24 | Mario Berk (ERA group) | Bayesian reliability assessment of sensor systems– do we need a reference truth? |
May 17 | Sebastian Geyer (ERA group) | Gaussian densities in the Cross-Entropy method for reliability |
May 10 | Dr. Hyunjoong Kim (ERA group) | Vulnerability and risk assessment of ship structures via a Bayesian network model |
May 8 | Felipe Uribe (ERA group) | Bayesian model inference of random fields represented with the Karhunen-Loève expansion |
Feb 8 | Kilian Zwirglmaier (ERA group) | Software for continuous BNs |
Feb 1 | Anke Scherb (ERA group) | Reliability and component importance in networks subject to spatially distributed hazards followed by cascading failures |
Jan 25 | Dr. Hyun-Joong Kim (ERA group) | Risk models based on Bayesian network for ship inspection prioritization |
Dec 15 | Prof. Paolo Franchin (Sapienza Università di Roma) | How modeling of interdependent civil infrastructure networks and buildings can be used towards resilience enhancement and emergency management |
Dec 15 | Prof. Mark Stewart (University of Newcastle) | Risk and Decision-Making for Extreme Events: What Terrorism and Climate Change Have in Common? |
Dec 14 (14:00) | Kilian Zwirglmaier (ERA group) | PhD defense: Reliability analysis with Bayesian networks |
Dec 7 | Mario Berk (ERA group) | Stochastic safety validation of automotive environment sensing: Empirical methods and Bayesian prediction |
Nov 30 | Dr. Shuihua Jiang (ERA group) | Reliability updating of spatially variable slopes with multiple pieces of site-specific information |
Nov 23 | Felipe Uribe (ERA group) | Effects of different prior random field assumptions in Bayesian inference |
Nov 21 | Prof. Mauricio Sanchez Silva (Universidad de Los Andes, Bogotá) | Modeling the complexities in design and operation of large infrastructure |
Nov 16 | Prof. Hermann Matthies (TU Braunschweig) | Bayesian Updating on the Basis of Conditional Expectations |
Nov 9 | Elizabeth Bismut (ERA group) | Optimal prioritization of inspections in structural systems considering component interactions and interdependence |
Oct 26 (14:00) | Ji Yuan (ERA group) | PhD defense: Time-dependent probabilistic assessment of rainfall-induced slope failure |
Oct 19 | Jonas Latz (Chair of Numerical Analysis, TUM) | Bayes Linear Methods for Inverse Problems |
July 13 | Dr. Hyunjoong Kim (ERA group) | Quantifying the effect of inspections in ships considering the spatial variability of corrosion |
July 6 | Marcel Nowak ( Chair of Concrete Structures) | Statistical extrapolation for extreme traffic load effect estimation on bridges |
June 29 | Anke Scherb (ERA group) | Spatially dependent failures in network reliability |
June 15 | Wolfgang Betz (ERA group) | An efficient MCMC algorithm for Subset Simulation |
June 8 | Mario Berk (ERA group) | Reliability Assessment of Automotive Environment-Sensing |
June 1 | ERA group (ERA group) | ERA software tolos for reliability and risk assessment |
May 11 | Dr. Iason Papaioannou (ERA group) | Reliability analysis with efficient sequential importance sampling |
May 11 | Prof. Daniel Straub (ERA group) | Optimal inspection strategies in structural systems |
May 11 | Kilian Zwirglmaier (ERA group) | Bayesian reliability analysis using OpenBUGS |
May 4 | Dr. Shuihua Jiang (ERA group) | Bayesian updating of slope reliability with in-situ measurements considering non-stationary soil properties |
Apr 27 | AdaptRisk team (ERA group) | Project presentation (at Oskar von Miller Forum) |
Apr 13 | Dr. Olga Spackova (ERA group) | How to deal with climate change uncertainty in the planning of engineering systems? |
Apr 13 | Prof. Daniel Straub (ERA group) | Quantifying the effect of early warning systems for mitigating risks from alpine hazards |
Jan 27 | Beatrice Dittes (ERA group) | TBA |
Jan 20 | Wolfgang Betz (ERA group) | Bayesian inference with Subset Simulation: strategies and improvements |
Dec 9 | Anke Scherb (ERA group) | Comparison of network performance measures for network reliability assessment |
Dec 3 (Thursday 13:15, room 0534) | Prof. Jochen Köhler (NTNU Trondheim) | Risk acceptance in theory and practice |
Nov 25 | Shuihua Jiang (ERA group) | Bayesian analysis of slope failure considering spatial variability of soil properties |
Nov 18 | Dr. Qamar Mahboob (Siemens) | Combined handling of interfaces, functions and components related failures for system safety analysis: An experience from railway industry |
Nov 11 | Dr. Hyun-Joong Kim (ERA group) | Risk assessment of ship collision |
Oct 28 | Dr. Nikil N. Pujari (IIT Bombay) | Seismic Fragility Analysis of Containments considering Leakage through the Damaged Concrete |
Oct 28 | Jesus Luque (ERA group) | Reliability-based optimal inspection planning of structural systems using dynamic Bayesian networks |
Oct 21 | Prof. Dr. Giulio Cottone (ERA group) | A probabilistic framework for the optimization of composite laminates monitoring strategies |
July 8 | Jesus Luque, Dr. Olga Spackova, Kilian Zwirglmaier (ERA group) | Presentations held at the ICASP conference |
July 1 | Dr. Iason Papaioannou (ERA group) | Sensitivity analysis with sequential importance sampling |
June 24 | Ji Yuan (ERA group) | Reliability analysis of slopes considering post-failure movements |
June 8, 10:00 | Martina Sättele (SLF Davos) | Quantifying the Reliability and Effectiveness of Early Warning Systems for Natural Hazards (PhD defense) |
May 20 (TUM Institute of Advanced Studies) | Prof. Daniel Straub (ERA group) | Bayesian analysis of rare events (as part of a symposium held at the TUM IAS, Garching) |
May 7, 18:30, Oskar von Miller Forum | Prof. Henry Petrosky (Duke University) | Success and Failure in Engineering |
May 6 | Beatrice Dittes (ERA group) | Making adaptable decisions on flood protection infrastructure in the face of climate change uncertainty: A Bayesian framework |
April 30 | Prof. Natsugu Sato (Chuo University, Japan) | Challenges in codes for actions on a wide variety of structures |
April 27 | Prof. Vaugham Griffiths (Colorado School of Mines, Golden) | Numerical Analysis of Factors of Safety and Probabilities of Failure in Geotechnical Engineering |
April 22 | Anke Scherb (ERA group) | Probabilistic risk assessment of infrastructure networks subjected to hurricanes |
April 15 | Prof. Daniel Straub (ERA group) | The Role of Information in Risk Management of Engineering Systems |
January 28 | Kilian Zwirglmaier (ERA group) | Human reliability analysis with IDHEAS |
January 21 | Ji Yuan (ERA group) | Reliability analysis of infinite slope considering random extreme rainfall events |
January 14 | Dr. Karl Breitung (ERA group) | How to get a point if you haven't one: HLRF and Confucius |
December 17 | Jesus Luque (ERA group) | Modeling of fatigue deterioration in offshore platforms using Bayesian networks |
December 10 | Dr. Dimitris Giovanis (National Technical University of Athens) | Using neural networks in the framework of stochastic structural mechanics |
November 26 | Wolfgang Betz (ERA group) | Enhancements of the Transitional MCMC method for Bayesian updating |
November 12 | Panagiota Papakosta (ERA group) | Wildfire risk prediction for houses and vegetated areas in the Mediterranean |
November 5 | Beatrice Dittes (ERA group) | Climate factor based optimization of adaptive flood protection measures |
August 14 | Prof. Junho Song (Seoul National University) | System Reliability Analysis for Lifeline Networks Subject to Natural Hazards |
August 12 | Prof. Junho Song (Seoul National University) | Methods for Reliability Analysis of Complex Systems |
June 27 | Dr. Christoph Rheinberger Toulouse School of Economics | Risk Equity and Catastrophe Aversion under Dependent Risk |
June 24 | Kilian Zwirglmaier (ERA group) | Bayesian networks for airline flight operations |
June 11 | Beatrice Dittes (ERA group) | Flood protection decision framework with quantified climate model uncertainty and measure adaptability |
June 4 | Panagiota Papakosta (ERA Group) | Wildfire consequences modeled with Bayesian networks. |
May 28 | Dr. Karl Breitung (ERA group) | Statistical inference with no data: why zero should not be equal to one. |
May 14 | Ronald Schneider (BAM) & Johannes Fischer (ERA group) | A software prototype for assessing and updating the reliability of a deteriorating concrete bridge deck. |
May 8 | Ivan Depina (NTNU Trondheim) | Reliability Analysis of Offshore Wind Turbine Foundations. |
May 7 | Prof. Frank-Michael Dittes | Complexity and Critical Behaviour. |
Apr 30 | Jesus Luque (ERA Group) | Inferring spatial dependence from inspections or how much your neighbors say about you |
Apr 23 | Prof. Daniel Straub (ERA Group) | Value of information in risk and reliability analysis. |
Feb 5 | Kilian Zwirglmaier (ERA Group) | Discretization for the treatment of reliability problems in Bayesian networks. |
Jan 29 | Wolfgang Betz (ERA group) | Bayesian updating: formulating the Likelihood for problems with an unknown error structure. |
Jan 22 | Prof. Faidon-Stelios Koutsourelakis (Continuum Mechanics TUM) | Optimization in the presence of uncertainty. |
Jan 15 | Dr. Olga Spackova (ERA group) | Risk-based planning of natural hazard mitigation strategies: past, present and future. |
Dec 18 | TUM students | Final presentations of MSc theses and study projects. |
Dec 11 | Dr. Iason Papaioannou (ERA group) | Sequential importance sampling for structural reliability. |
Nov 13 | Ji Yuan (ERA group) | Effect of Rainfall on the Reliability of an Infinite Slope. |
Nov 6 | Carles Camόs (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya) | Development of a probabilistic model for the prediction of building damage due to tunneling induced settlements. |
Oct 30 | Jesus Luque (ERA group) | Algorithms for optimal risk-based planning of inspections using influence diagrams. |
Oct 23 | TUM students | Final presentations of MSc theses and study projects. |
July 24 | Jan Podrouzek (TU Vienna) | Importance sampling strategy for stochastic oscilatory processes. |
July 17 | Dr. Karl Breitung (ERA group) | FORM/SORM revisited. |
July 10 | Ludwig Drees & Killian Zwirglmaier (Institute of Flight System Dynamics & ERA group) | Probabilistic modeling of top events in operational aviation risk assessment. |
July 3 | Prof. Nilanjan Saha (Indian Institute of Technology, Madras) | Effect of sampling uncertainty analysis of spectra with respect to offshore wind turbines. |
June 5 (14:00 to 18:00) | ERA group | Presentations to be held at ICOSSAR’13, Columbia Univ: A Bayesian Network approach to assessing wildfire vulnerability. Assessment of methods for the numerical solution of the Fredholm integral eigenvalue problem. A fractional calculus framework for the statistics of nonlinear stochastic dynamic equations under stationary non-white excitation. How to select optimal mitigation strategies for natural hazards? Learning a Bayesian network model for predicting wildfire behavior. Probabilistic model of bone structure based on CT scan data and validation of simulation results using the finite cell method. Reliability sensitivity analysis with Monte Carlo methods. Spatial reliability analysis of a concrete bridge subject to corrosion conditional on monitoring results. |
May 22 | Axel Kasparek (Environmental Engineering) | From Structural to Functional Similarity - Dynamic Identification of Hydrologically Similar Landscape Units in a Lower-Meso Scale Catchement. |
May 22 | Ronald Schneider (BAM Berlin) | Updating of fatigue reliability with inspection data using subset simulation – problems encountered. |
May 15 | Jesus Luque (ERA group) | Reliability analysis of bulk carriers using a spatio-temporal corrosion model. |
May 15 | Qamar Mahboob (TU Dresden) | Bayesian Networks for Railway Risk and Reliability. |
Apr 24 | Jan Öster & Anke Scherb (Environmental Engineering) | Canadian Fire Weather Index for the prediction of wildfire occurrences in South France: spatial-temporal data processing with GIS. |
Apr 24 | Stefan Giehl (Environmental Engineering) | Sensitivity Analysis of Hydrologic and Hydraulic Modeling in Torrential Watersheds - Case Study Hirschbach. |
Apr 17 | Sebastian Botzler (Environmental Engineering) | Implementation of an indicator based assessment method of wildfire consequences - Case Study: Cyprus. |
Apr 17 | Panagiota Papakosta (ERA Group) | Probabilistic prediction of fire occurrence in the Mediterranean. |
Apr 15 | Rohit Ranjan (IIT Kanpur) | A Two-Step Approach to Reliability Assessment of a Tunnel in Soft Soil. |
Feb 13 | Filippo Moretti (Politecnico di Milano) | Probabilistic description of corrosion-fatigue and application on railway axle life. |
Feb 6 | Wolfgang Betz (ERA group) | Uncertainties in Flood Forecasting Systems. |
Jan 30 | Dr. Utz Wever (Siemens) | Uncertainty Quantification from an Industrial Perspective. |
Jan 23 | Dr. Karl Breitung (ERA group) | Double or Clump, Restart or Russian Roulette? Some Methods for Speeding up Simulations. |
Jan 16 | Martina Sättele (SLF Davos) | Reliability analysis of a debris flow alarm system. |
Jan 15 | Dr. Elisabeth Ullmann (University of Bath) | Multilevel Monte Carlo Methods. |
Jan 9 | Alessandra Altamura (ERA group) | Reliability evaluation of structural components subjected to variable amplitude fatigue loading. |
Dec 19 | Ji Yuan (ERA group) | Reliability analysis of an infinite slope. |
Dec 12 | Dr. Iason Papaioannou (ERA group) | Reliability sensitivity analysis with Monte Carlo methods. |
Dec 5 | Dr. Olga Spackova (ERA group) | Optimization of flood protection measures - a conceptual study and practical problems. |
Nov 21 | Christina Steinkohl (Chair of Mathematical Statistics, TUM) | Statistical modelling of extremes in space and time with application to radar rainfall measurements. |
Nov 14 | Dr. Giulio Cottone (ERA group) | Reliability Oriented Optimization of Structural Replacement Strategies for Aircraft Structures. |
Nov 7 | Jesus Luque (COME) | Probabilistic modeling of corrosion in ship vessels using a hierarchical approach. |
Oct 31 | Killian Zwirglmaier (Environmental Engineering) | A Bayesian network model for predicting wildfire behavior in Mediterranean regions. |
Oct 24 | Prof. Armen Der Kiureghian (UC Berkeley) | Response spectrum analysis of floor acceleration. |
Oct 17 | Prof. Armen Der Kiureghian (UC Berkeley) | Stochastic analysis of precipitates in a material grain. |
July 18 | Dr. Giluio Cottone (ERA group) | Convolution quadrature and generalized fractional integro-differential operators in stochastic dynamics. |
July 18 (15:45) | Remy Tochon (Univ. Clermont-Ferrand) | Reliabiility of deteriorating bridges updated with visual inspections |
July 5 | Marian Heimann & Wolfgang Betz (ERA group) | Probabilistic interpolation of rainfall data in time and space |
July 5 (15:45) | Kai Krug (Environmental Engineering) | Measuring site vulnerability to wildfires – Assessment Method and Indicators |
June 13 | Prof. Daniel Straub (ERA group) | Designing for wind actions based on time-domain analysis: Achieving reliability with limited simulation |
June 6 | Dr. Karl Breitung (ERA group) | Interval Probabilities for Reliability: Panacea or Pipe Dream? |
Mai 30 | Alessandra Altamura (ERA group & Politechnico di Milano) | Subset simulation for the reliability estimation of mechanical components subjected to fatigue using Forman-Mettu equation |
Mai 16 | Dr. Katerina Konakli (DTU Lyngby, Copenhagen) | Stochastic dynamic analysis of bridges subjected to spatially varying ground motions |
Mai 16 (15:45) | Florian Klein (Environmental Engineering) | Combining a BN with a GIS for a wildfire occurrence model in Mediterranean areas |
Mai 9 | Prof. Dr. Kai Zoßeder (Hydrogeology, TUM) | Tsunami Risk Assessment to support the Early Warning and Evacuation Planning at the South-West Coast of Indonesia |
Mai 9 (15:45) | Jesus Luque (COME) | Probabilistic model of bone structure based on CT scan data |
May 2 | Katrin Runtemund (Baumechanik, TUM) | Treatment of arbitrarily autocorrelated load functions in the scope of parameter identification |
April 18 | Dr. Matthew Lehar (General Electric) Dr. Markus Zimmermann (BMW Group) | A stochastic treatment of high-dimensional design problems. Part 1: inexpensive estimate of failure probability for high-dimensional systems Part 2: computing solution spaces for robust design |
April 18 (15:45) | Kilian Zwirglmaier (Environmental Engineering) | On MCMC sampling techniques for the subset simulation |
Feb 8 | Ji Yuan (ERA Group) | Risk Assessment for Urban Shield Tunnel Excavation. |
Feb 1 | Wolfgang Betz (COME) | Finite cell based Karhunen-Loève expansion for random field discretization. |
Jan 25 | Dr. Giulio Cottone (ERA Group) | Path integral methods by fractional moments for the solution of stochastic dynamic systems. |
Jan 18 | Olga Špačková (ERA Group) | Statistical Analysis of Tunnel Excavation Performance Data . |
Jan 11 | Panagiota Papakosta (ERA Group) | Dealing with Temporal and Spatial Data for Wildfire Risk Estimation: A Geodatabase Story. |
prior to 2012
Dec 7, 2011: Ruiping Gao (NTU Singapore) & Iason Papaioannou (ERA Group)
Stochastic response of very large floating structures in random seas
Nov 23, 2011: Marian Heimann (Environmental Engineering)
Bayesian Integration of Radar Rainfall into Point Measurements
Nov 23, 2011: Sebastian Weckmann (Environmental Engineering)
Spatial Data in Environmental Health Risk Assessment
Nov 9, 2011: Dimitra Filippopoulou (COME)
Multimodal Pushover Analysis
Nov 2, 2011: Alessandra Altamura (Politechnico di Milano & ERA Group)
Reliability evaluation of tubular mechanical components containing flaws subjected to variable amplitudes loading
Oct 26, 2011: Prof. Dr. Daniel Straub (ERA Group)
Reliability Acceptance Criteria for Deteriorating Structures
July 27, 2011: Caroline Guggenberger (BSc Environmental Engineering)
Development of Criteria for Route Selection Regarding Safe CO2 Transmission in Pipeline Systems
July 27, 2011: Gautier Tribet (MSc Environmental Engineering)
Development and Implementation of Flood Risk Maps in the Context of the EU Directive 2007/60/EC
July 20, 2011: Johannes Fischer & Silvia Kessler (ERA Group & Center for Building Materials)
Spatial corrosion reliability conditional on multiple measurements
July 6, 2011: Dr. Chin Man Mok (AMEC Geomatrix, Oakland)
Applications of probabilistic methods in geo/hydro engineering
June 30, 2011: Dr. Chin Man Mok (AMEC Geomatrix, Oakland)
Applications of probabilistic methods in geo/hydro engineering
June 15, 2011: Dr. Andreas Joanni (Siemens, Munich)
Application of SORM to option pricing
June 8, 2011: Iason Papaioannou (ERA Group)
Stochastic hydroelastic analysis of very large floating structures
May 25, 2011: Daniel Frey (Chair of Remote Sensing Technology, TUM)
Damage assessment in remote sensing using probabilistic graphical models
May 18, 2011: Sebastian Neuefeind (BSc Environmental Engineering)
Regressionsanalyse als Mittel zur Vorhersage der Auftretenswahrscheinlichkeit von Großflächenbränden im Mediterranen Raum
May 18, 2011: Steve Schäfer (BSc Environmental Engineering)
Abschätzung des Einflusses von Wetterbedingungen auf das Auftreten von Waldbränden, unter der Verwendung des Canadian Forest Fire Weather Index System
May 11, 2011: Prof. Dr. Daniel Straub (ERA Group)
Modelling dependence in seismic fragility
Feb 16, 2011: Gautier Tribet (MSc Environmental Engineering),
Assessing uncertainty in hydrological forecasting: Application to the Bavarian Danube catchment
Feb 9, 2011: Panagiota Papakosta (ERA group),
Not observable? Learning a Bayesian network for wildfires with hidden variables: The Expectation-Maximization Algorithm
Feb 2, 2011: Marian Heimann & Sebastian Weckmann (MSc Environmental Engineering)
Risk-based feasability study for use of marine energy in Brazil
Jan 26, 2011: Kai Osterminski (Center for Building Materials, TUM),
Full-probabilistic modelling of corrosion propagation
Jan 19, 2011: Simona Miraglia (ERA group),
How robust is my structural system? A case study on different timber roof systems
Jan 12, 2011: Iason Papaioannou (Chair of Computation in Engineering, TUM)
Embedded domain discretiztion of random fields
Dec 8, 2010: Olga Spackova (Czech Technical University, Prague)
Modelling tunnel excavation processes with Bayesian networks
Dec 1, 2010: Max Huber (University of Stuttgart)
Evaluation of spatial variability in geotechnical engineering: state of the art and perspectives
Nov 10, 2010: Dr. Giulio Cottone (University of Palermo & ERA group),
Fractional Differential Operators: a Brief Introduction with Application to Probability
Oct 27, 2010: Dr. Karl Breitung
Asymptotic reliability analysis and SORM : a First-Hand Account
Oct 20, 2010: Dr. David Delgado-Hernández (University of the State of México, UAEM)
Earth Dam Risk Assessment: A Case Study in Mexico
July 21, 2010: Christina Steinkohl (Chair of Mathematical Statistics, TUM),
Extreme Value Modelling of Wind Speed Data
July 7, 2010: Simona Miraglia (ERA group),
Risk-based assessment of timber roof structures
June 30, 2010: Panagiota Papakosta, (ERA group),
GIS-based wildfire risk analysis using Bayesian networks
June 23, 2010: Johannes Fischer (ERA group),
Reliability-based planning of inspections in RC structures
June 9, 2010: Olga Spackova (Czeck Technical University, Prague)
Risk Management of Tunnel Projects
June 2, 2010: Daniel Frey (Chair of Remote Sensing Technology, TUM)
Damage assessment system of infrastructural objects using multi-sensorial remote sensing techniques
May 26, 2010: Katrin Runtemund (Chair of Structural Mechanics, TUM),
Bayesian approach to the Kalman filter
May 12, 2010: Sylvia Kessler (Center for Building Materials, TUM),
Accuracy of potential mapping and updating of life cycle prediction for reinforced concrete structures
April 28, 2010: Prof. Daniel Straub (ERA group),
Dynamic Bayesian networks for stochastic modeling of deterioration processes
March 2, 2010: Qamar Mahboob (ERA group),
Review of methods for risk‐based safety analysis of railway systems