Master theses projects
We offer B.Sc. and M.Sc. theses that are typically related to ongoing research projects. Check out the research page for a description of ongoing research projects.
A number of current MSc theses proposals are listed below. Alternatively, students can propose a project on their own, or together with a company, or projects can also be available upon direct request.
We typically require that you successfully completed one of our classes. Exceptions can be made if you can demonstrate that you have acquired the relevant knowledge elsewhere.
For students following the Engineering Risk and Reliability specialization (civil engineering) or the specialization Environmental Hazards and Risk (environmental engineering), contact Kai Cheng if no suitable topic is proposed below.
Please always attach your transcript of records to your application email.
Contact Kai Cheng or Prof. Straub for further information.
Current proposals for Master/Bachelor theses and Study projects
Example past Master Theses
- Seismic Risk Assessment of Distributed Infrastructure Systems with Spatial Correlation: Case Study Lima Water Distribution Network (Nicolas Villegas, 2024)
- Probabilistic Seismic Risk Analysis for Residential Buildings in Lima and Callao, Peru (Maya Tohmaz, 2024)
- Efficient Estimation of Reliability of Uncertain Linear Structural Systems under Random Dynamic Loading (Ajdin Tatarevic, 2024)
- Analysis and Prevention of Failure in Perception for Autonomous Racing Vehicles (Zeyuan Zheng, 2023)
- Active Learning of Artificial Neural Networks for Network Reliability Analysis (Nick Pfeiffer, 2022)
- Reinforcement Learning for Inspection and Maintenance Planning – A Comparison of Neural Networks and Monte Carlo (Daniel Koutas, 2022)
- Risk-Based Decision Making in Geotechnical Engineering - Optimal Pre-Loading of an Embankment (Dafydd Cotoarbă, 2022)
- Sparse Estimation of Covariance Matrix (Mohamed Kerish, 2021)
- Implementation of flood hazard analysis under consideration of levee failure – Case study of Danube River in Bavaria (Severin Willibald, 2021)
- Bayesian filtering for joint state and parameter estimation of structural deterioration (Luca Sardi, 2021)
- Estimating Filtering Distributions via a Cross Entropy based Importance Sampling Scheme (Wanchang Zhang, 2021)
- Debris Flow Risk Analysis for Akhaldaba, Georgia (Leena Warmedinger, 2020)
- Seismic and Tsunami Hazard Analysis and cascading Effects to the Power Network in Lima and Callao, Peru (Cathrin Merscher, 2020)
- Reliability Assessment of Complex Vehicle Scenarios with Subset Simulation (Spencer Sharp, 2020)
- Black box optimization via Bayesian methods (Aleksei Minkin, 2020)
- Construction and Evaluation of Machine Learning Models for Predicting a Multivariate Probability Distribution of Design Soil Parameters (Dominik Hesping, 2020)
- Multi-hazard volcano analysis and its cascading effects in power networks in Ecuador (Sebastian Averdunk, 2019)
- Wildfire in Southern British Columbia: Probabilistic Assessment and Simulation (Maximilian Wittmann, 2019)
- Visualization of random fields and their influence on modeling uncertainties in reliability analysis (Melina Rohne, 2019)
- Sequential decision problems with uncertain observations: Value of Information with erroneous assumptions (Florian Noichl, 2019)
- Stochastic Discounted Cash Flow Analysis for Valuation of a Commercial Real Estate Investment (Cesar D. Meyer-Cristiani, 2019)
- Mixed aleatory-epistemic uncertainty quantification and sensitivity analysis (Antonis Kamariotis, 2019)
- Optimizing Quality Assurance Measures with the Cross-Entropy Method for flexible manufacturing scenarios (Tobias Zeh, 2018)
- The influence of measurement error and modeling error in Bayesian inference: An exemplary comparison for a selected beam model (Jiyi Wu, 2018)
- Propagation of Multi-hazard Damages in Interdependent Lifeline Systems in the Valparaíso Region, Chile (Amelie Hoffmann, 2018)
- Sequential Importance Sampling with a flexible mixture model (Emily Schran, 2018)
- Uncertainty Propagation in Telemac-2D Dam Failures Modelling and Downstream Hazard Potential Assessment (Layla Assila, 2018)
- Identification of Flood Loss Event Scenarios for Monitoring Accumulations in Property Insurance (Jaime Vigil, 2018)
- Probabilistic discharge prediction for a flood warning system (Martina Raffellini, 2018)
- Beitrag zu modifizierten Sicherheitselementen für objektspezifische Verkerslastansätze in der Brückennachrechnung (Alexandra Lipp, 2018)
- Traditional and approximate Bayesian computations with applications to random fields (Junyi Jiang, 2018)
- Statistical Methods for Parameter Identification of Temperature Dependent Viscoelastic Models (Hugo Rosero, 2018)
- Stochastic Analysis of Fractional Hysteretic Behaviour (Sebastian Kaltenbach, 2017)
- First Passage Probability for Linear Stochastic Dynamical Systems (Eftychia Massali, 2017)
- Bayesian identification of cross laminated timber plates using surrogate models (Felix Schneider, 2017)
- Subset Simulation and Moving Particles methods for reliability analysis (Matthias Willer, 2017)
- Modeling the effect of precipitation on automotive LIDAR detection capability (Michael Dura, 2017)
- Optimizing flexible infrastructure designs via partially observable Markov decision processes (Wanying Liu, 2017)
- Comparing sources of uncertainty in flood risk estimation - case study in Rosenheim (Negin Ebrahimian, 2017)
- Design Flood Estimation in Bavarian Alpine (and sub-Alpine) Catchments (Simon Mrowietz, 2017)
- Stiffness and damage identification by Bayesian updating of a multi-component steel frame (Philip Teichgräber, 2017)
- Updating of small probabilities using hybrid Bayesian networks (Zhibin Cheng, 2017)
- Cross Entropy Method for Structural Reliability (Sebastian Geyer, 2016)
- MCMC in Subset Simulation: Optimizing the ESJD by means of an importance sampling strategy (Steve Schäfer, 2016)
- Structural reliability and parameter identification of bridge systems using Bayesian updating (Joshua Schorr, 2016)
- Analysis of spatial correlation patterns of European storm events and their effect on infrastructure network reliability (Michael Neumayer, 2016)
- Identification and Analysis of Serial Clustering of North Atlantic Winter Storms (Annemarie Büttner, 2016)
- Bayesian Updating of Stochastic Differential Equation (Lidan Jin, 2015)
- Analysis of storm surge risks associated with climate change (Andrea Reimuth, 2015)
- Application of Subset Simulation to Hydraulic Tomography (Barbara Rudnick, 2015)
- Application of FORM to Hydraulic Tomography (Josef Wildgruber, 2015)
- Probabilistic Modeling Of Design Floods Including Parameter Uncertainties (Mario Berk, 2015)
- Categorization and modelling of flood protection measures for risk-based optimizatiom (Michael Ellinger, 2015)
- Reliability analysis for tunnel-induced settlements on the adjacent building (Xiaolong Du, 2015)
- Bayesian updating of numerical models: Comparison of the BUSS and DREAM algorithm (Florian Senft, 2015)
- Risk Assessment and Underwriting Recommendations for Flood-prone Construction Projects (Kai Krug, 2014, collaboration with Munich RE)
- Multi-objective decision support tool for monitoring and maintenance of water distribution systems (Tobias Schittenhelm, 2014)
- Updating small probabilities using hybrid Bayesian networks
- Bayesian Updating in Model Prediction.
- Bayesian Calibration of Deterministic Avalanche, Debris Flow and Rockfall Models (collaboration with SLF Davos).
- Weighting of climate scenarios for extreme precipitation events.
- Probabilistic modelling of design floods based on rainfall data and hydrologic models (Ulrich Schuster, 2013)
- Bayesian Updating in Model Prediction (Niousha Taherzadeh, 2013)
- Stochastic deterioration models for highway bridges (Mariana Cruz, 2013)
- Reliability analysis of vessels using a spatio-temporal corrosion model (Jesus Luque, 2012)
- Finite cell based Karhunen-Loève expansion for random field discretization (Wolfgang Betz, 2011)
- Bayesian Integration of Radar Rainfall into Point Measurements (Marian Heimann, 2011)
- Spatial Data in Environmental Health Risk Assessment (Sebastian Weckmann, 2011)
- Multimodal Pushover Analysis (Dimitra Filippopoulou, 2011)
- Development and Implementation of Flood Risk Maps in the Context of the EU Directive 2007/60/EC (Gautier Tribet, 2011, in collaboration with Landesamt für Umwelt)