Anke Scherb, M.Sc.
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E-Mail: anke.scherb@tum.de
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Curriculum Vitae
- Since 2014 PhD student at the Engineering Risk Analysis Group, TUM
- 2011-2014 M.Sc. in Environmental Engineering, TUM
- 2011-2012 Study stay at Technical University Denmark (DTU)
- 2007-2011 B.Sc. in Environmental Engineering, TUM
- Risk assessment of infrastructure networks
- Bayesian Networks for modeling risk from natural hazards
- Coupling Bayesian Networks with geographic information systems (GIS)
- Network reliability analysis
- SoSe 15, 16 and 17: Engineering Data Analysis with Matlab
- WS 15/16: Teaching assistant for the lecture “Reliability of Engineering Systems”
- Supervision of student projects
- Multi-objective decision support tool for monitoring and maintenance of water distribution systems (Schittenhelm T., 2014)
- Analysis of storm surge risks associated with climate change (Andrea Reimuth, 2015)
- Identification and Analysis of Serial Clustering of North Atlantic Winter Storms (Annemarie Büttner, 2016)
- Analysis of spatial correlation patterns of European storm events and their effect on infrastructure network reliability (Michael Neumayer, 2016)
- Network reliability in the context of selected network properties (Paul Sieber, 2016) Reliability and Component Importance of a “Distributed Generators” integrated power grid (Paul-Emile Skler, 2017)
Scherb A., Garrè L., Straub D. (2017). Component importance in power grids subject to natural hazards and cascading failure events. European Safety and Reliability, ESREL, Jun 18-22 2017, Portorož.
Scherb, A., Garrè, L., and Straub, D. (2017). Reliability and Component Importance in Networks Subject to Spatially Distributed Hazards Followed by Cascading Failures. ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part B: Mechanical Engineering, 3(2), 021007-021007-021009.
Scherb A., Garrè L., Yang Y., Straub D. (2016). Component importance in infrastructure networks subject to spatially distributed hazards. European Safety and Reliability, ESREL, Sep 25-29 2016, Glasgow.
Scherb A., Garrè L., Straub D. (2015). Risk assessment of power networks subjected to hurricanes including climate change effects. European Climate Change Adaption Conference, ECCA, May 12-14 2015, Copenhagen.
Scherb A., Garrè L., Straub D. (2015). Probabilistic Risk Assessment of Infrastructure Networks Subjected to Hurricanes. 12th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering, ICASP1, July 12-15, 2015, Vancouver.
Scherb A., Papakosta P., Straub D. (2014). Coupling of Bayesian Networks (BN) with GIS for wildfire risk assessment on natural and agricultural areas of the Mediterranean. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 16, EGU 2014-3035-1, EGU General Assembly 2014, Vienna
Papakosta P., Scherb A., Straub D. (2013), Wildfire risk estimation by a Bayesian Network model – Example from a Mediterranean region. Fifth Annual Conference of the Australian Bayesian Network Modeling Society (ABNMS2013), 27th November 2013, University of Tasmania
Papakosta P., Öster J., Scherb A., Straub D. (2013). Fire occurrence prediction in the Mediterranean: Application to Southern France. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 15, EGU 2013-6336-1, EGU General Assembly 2013, Vienna