Ing. Olga Špačková, Ph.D.
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E-Mail: olga.spackova@tum.de
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Positions held
- Since 2018: Senior Data Scientist at KONUX
- 2011-2018: Senior researcher in ERA Group, TUM
- 2008-2011: Scientific staff at CTU Prague
- 2008-2010: Trainee (3 months) and external consultant, Grontmij b.v., Utrecht, the Netherlands
- 2007-2008: Senior assistant for real estate valuation, Tacoma Consulting a.s., Prague
- 2006-2007: Trainee, construction company METROSTAV a.s., Plzen
- 2007-12: Doctoral student, Fac. of Civil Engineering, CTU Prague
- 2002-2007: Master degree, Fac. of Civil Engineering, CTU Prague
Research stays, courses, awards
- 2015-16: IGSSE TUM postdoc fellowship for 1-year, topic: Quantification and optimization of adaptive risk mitigation
- 2014: visiting researcher at University of Colorado, Boulder, host Prof. Ross Corotis
- 2013: Belpasso international summer school on Financing Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Adaptation, Belpasso, Italy
- 2010: visiting researcher at TU München (funded by DAAD and Bayhost)
- 2009: LARAM School, International school of LAndslide Risk Assessment and Mitigation for PhD students (2 weeks), Salerno, Italy
- Risk analysis and management of infrastructure systems
- Optimization of risk mitigation measures
- Natural hazard modeling (floods, landslides)
- Climate adaptation
- Bayesian networks
- Bayesian decision analysis
- Data analysis
- Modeling uncertainty of (tunnel) construction processes
- Geotechnical risks
- Flood Risk and Flood Management (starting SS 2014)
Selected publications and conference papers
Špačková O., Straub D. 2017. Long-term adaption decisions via fully and partially observable Markov decision processes, Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure, 2:1, 37-58.
Berk, M., Špačková, O., Straub, D. 2017. Probabilistic Design Storm method for improved flood estimation in ungauged catchments. Water Resources Research, 53.
Dittes, B., Špačková O., Straub D. 2017. Managing uncertainty in design flood magnitude: Flexible protection strategies vs. safety factors. Journal of Flood Risk Management (under review).
Dittes, B., Špačková, O., Schoppa, L., Straub, D. 2017. Climate uncertainty in flood protection planning. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (under review).
Dittes, B., Kaiser, M., Špačková, O., Rieger, W., Disse, M., Straub, D. 2017. Risk-based planning of flexible flood protection under climate change uncertainty. Natural Hazards and Earth System Science (under review).
Špačková O., Straub D., 2015. Cost-benefit analysis for optimization of risk protection under budget constraints. Risk Analysis. Link: https://www.bgu.tum.de/fileadmin/w00cbe/era/Papers/2014_CBA_Risk_Spackova.pdf
Špačková, O., Dittes, B., Straub, D., 2015. Risk-based optimization of adaptable protection measures against natural hazards. ICASP12, Vancouver, Canada.
Špačková, O., Rimböck, A., Straub, D., 2014. Optimal flood risk management - decision process in practice, in: Proc. of ASCE-ICVRAM-ISUMA 2014. Liverpool, UK. https://www.bgu.tum.de/fileadmin/w00cbe/era/Papers/2014_Spackova_etal_ICVRAM.pdf
Špačková, O., Rimböck, A., Straub, D., 2014. Risk management in Bavarian Alpine torrents: a framework for flood risk quantification accounting for subscenarios, in: Proc. of the IAEG Congress 2014. IAEG XII congress, Torino, Italy. https://www.bgu.tum.de/fileadmin/w00cbe/era/Papers/2014_Spackova_etal_IAEG_Torino.pdf
Špačková O., Rimböck A., Straub D. 2013. How to select optimal mitigation strategies for natural hazards? Proc. ICOSSAR’13, Columbia University, New York. Link: https://www.bgu.tum.de/fileadmin/w00bkd/era/Papers/Spackova_et_al-ICOSSAR2013.pdf
Špačková, O., Straub, D., 2013. Dynamic Bayesian network for probabilistic modelling of tunnel excavation process. J. of Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 28 (1), pp.1-21. Link: http://mediatum.ub.tum.de/doc/1129323/1129323.pdf
Špačková, O., Šejnoha, J., Straub, D., 2013. Probabilistic assessment of tunnel construction performance based on data. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 37, pp. 62-78. Link: http://mediatum.ub.tum.de/doc/1145631/1145631.pdf
Špačková, O., Novotná, E., Šejnoha, M., Šejnoha, J., 2013. Probabilistic models for tunnel construction risk assessment. Adv. Eng. Softw. 62-63, pp. 72-84.
Špačková, O., Šejnoha, J., Straub, D., 2013. Tunnel construction time and cost estimates: from deterministic to probabilistic approaches. Podzemni stavby Praha 2013, Prague, Czech Republic. Link: https://www.bgu.tum.de/fileadmin/w00cbe/era/Papers/Spackova_et_al-FINAL.pdf
Špačková, O., Straub, D., 2011. Probabilistic risk assessment of excavation performance in tunnel projects using Bayesian networks: a case study, in: Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Geotechnical Safety and Risk. Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau, München, pp. 651–660.
Špačková, O., Ebermann, T., Kostohryz, O., Veselý, V., Šejnoha, J., 2010. Expert Estimation of Probability of Failure During Tunnel Excavation. Tunel 19, 15–23.
Špačková, O. (2012)
Risk management of tunnel construction projects: Modelling uncertainty of construction time (cost) estimates for risk assessment and decision-making.
Doctoral thesis, CTU Prague.
Link: http://mech.fsv.cvut.cz/wiki/index.php/File:PhD_dissertation_Spackova_2012.pdf