Mangfallbrücke B12 / Westtangente Rosenheim

(deposited sediments; lacustrine clays) lose
their shear strength due to disturbances of
natural conditions
The bearing capacity of deep foundations
(e.g. piles) is strongly dependent on the
construction method or the influence /
unavoidable disturbance in the structurally sensitive soil
Cases of damage and high settlements lead to increased risks for investors
Mixed foundation of the pylons

-> Pfahlgründung mit 17 Pfählen, Ø 1,2m,
L = 45 m, Achsenabstand 3,7 m
-> Baugrundverbesserung:
- 44 Stichdrains
- 68 CMC Verdrängungssäulen Ø 0,4 m
-> Bodenpressung ca. 15% der
ständigen Lasten

-> bis 3,5 cm
nach Herstellung der CMC-Säulen
-> bis 5,5 cm (+2 cm)
nach Fertigstellung des Rohbaus
-> bis 7 cm (+1,5 cm)
Geotechnical monitoring

Research project SEBRO
Efficient and sustainable construction on structually sensitive low-bearing soils
- Strong dependency of the bearing capacity of deep foundations
on construction-related disturbances of structurally sensitive
fine-grained soils
- Structurally sensitive fine-grained soils often occur in densly
populated regions of southern bavaria (e.g. Starnberg, Lindau
and around Rosenheim) - high demand for more efficient infra-
structure as well as areas for industry, business and housing
- Increase of the efficiency and sustainability of foundations in
structurally sensitive soils in order to conserve resources
- A scientific consideration of the problem that goes far beyond the
current state of national and, in some cases, international
research is required.
- Development and validation of innovative strategies and methods for soil investigations of lacustrine clay as a
structurally sensitive soft fine-grained soil in laboratory and in situ.
- Application of high-quality constitutive models for the numerical simulation of the mechanical behaviour of the
regionally typical lacustrine clays.
- Investigation of the effects of different deep foundations and soil improvement methods on the bearing capacity
of foundations and the surrounding area by means of test loads and geotechnical monitoring
- Investigation of the scope of application of foundations by means of numerical calculations
- Analysis and evaluation of the carbon footprint of different foundation systems
- Fast transfer of the results into practice
- Integral scientific approach; worldwirde unique execution of test loads on 9 different foundation systems within
one test area