Friedrich Levin, M.Sc.
research associate
Institute in Munich-Pasing:
Room 235
Telephone: 089 / 289 - 27146
e-mail: friedrich.levin(at)tum.de
- Supervision of student research projects and theses
- Teaching coordinator for courses within the Bachelor and Master of Civil Engineering and Environmental Engineering programs
- Tutor for Foundation engineering and soil mechanics Basic and Extension modules (SS 12 - WS 12/13)
- Tutor for the course Tunnelling (SS 13, SS 15)
- Tutor for the courses Exercises Advanced Geotechnics I-III (WS 13/14 - WS 14/15)
- Tutor for the course Laboratory Exercise for Soil Mechanics (WS 13/14)
- Tutor for the course Numerical applications in geotechnics (SS 13)
- Geotechnical issues in environmental engineering (WS 16/17)
- Organisation and cooperation in events for pupils
- Time-dependent compression behaviour of sands under oedometric conditions (PhD)
- Soil mechanical behaviour of open pit dumps (2014 - 2018)
- Stability of final embankments above and below water of mines and opencast mines in Bavaria (2018 - 2020)
- Successful DFG proposal: Combined investigations of creep and ageing effects in granular materials (2016)
Geotechnical support and consulting for construction projects, other activities
- Earth static calculations
- FE Simulations
- Review in the field of special foundation engineering
- Supervision of measurement programmes in the field
- Support and conception of laboratory technology and software
Memberships in
- German Society for Geotechnics