Devlopment of a timber value chain in East Africa
Contact: Lucas Bienert, Theresa Blömer (Chair of Architecture and Timber Construction
Start of the project: 03/2023
In March 2023, when a delegation from the TUM.wood-Group visited Tanzania, the foundation was laid for a long term cooperation to build a local value chain for timber products for the use in buildings in East Africa. In East Africa, the expected population growth is one of the biggest in the world and at the same time, the living standard rises. Both together lead to a massive demand for housing. If the current focus on conventional, carbon-intensive materials like reinforced concrete continues, the climate targets will probably be unreachable. Therefore, it is important to switch to sustainable building materials like timber. At the same time, this has the potential to strengthen the local economy, because local wood ressources are abundant. These are not used for buildings at the moment, because the infrastructure like processing firms, know-how and the necessary certification is lacking. Some pioneers like CPS are already building with wood, but they are forced to import the timber e.g. from Europe.
This is where this project comes in, aiming at creating the necessary conditions for a value chain for timber, from the forest to the finished building, together with different local stakeholders. There are plans for, amongst other things, an extensive testing program for the classification of local wood species like pine and eucalyptus, workshops for the exchange of know-how, design-build-projects with students from Germany and Africa as best-practice examples for timber structures, and much more.
Wood panel painting (Holztafelbild)
Development and model application of an 'in situ' humidification method with a monitoring concept using the example of an anthropogenically damaged large-format wooden panel painting
The project would like to investigate the possibilities of the remoisturing of - by low, anthropogenically caused air humidity - strongly damaged cultural heritage in a practice-oriented way. In order to enable the conservation and restoration of the heavily damaged painting layer, the panel painting must first be brought closer to its original geometric dimensions by means of controlled humidification accompanied by long-term measurements of indoor climate, material properties, and wood moisture. Short description to follow shortly
Contact persons: Alex Fröhlich, Patrik Aondio, Stephan Ott
Project start: 01/2022
Einfach Bauen: Realisierung eines Nullenergiestandards für drei Studentenwohnhäuser auf dem TUM Campus Garching

Housing for elderly (Seniorenwohnen)
Interactions of different wood construction configurations on environmental impacts with a focus on indoor air quality, health, user behavior, and life cycle analysis

In the project, 11 single-family houses using various timber construction systems will be evaluated. The scientific long-term monitoring encompass the building physics, recycling and construction parameters by the TU Munich, the IAQ analysis by IQUH and the sustainability assessment by ASCONA, it should be shown on different levels that sustainable and healthy living in timber house construction is ensured even for the target group of senior citizens, which is to be classified as more health-sensitive.
Contact person: Eva Bodemer, Stephan Ott
Project start: 01/2019
TIMpuls - Brandschutztechnische Grundlagenuntersuchung zur Fortschreibung bauaufsichtlicher Regelungen in Hinblick auf eine erweiterte Anwendung des Holzbaus

dataholz.de - Anpassung des österreichischen Kataloges geprüfter Holzbauteile auf die Rahmenbedingungen in Deutschland, Erstellen einer Plattform mit in Deutschland baurechtlich verwendbaren Bauteilaufbauten