Computational fluid dynamics, direct numerical simulations
Scientific computing, high-performance computing
Bauer, C.; Sakai, Y.; Uhlmann, M.: Direct Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Open Channel Flow: Streamwise Turbulence Intensity Scaling and Its Relation to Large-Scale Coherent Motions. In: Springer Proceedings in Physics. Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024 more…
Sakai, Yoshiyuki; Manhart, Michael: Direct numerical simulation of the distribution of floating microplastic particles in an open channel flow. Applied Research, 2023 more…
Sakai, Yoshiyuki; Manhart, Michael: Why Velocity Overshoots in Accelerating Porous Media Flow. Proceedings of TSFP-12 (2022) Osaka, 2022 more…
Sakai, Yoshiyuki; Manhart, Michael: Consistent Flow Structure Evolution in Accelerating Flow Through Hexagonal Sphere Pack. Flow, Turbul. Combust., 2020 more…
Sakai, Yoshiyuki; Manhart, Michael: Development of Crossflow Structures in Accelerating Sphere-pack Flow. ERCOFTAC Workshop Direct and Large Eddy Simulation 12 (DLES12), 2019 more…
Sakai, Yoshiyuki; Mendez, Sandra; Strandenes, Håkon; Ohlerich, Martin; Pasichnyk, Igor; Allalen, Momme; Manhart, Michael: Performance Optimisation of the Parallel CFD Code MGLET across Different HPC Platforms. Proc. Platf. Adv. Sci. Comput. Conf. - PASC '19, ACM Press, 2019 more…
Sakai, Yoshiyuki; Manhart, Michael: DNS of transient close-packed porous media flow: From Darcy to chaotic flow regime. 12th European Fluid Mechanics Conference, 2018 more…
Sakai, Y.; Uhlmann, M.; Kawahara, G.: Aspect Ratio Dependence of Secondary Motions in Marginally Turbulent Open Duct Flow. 16th European Turbulence Conference, 2017 more…
Sakai, Y.: Coherent structures and secondary motions in open duct flow, Doctral dissertation. In: , 2016 more…
Sakai, Y.; Uhlmann, M.: High-resolution numerical analysis of turbulent flow in straight ducts with rectangular cross-section. High Perform. Comput. Sci. Eng. ‘15, 2016 more…
Sakai, Y.; Uhlmann, M.; Kawahara, G.: High-resolution Numerical Analysis of Turbulent Flow in Straight Ducts with Rectangular Cross-section. 15th European Turbulence Conference, 2015 more…
Sakai, Y.: High-resolution Numerical Analysis of Turbulent Flow in Straight Ducts with Rectangular Cross-section. 7th European Postgraduate Fluid Dynamics Conference, 2014 more…
Xiao, H.; Sakai, Y., Henniger, R.; Wild, M.; Jenny, P.: Coupling of solvers with non-conforming computational domains in a dual-mesh hybrid LES/RANS framework. Computers and Fluids, 2013 more…
Xiao, H.; Sakai, Y., Henniger, R.; Jenny, P.: Simulating Flow over Periodic Hills Using a Dual-Mesh Hybrid Solver with High-Order LES. 7th International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, 2012 more…