Geofluids Lab
The laboratory of the geofluids group is equipped with all necessary tools
- to study and quantify hydrochemical processes on a single interface level in microfluidic experiments
- to assess the transport of colloids and nanoparticles (including microplastics) in subusurface media
- to identify and quantify processes in geothermal reservoirs in autoclave settings
- to develop methods for site remediation and conditioning of geothermal waters
The equipment includes
- Raman Microscope (HORIBA Scientific XPloRA+)
- Fluorescence Microscope (Olympus BX60)
- GC/MS (Shimadzu QP2010 Ultra)
- Fluorescence spectrometer (Shimadzu RF-5301 PC)
- µGC-System with online degassing system (SLS GCM Box)
- Ion chromatography (Metrohm 881)
- Quartz-Microbalance (Princeton Applied Research)
- 3D printing lab (Prusa)
- Autoclave system (Büchi Midiclave)
- small electrical and mechanical workshop
- laminar flow box
- wet lab