In the Geothermal Group, under Dr. Zosseder's supervision, we offer a new topic for Bachelor These. Please find more information in the following link:
Untersuchungen zu tiefenorientierten Grundwassertemperaturänderungen im Großraum Nürnberg – Fürth – Erlangen – Schwabach
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In the Geothermal Group, under Dr. Zosseder's supervision, we offer a new topic for Bachelor These. Please find more information in the following link:
Analyse der Effizienz von Grundwasserwärmepumpen in München und Erarbeitung von Informationsgrundlagen für die breite Öffentlichkeit zur Klärung…
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In the Geothermal Group, under Dr. Zosseder's supervision, we offer a new topic for Master These. Please find more information in the following link:
Bewertung der langfristigen Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf die Trinkwasserversorgung der Gemeinde Denklingen und Erarbeitung von Grundlagen für…
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On 28 June 2024, a workshop on ‘Geothermal energy in practice’ was held at the Technical University of Munich (TUM). Current challenges to the expansion of geothermal energy were listed and new ideas and experiences in the field of deep and near-surface geothermal energy were discussed.
See some…
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We are currently looking for an
Administrative Project Manager for the GIGA-M project (m/f/d) at the Chair of Hydrogeology at the Technical University of Munich within the research project funded by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK) GIGA-M - Joint project:…
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Der Lehrstuhl für Hydrogeologie unternahm seinen diesjährigen Betriebsausflug zur Umweltforschungsstation Schneefernerhaus (UFS). Die UFS ist Bayerns Zentrum für Klima- und Höhenforschung auf 2.650 Metern und Deutschlands höchstgelegene Forschungsstation.
Die Umweltforschungsstation…
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The Hydrogeology, Biogeochemistry and Modelling Group offer new topics for Bachelor and Master Theses.
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This paper proposes an approach to optimize the technical potential of thermal groundwater use by determining the optimal sizing and placement of extraction-injection well doublets. The approach quantifies the maximum technically achievable volume of extracted groundwater in a given area and, hence,…
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In cooperation with „TUM Water Cluster“, the Chair of Hydrogeology presented a running project with focus on the development of a new strategy and method for improving the quality of nitrate-polluted groundwater ecosystems. The BMBF-founded project was presented to the visitors by a video-clip to…
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On June 12, the TUM Sustainability Day took place on the Garching campus. Under the motto "MÜNCHNER WÄRMEWENDE - JETZT!", the geothermal energy group participate with the aim of creating synergies and providing new impulses. They addressed the following topics:
Workshop: "Munich's heat…
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Internationalization has become one of the strengths of our Chair. Academic staff from all over the world forms our team. This internationality provides us with international experiences, which are used for the training of our students and to clarify open research questions.
The great thing is that…
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The Hydrogeology, Biogeochemistry and Modelling Group offer a new topic for Master Theses.
More information hier.
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We are pleased to announce that Fabian Böttcher successfully defended his doctoral thesis entitled "Potential of thermal groundwater use in urban areas" on Juni 6, 2024. This significant milestone is the culmination of years of dedicated work.
Congratulation, Dr. Böttcher!
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Art und Umfang der Leistung:
Weiterentwicklung der GEO.KW-Web.App für den Großraum Augsburg und Nürnberg
Auftraggeber und Beschaffungsstelle: Technische Universität München, TUM School of Engineering and Design, Lehrstuhl für Hydrogeologie, Arcisstr. 21, 80333 München
Tel.: +49 89 289 25840…
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Am 14. Mai 2024 stellte Dr. Kai Zosseder das innovative Projekt GeoMaN vor, das sich mit der Schaffung von Grundlagendaten und Konzepten für das Geologische Untergrund-Management im Raum Nürnberg, Erlangen, Fürth und Schwabach beschäftigt. Rund 50 Teilnehmer aus verschiedenen Institutionen erhielten…
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Zur Erstellung eines detaillierten 3D Bohrplatz-Modells wurden in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Referat für Klima- und Umweltschutz Drohnenaufnahmen des Bohrplatzes der MTU durch die Luftbildstelle der Stadt München gemacht.
Das fertige Modell soll zukünftig zur Veranschaulichung einer in Entwicklung…
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From April 15 to 19, 2024, the EGU General Assembly 2024 geoscientists from around the world met in Vienna. Members of the chair of hydrogeology were responsible for two sessions and contributed with more than a dozen talks and posters to this exciting opportunity to share findings, connect and get…
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Dissolved inorganic carbon has been hypothesized to stimulate microbial chemoautotrophic activity as a biological sink in the carbon cycle of deep subsurface environments. Here, we tested this hypothesis using quantitative DNA stable isotope probing of metagenome assembled genomes (MAGs) at multiple…
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In the Geothermal Group, under Dr. Zosseder's supervision, we offer a new topic for Master These. Please find more information in the following link:
Entwicklung eines Güteklassensystems zur einheitlichen Bewertung von Pumpversuchen, am Beispiel München oder Nürnberg (ab WS 24/25)
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Am Donnerstag, den 07.03.2024 trugen Felix Schölderle und Prof. Michael Drews im Rahmen des 8. Wissenstransfer der Geothermie-Allianz Bayern zum Thema „Einfluss geologischer Unsicherheiten und des Fündigkeitsrisikos auf mittlere Wärmegestehungskosten im Geothermal Play-Maßstab“ vor.
Sie stellten…
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