We are looking for several Geoscientists/Geothermal Engineers as scientific staff and/or PhD students (100%; PhD 75%) (m,w,d) at the Department of Hydrogeology of the TU München within the following projects funded by the Bavarian State Ministry of the Environment and Consumer Protection:
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We are looking for Geoscientist/Geothermal Engineer as scientific staff and/or PhD students (100%; PhD 75%) (m,w,d) at the Department of Hydrogeology of the TU München within the research project OPTIGEOS – Optimization of closed loop geothermal systems, funded from the Federal Ministry of Economic…
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One year after the start of the project, we present the first results on the degradation of nitrate in groundwater with methane and hydrogen as an electron-supplying process.
More information here.
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The SAPHEA project team developed a Catalogue of scenarios in the framework of its WP 2 to identify existing basic and complex scenarios for the integration of shallow and deep geothermal energy into heating and cooling networks (HC networks) of different scales. These settings are complemented by…
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In order to fully understand our present climate and to predict future climate evolution, a thorough understanding of the natural variability exhibited by past climates is required. An excellent proxy for this mystery is the noble gas paleothermometer. After shedding more light to the groundwater…
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In particular, the research goal of GeoMaN is to record and parameterize the potential of the "shallow" geological horizons in the subsurface of the greater Nürnberg urban area and further to develop user-specific lithoclastic 3D models and tools for underground management.
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In GeoChaNce we are refining the model of the North Alpine Foreland Basin that was developed in the previous KompakT project (2020-2023) and investigating alternative reservoirs in the mid-depth regions.
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The optimization of open-loop shallow geothermal systems, which includes both design and operational aspects, is an important research area aimed at improving their efficiency and sustainability and the effective management of groundwater as a shallow geothermal resource. This paper investigates…
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Dear colleagues,
We are inviting you to submit an abstract to our session at the EGU24, to join the discussion in Deep Geothermal Energy.
Deep Geothermal Energy
Co-organized by EMRP1
Convener: Guido Blöcher | Co-conveners:…
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Aleksandra's Article "Interpretation of hydrogeochemistry of the Upper Freshwater Molasse (Obere Süßwassermolasse) in the Munich area (Bavaria, Germany) using multivariate analysis and three-dimensional geological modelling" was accepted for publication in Hydrogeology Journal.
The article is open…
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Forschungsprojekt Seeoner Seen gestartet: Zwei Master-Studenten der TUM (Lehrstuhl für Hydrogeologie - Hydrogeology, Biogeochemistry and Modelling Group) ergründen die Ursachen für das Sinken des See- und Wasserspiegels.
Betreuer: Christian Tomsu (, Prof. Dr. Einsiedl…
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This paper proposes an approach to optimize the technical potential of thermal groundwater use by determining the optimal sizing and placement of extraction-injection well doublets. The approach quantifies the maximum technically achievable volume of extracted groundwater in a given area and, hence,…
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In the Geothermal Group, under Dr. Zosseder's supervision, we offer a new topics for Bachelor These. Please find more information in the following link:
Hydrogeochemische Aspekte der geothermischen Nutzung des Grundwassers im oberflächennahen Grundwasserleiter
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In the Geothermal Energy Group, under Dr. Zosseder's supervision, we offer a new topics for Master Theses. Please find more information in the following link:
Thema: Regenwassermanagement nach dem „Schwammstadt“-Prinzip am Beispiel Augsburg – Aktueller Stand und Weiterentwicklung
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In the Geothermal Energy Group, under Dr. Zosseder's supervision, we offer a new topics for Bachelor Theses. Please find more information in the following link:
Quantifizierung der flächendeckenden geothermischen Nutzungen des oberflächennahen Grundwasserleiter Augsburgs
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In the Geothermal Group, under Dr. Zosseder's supervision, we offer a new topics for Bachelor Theses or Study Project. Please find more information in the following link:
Erstellung von Mächtigkeitskarten für alternative geothermische Reservoirhorizonte
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Tamara and her colleagues published a new paper titled: Technical note: Testing the effect of different pumping rates on pore-water sampling for ions, stable isotopes, and gas concentrations in the hyporheic zone. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences.
The article is open access and available…
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On October 5, 2023, Daniel Bohnsack successfully defended his PhD thesis titled: "Hydraulic properties of carbonate rocks from the Upper Jurassic “Malm” aquifer of the South German Molasse Basin and their dependencies on variable effective stress conditions within the reservoir" at the Chair of…
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The Summer School was organised by the Center for Energy Sciences at ETH Zurich from 27 August 2023 to 1 September 2023. We are pleased to announce that Tamara Michaelis from the Hydrogeology, Biogeochemistry and Modelling Group has won one of the five poster prizes at the event. Download poster…
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In the Geothermal Group, under Dr. Zosseder's supervision, we offer a new topics for Bachelor Theses or Study Project. Please find more information in the following link:
Analyse von grundwassergeführten Nahwärmenetzen und Kalten Nahwärmenetzen
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