This paper proposes an approach to optimize the technical potential of thermal groundwater use by determining the optimal sizing and placement of extraction-injection well doublets. The approach quantifies the maximum technically achievable volume of extracted groundwater in a given area and, hence,…
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In the Geothermal Group, under Dr. Zosseder's supervision, we offer a new topics for Bachelor These. Please find more information in the following link:
Hydrogeochemische Aspekte der geothermischen Nutzung des Grundwassers im oberflächennahen Grundwasserleiter
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In the Geothermal Energy Group, under Dr. Zosseder's supervision, we offer a new topics for Master Theses. Please find more information in the following link:
Thema: Regenwassermanagement nach dem „Schwammstadt“-Prinzip am Beispiel Augsburg – Aktueller Stand und Weiterentwicklung
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In the Geothermal Energy Group, under Dr. Zosseder's supervision, we offer a new topics for Bachelor Theses. Please find more information in the following link:
Quantifizierung der flächendeckenden geothermischen Nutzungen des oberflächennahen Grundwasserleiter Augsburgs
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In the Geothermal Group, under Dr. Zosseder's supervision, we offer a new topics for Bachelor Theses or Study Project. Please find more information in the following link:
Erstellung von Mächtigkeitskarten für alternative geothermische Reservoirhorizonte
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Tamara and her colleagues published a new paper titled: Technical note: Testing the effect of different pumping rates on pore-water sampling for ions, stable isotopes, and gas concentrations in the hyporheic zone. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences.
The article is open access and available…
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On October 5, 2023, Daniel Bohnsack successfully defended his PhD thesis titled: "Hydraulic properties of carbonate rocks from the Upper Jurassic “Malm” aquifer of the South German Molasse Basin and their dependencies on variable effective stress conditions within the reservoir" at the Chair of…
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The Summer School was organised by the Center for Energy Sciences at ETH Zurich from 27 August 2023 to 1 September 2023. We are pleased to announce that Tamara Michaelis from the Hydrogeology, Biogeochemistry and Modelling Group has won one of the five poster prizes at the event. Download poster…
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In the Geothermal Group, under Dr. Zosseder's supervision, we offer a new topics for Bachelor Theses or Study Project. Please find more information in the following link:
Analyse von grundwassergeführten Nahwärmenetzen und Kalten Nahwärmenetzen
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In the Geothermal Group, under Dr. Zosseder's supervision, we offer two new topics for Master's Theses.
Please find more information in the following links:
Analyse von Schluckbrunnen in der Münchner Schotterebene zur Ermittlung der Schluckleistung von bestehenden Brunnenanlagen.
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We are pleased to present a new paper series from a collaborative work between TUM, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF), University Bonn and University of California Davis. We worked on the numerical modelling of unsaturated flow and reactive…
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The research work entitled “Optimizing the spatial arrangement of groundwater heat pumps and their well locations” has been published in the Renewable Energy Journal. This paper presents a new method that determines the optimal positioning of groundwater heat pumps and their wells by concurrently…
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Mit der Auftaktveranstaltung am 9.5. und 10.5.2023 in Frankfurt begann die Zusammenarbeit zahlreicher Experten aus Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft für eine nachhaltige Grundwasserbewirtschaftung. Das Forschungsprojekt „NitratLurch“ hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, die mikrobielle Denitrifikation im Zustrom…
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Methane is the second most important greenhouse gas and the increase of atmospheric methane concentrations has accelerated significantly in recent years (IPCC, 2021). According to published studies, methane levels in the atmosphere rose slowly from 2000 to 2006 and then increased tenfold in the…
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Are you interested in a research career and in working at the frontiers of biogeochemical processes? Then here is an opportunity to perform your studies on surface-water issues in an internationally recognized research environment.
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The project PollLCA investigates the impact of pesticides on pollinating insects, where TUM’s focus is on investigating chemical fate in the plant-soil system.
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We are pleased to announce that the research work entitled "Uncertainties in 3-D stochastic geological modeling of fictive grain size distributions in detrital systems" has been published in the Special Issue on “Applications in 3D geoscience modeling” of the peer-reviewed journal Applied Computing…
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We are looking for a motivated PhD student who will be working in the field of methane emissions from streams. The candidate should be interested in biogeochemical processes linked with hydrogeology and is able to perform field work.
For a first contact please send a short motivation letter to the…
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Prof. Einsiedl war Redner bei der am 23. Mai 2023 im Humboldt Carré in Berlin stattfindenden Diskussionsrunde zum Thema „Wasserressourcen schützen – Zielkonflikten vorbeugen“.
Gemeinsam mit Vertretern aus Politik, Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft Lösungen und konkrete Maßnahmen zum Wasserschutz…
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Project start of the BMBF financed project NitratLurch in Frankfurt.
From 9th to 10th of May 2023 the project partners held their first meeting in the framework of the launch event „Nachhaltige Grundwasserbewirtschaftung“.
Anja Wunderlich and Florian Einsiedl discussed with the project partners…
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