End of March 2023, the project executing organization has approved the funding for our WaterMARk application. This project will be performed with different leading research institutions, the Queen's University Belfast, the University of California Davis and the University of Sao Paulo and focuses…
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This project will use a scaled approach to develop a new method for injecting electron donors in a gaseous form into the aquifer in order to enhance the natural remediation processes of microbial denitrification.
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Lilly and colleagues published a new article in the Journal of Nondestructive Testing titled:
Ultrasonic and Impact-Echo Testing for the Detection of Scaling in Geothermal Pipelines
presenting a new method to assess the thickness of mineral precipitations in geothermal facilities which could be…
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January 2023 was a great month for Alejandra Pena. She defended her thesis on „Investigations on methane oxidation linked with nitrogen cycling processes in the seasonally stratified lake Fohnsee“. Congratulations! We had a great time during this interesting study. Thank you Bernhard (Prof. Dr.…
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GeoBOOST - Boosting geothermal heat pumps to mainstream cost-effective and efficient renewable heating and cooling in buildings
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3D Modell Berlin: Erstellung eines geologischen 3D-Lithoklassenmodell für den Raum Berlin
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SAPHEA - Integrating geothermal heating and cooling networks in Europe SAPHEA - Integrating geothermal heating and cooling networks in Europe
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SpeicherCity: Models for the Systemintegration of Aquifer Storage in Cities.
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Felix and colleagues published a new article in Advances in Geosciences titled:
Inverse flow zone characterization using distributed temperature sensing in a deep geothermal production well located in the Southern German Molasse Basin
Already in 2019, we permanently installed an innovative fiber…
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Schlussbericht zum Verbundprojekt GEO-KW: Kopplung des geothermischen Speicherpotenzials mit den wechselnden Anforderungen des urbanen Energiebedarfs zur effizienten Nutzung der regenerativen Energiequelle Grundwasser für die dezentrale Kälte- und Wärmebereitstellung in der Stadt.
Schlussbericht -…
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Geowissenschaftler des Bayerischen Landesamts für Umwelt und der Technischen Universität München (Lehrstuhl für Hydrogeologie) führten seit dem 14.11.2022 für mehrere Tage die Messkampagne durch. Bei der Kampagne werden tausende Bohrungen ausgewertet und an über 5.000 Grundwassermessstellen und…
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We are continuously cooperating with the University of the Bahamas (UB) and the Grand Bahama Utility Company (GBUC) on the island to evaluate groundwater quantity and quality concerning the current state and expected future developments.
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The research work entitled " Improved lumped‐parameter and numerical modeling of unsaturated water flow and stable water isotopes " has been published in the peer-reviewed journal Groundwater.
By employing an improved lumped-parameter model (LPM) approach that mimics variable flow we have…
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Potable Water and Terrestrial Resources on Grand Bahama Post-Hurricane Dorian : Opportunities for Climate Resilience. Int. J. Bahamian Stud. Vol. 28.
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The GFK-Monitor project will develop a holistic monitoring system supported by fiber optics and tracer technology to improve the integrity of geothermal systems.
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Nr. 52 / Freitag, 11. November 2022
Neue 3D-Erfassung des Augsburger Grundwassers als wichtige Grundlage für Brunnenbau, Geothermie und Tiefbau
Mess-Kampagne an 5.000 Brunnen und Messstellen
+++ Mit einer groß angelegten Messkampagne wird jetzt der wasserreiche Untergrund Augsburgs…
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Wir suchen ab dem 01.01.2023 in Vollzeit, vorerst befristet bis 31.12.2023, eine/n Geowissenschaftler*in als Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter*in (m/w/d) in Vollzeit (100%) zur Verstärkung unseres Teams im Projekt „GeoSPOT - Augsburg“ des Lehrstuhls für Hydrogeologie der TU München.
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Congratulation to Fatemeh Shajari for successfully defending her PhD "Characterizing water flow in vegetated lysimeters using lumped-parameter approaches and numerical modeling linked with stable water isotopes". Fatemeh is pictured in the middle together with her superviser Dr. Arno Rein and…
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From October 17 to 21, the European Geothermal Congress EGC 2022 took place in Berlin, attended by project staff and PhD students of the chair.
Daniela Pfrang and Felix Schölderle from the Geothermal Energy Group presented their works in two talks about geophysical reservoir characterization…
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Im Rahmen des Praxisforum Geothermie.Bayern 2022 wurde dieses Jahr zum fünften Mal der Christian-Hecht-Preis für die beste nachwuchswissenschaftliche Arbeit in der tiefen Geothermie ausgezeichnet. Wir gratulieren unserem Doktoranden Felix Schölderle zu dem Gewinn des Preises für seine Arbeit zum…
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