We are looking for a researcher with profound knowledge in numerical modeling of groundwater systems. See more information here.
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Tamara and colleagues, in collaboration with Bill Orsi's group (LMU), published a new article describing the fate of methane in the Hyporheic Zone, Congratulations to Tamara!
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The research work entitled "Assessing Economic Feasibility of Managed Aquifer Recharge
Schemes: Evidence from Cost-benefit Analysis in Poland" has been published in the peer-reviewed journal Water Resources Management.
Managed aquifer recharge (MAR) systems are among the solutions that are capable…
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Further information can be found under Master's Theses and Study Projects and from the respective supervisors.
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Within the project KompakT we published a study which analyses the sensitivity and uncertainty of different methods to correct disturbed temperature measurements to the formation temperature and which proposes a new workflow for such corrections. Although the input parameters are often poorly…
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Mass transfer rates at liquid–liquid interfaces are relevant for a broad range of processes in natural and technical systems. The objective of this study was to characterize and quantify convective flow along the interface between water and nonaqueous-phase liquids (NAPLs). Three NAPLs with…
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Within the Geothermal Alliance Bavaria (GAB) we published a study which proposes the cost-optimal coordinated deployment of geothermal heating plants together with heat transport and distribution networks to simultaneously supply geothermal heat to multiple urban areas. The study describes a…
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Within the GEOKW Projekt, we published a study that introduces a new optimization method for well layouts of groundwater heat pumps. The method is a gradient-based optimization that uses the adjoint approach and allows for continuous well locations and a large number of wells. It can be used to find…
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Congratulations to Dr. Konrad!
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Here we reported 14C-DOC and 81Kr groundwater dating results together with hydrochemical data, stable water isotopes, noble gases and out-diffusion experiments that indicate that the thermal groundwater consists of at least two groundwater sources: a formerly unknown young groundwater component with…
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Der Lehrstuhl Hydrogeologie unternahm unter Führung der Arbeitsgruppe Geothermie und den SWM seinen diesjährigen Betriebsausflug. Ziel war der Geothermiestandort Schäftlarnstrasse der SWM. Zahlreiche Informationen zur Geologie, Hydrogeologie und dem Bau und Betrieb der Anlage wurden den Mitarbeitern…
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For more information, please visit our open postitions site.
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Alejandra's second paper on "Seasonal dynamics of anaerobic oxidation of ammonium and denitrification in a dimictic lake during the stratified spring summer period" was published in Limnology & Oceography, a leading peer-reviewed journal in biogeochemistry. Congrats to Alejandra to her nice…
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The research work entitled "A review on risk assessment in managed aquifer recharge" has been published in the peer-reviewed journal Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management.
The critical review presents the existing risk assessment methodologies for Managed Aquifer Recharge. It may help…
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This edition of Geologica Bavarica is addressed to the hydraulic groundwater conditions of the quaternary and tertiary aquifer in the wider area of Munich. The groundwater conditions in Munich, which were visualised and analysed via a detailed 3D-facies-modelling for the very first time. Besides the…
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The research work entitled "The Di models method: geological 3-D modeling of detrital systems consisting of varying grain fractions to predict the relative lithological variability for a multipurpose usability" has been published in the peer-reviewed journal Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the…
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Alejandra's paper on "Analysing seasonal variations of methane oxidation processes coupled with denitrification in a stratified lake using stable isotopes and numerical modeling" got accepted in Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, a leading peer-reviewed journal in biogeochemistry.
In the 1970s,…
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For the city of Munich, we identify the dominant anthropogenic and natural influences on groundwater temperature and analyse how the influences change with increasing depth in the subsurface.
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The fiber optic cable allows monitoring of temperature and acoustic/strain in the geothermal reservoir and is suspended along a free-hanging rod. This paper describes the effect of temperature changes on the acquisition of distributed acoustic/strain sensing data along the cable that occurred during…
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Lehrstuhl Hydrogeologie der TUM erstellt in Projekt GeoPot 3D-Untergrundmodell von München
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