Ripples are well known from sandy beaches and river sediments. The Geofluids group took a close look at cemented ripples from a geothermal power plant. Here, precipitates with ripple structures accumulated before the heat exchangers and caused additional downtime. The structures revealed that the…
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Markus and his colleagues paper on the "Assessment of the heterogeneity of hydraulic properties in gravelly outwash plains: a regionally scaled sedimentological analysis in the Munich gravel plain, Germany" is now published in the Hydrogeology Journal.They used sedimentological analysis at 12 gravel…
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The Chair's work was presented in a documentation about the scientific monitoring of Munich's Geothermal Energy.
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As a part of the activities within the Interreg Central Europe DEEPWATER-CE project we have launched a NATIONAL VIRTUAL SQUARE on LinkedIn. The Virtual Square is a place for everyone who is interested in hydrogeological topics, who wants to learn more about Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) and who…
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Porosity–permeability relationship derived from Upper Jurassic carbonate rock cores to assess the regional hydraulic matrix properties of the Malm reservoir in the South German Molasse Basin
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Congratulations to Lisa!
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Geostatistische Reliefmodellierung der quartären Grundwasserleiterbasis in der Münchener Schotterebene unter Verwendung von Massendaten, German Journal of Geology
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The Biogeochemistry Group of the Chair of Hydrogeology has successfully applied for a Picarro G5131-i isotopic and gas concentration analyzer that enables simultaneous measurements of site specific and bulk δ15N and δ18O in N2O.
The new instrument is financed by DFG and will allow working on…
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Im Rahmen des Praxisforum Geothermie.Bayern 2019 wurde dieses Jahr zum zweiten Mal der Christian-Hecht-Preis für die beste nachwuchswissenschaftliche Arbeit in der tiefen Geothermie ausgezeichnet.Wir gratulieren unserem Doktoranden Florian Heine zu dem Gewinn des Preises für seine Arbeit zur „Hydro-…
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Experimental investigation of thermal retardation and local thermal non-equilibrium effects on heat transport in highly permeable, porous aquifers, Journal of Hydrology
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City-scale solutions for the energy use of shallow urban subsurface resources – Bridging the gap between theoretical and technical potentials
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Awesome! Florian’s paper on hydraulic behavior of fault zones in pump tests of geothermal wells for the Upper Jurassic aquifer of the North Alpine Foreland Basin is accepted in the Geothermal Energy Journal. Since fault zones in the geothermal exploration region of Southern Germany generally…
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The Chair's work was presented in a documentation about Munich's cooling grid.
Link to the video:,RY0G669
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Congratulation! Lisa’s paper on Monte Carlo simulations as a decision support to interpret δ15N values of nitrate in groundwater is accepted in Groundwater Journal. Nitrate is one of the main pollutants in agriculturally impacted groundwater systems. Stable isotopes of dissolved nitrate are often…
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Successful COST-Action Proposal (European Coperation in sceince and Technology)
Geothermal-DHC: Research network for including Geothermal technologies into Decarbonized Heating and Cooling grids
“Geothermal-DHC aims to addresses the integration of geothermal technologies to heating and cooling…
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Fatemeh’s paper is accepted for Groundwater. Her new paper on the understanding of water flow and isotope transport in the unsaturated zone has some special aspects for us. This paper represents the basic of a new research topic of one of our groups. There we want to study the transport of…
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In the current issue of the magazine Geothermische Energie (No. 91) two of our chair's papers got highlighted as feature articles.
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On the web application of the GRETA project, we published 12 datasets of hydrogeological information and potential evaluations for the thermal use of groundwater. The fundamental hydrogeological datasets have been elaborated in the course of the GEPO projekt and the potential evaluations are…
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Fabian's paper on the thermal use of groundwater provides a method to quantitativley and spatially assess the potential of the ressource. The procedure can be adapted to local regulatory and operational limits, thus estimating legally and technically achievable flow rates and subsequently, the…
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Lisa's paper on the "Decadal delays in groundwater recovery from nitrate contamination caused by low oxygen reduction rates" (DOI:10.1029/2018WR023396) got accepted in Water Resources Research, a leading peer-reviewed journal in hydrogeology. This paper represents the first of a series of planned…
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