Fatemeh’s paper is accepted for Groundwater. Her new paper on the understanding of water flow and isotope transport in the unsaturated zone has some special aspects for us. This paper represents the basic of a new research topic of one of our groups. There we want to study the transport of…
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In the current issue of the magazine Geothermische Energie (No. 91) two of our chair's papers got highlighted as feature articles.
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On the web application of the GRETA project, we published 12 datasets of hydrogeological information and potential evaluations for the thermal use of groundwater. The fundamental hydrogeological datasets have been elaborated in the course of the GEPO projekt and the potential evaluations are…
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Fabian's paper on the thermal use of groundwater provides a method to quantitativley and spatially assess the potential of the ressource. The procedure can be adapted to local regulatory and operational limits, thus estimating legally and technically achievable flow rates and subsequently, the…
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Lisa's paper on the "Decadal delays in groundwater recovery from nitrate contamination caused by low oxygen reduction rates" (DOI:10.1029/2018WR023396) got accepted in Water Resources Research, a leading peer-reviewed journal in hydrogeology. This paper represents the first of a series of planned…
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Hydrogeologie im Freiluftklassenzimmer für Traunreuter Realschüler und Siegsdorfer Mittelschüler
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Anja Wunderlich's paper focusing on the effect of solvent stress-induced changes in membrane fatty acid composition of denitrifying bacteria on the extent of nitrogen stable isotope fractionation during denitrification was just accepted in Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. Congratulations! Geochimica…
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