Theis Winter

Telephone: | +49 (89) 289 - 25856 |
Fax: | +49 (89) 289 - 25841 |
E-mail: | theis.winter(at) |
Room: | N1320 |
Journal articles
Winter, T., Aeschbach, W., & Einsiedl, F. (2024). Reconstruction of the Pleistocene paleoclimate from deep groundwater in Southern Germany from noble gas temperatures linked with organic radiocarbon dating. Water Resources Research, 60, e2023WR035644.
Winter, T., Einsiedl, F (2022): Combining 14CDOC and 81Kr with hydrochemical data to identify recharge processes in the South German Molasse Basin; Vol. 612, J. of Hydrology, ISSN 0022-1694,
Luijendijk, E., Winter, T., Köhler, S., Ferguson, G., von Hagke, C., & Scibek, J. (2020): Using thermal springs to quantify deep groundwater flow and its thermal footprint in the Alps and a comparison with North American orogens. Geophysical Research Letters.
Conferences/ presentations
Winter, T., Zosseder, K. (2024) Developing tracer management for long and sustainable use of the Upper Jurassic geothermal reservoir in South Germany, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17350,, 2024.
Winter, T. & Einsiedl, F. (2023): Characterisation of the regional groundwater flow system in the South German Molasse Basin using apparent groundwater age distributions with 14CDOC and 81Kr, EGU 2023, 23.-28.4.2023, Vienna.
Winter,T. Einsiedl, F. (2022). New insights into the paleoclimate and recharge history of the Upper Jurassic aquifer using noble gas infiltration temperatures and 14CDOC. Joint Stable Isotopes Users Group Meeting (JESIUM), 10.-14. October 2022.
Winter, T., Einsiedl, F. (2022) 14CDOC and 81Kr as groundwater dating tools for identifying recharge processes into the South German Molasse Basin, 28. Tagung der Fachsektion Hydrogeologie e. V. in der DGGV e.V. FH-DGGV, 23. - 25. März 2022, Jena, Germany.
Winter, T., Zosseder, K., Einsiedl, F. (2021) Hydrochemische und isotopengeochemische Begleitung des Langzeitpumpversuches am Standort Schäftlarnstraße und dessen Einordnung in das Oberjura Thermalwasser Reservoir, Der Geothermiekongress DGK 2021, 30. Nov. -02. Dez. 2021, Essen, Germany.
Winter, T. & Einsiedl, F. (2021): New insights into the infiltration conditions of the Upper Jurassic thermal water in the South German Molasse Basin using the 14CDOC-method. Arbeitsgemeinschaft Stabile Isotope e.V. (ASI) Conference 26.-29.09.21
Winter, T. & Einsiedl, F. (2021): Using hydrochemical and environmental isotope data to characterize the thermal reservoir of the Upper Jurassic aquifer in the South German Molasse Basin on the Pleistocene timescale, Goldschmidt Conference 4.-9.7.2021