PhD Seminar Winter Term 2024/2025
- Using SWAT+ to improve water resources management in the Upper Tagus River Basin, Spain
🗓 17.10.2024 - Prof. Dr. Eugenio Molina Navarro
University of Alcala UAH, Geology, Geography and Environment Science, Spain
- Hydrodynamic Catchment Flood Modeling using a revised Green-Ampt Infiltration Method in TELEMAC
🗓 24.10.2024 - Frederik de Vos
TUM, Chair of Hydraulic and Water Resources Engineering
- Increased water availability and crop yields in an ungauged Kenyan catchment: A comprehensive SWAT+ model evaluation for climate change assessment
🗓 31.10.2024 - Pablo Sarmiento
TUM, Chair of Hydrology and River Basin Management
- My Setup for Conceptual Rainfall-Runoff Modeling
🗓 07.11.2024 - Dr. Faizan Anwar
TUM, Chair of Hydrology and River Basin Management
- Machine Learning for Hydrology and Water Quality Assessments: Using Random Forest for Spatial Extrapolation of Streamflow Metric
🗓 14.11.2024 - Dr. Jens Kiesel
Stone Environmental
- Integrated River Basin Management from the Salzach to the Yellow River
🗓 21.11.2024 - Christian Fischer
- Plants and Evapotranspiration: Exploring the Role of Vegetation for Eco-Hydrological Modelling in Western Africa
🗓 28.11.2024 - Fabian Merk
TUM, Chair of Hydrology and River Basin Management
- Extreme flood events: Processes and Management
🗓 05.12.2024 - Prof. Dr. Bruno Merz
Geoforschungszentrum, Potsdam, Sektionsleiter Sektion Hydrologie
- Assessing the performance and uncertainty analysis of an event-based conceptual hydrological model for flash flood estimation
🗓 12.12.2024 - Muhammad Usman
TUM, Chair of Hydrology and River Basin Management
- Weather whiplash: impacts of abrupt shifts from dry to wet extremes on vegetation growth in Europe
🗓 19.12.2024 - Haiyan Chen
TUM, Chair of Hydrology and River Basin Management
- How and why do landscapes change? Historical analyses and visualization of possible futures
🗓 09.01.2025 - Prof. Dr. Matthias Bürgi
Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL, Head Research Unit Land Change Science / Landschaftsdynamik
- Using SWAT+ to improve the management of water quantity and quality in catchments: Current capabilities and limitations of the model
🗓 16.01.2025 - Dr. Katrin Bieger
Aarhus University, Department of Ecoscience, Denmark
- Restoration of the Erft river in the framework of the earlier phasing-out of lignite mining
🗓 23.01.2025 - Dr. Daniel Bittner
Leitung Flussgebietsbewirtschaftung Erftverband
- Coupled terrestrial-atmospheric modeling systems and -observations
🗓 30.01.2025 - Prof. Dr. Harald Kunstmann
Head of the Chair of Regional Climate and Hydrology, University of Augsburg
- Integration Platform for Hydro-Environmental Risks
🗓 06.02.2025 - Prof. Dr. Jorge Leandro
Head of Chair of Hydromechanics, University of Siegen
- Kartierung bayerischer Moorgebiete: Hochauflösende Einblicke in den Wasserstand mithilfe von KI und physikalisch basierter Modellierung
🗓 13.02.2025 - Sebastian Friedrich
Hochschule Weihenstephan-Triesdorf
- Dynamic spatiotemporal drought cascades in Central Asia from a cross-system drought continuum perspective
🗓 20.02.2025 - Lu Tian
TUM, Chair of Hydrology and River Basin Management
All presentations are held in person and online unless additional changes are specified, here are the location and meeting details:
📌 When? Thursday | 11:30 – 13:00
📌 Where? In-person location: Room 2601
🔹 Zoom details:
🔗 Join Zoom
📌 Meeting ID: 623 9929 5295
📌 Passcode: 815674