INE2: Innovative Engineering Injection Extraction systems for in-situ groundwater remediation

From model- and laboratory-based evidence to stakeholder involvement
Engineered groundwater remediation methods based on mixing enhancement through Engineered Injection and Extraction (EIE) systems have been recently proposed in the scientific literature. However, the application of these methods at the field-scale, particularly by practitioners, is still rare. The main reasons are both of technical and social nature. In this project, we aim at conducting two field scale feasibility studies in which we propose the use of EIE in two different hydrological, hydrogeochemical and social environments, namely (1) the contaminated capture zone of a drinking water well in Italy and (2) a bank filtration field site contaminated by treated wastewater in Jordan. Our hypothesis is that through the collection of laboratory and model-based evidence of the feasibility of the proposed remediation action, it is possible to enhance the stakeholder involvement, positive evaluation and testing of innovative remediation technologies.
The partner at the Technical University of Denmark will focus on the experimental investigation of reactive solute transport in flow-through systems also considering the specific contaminants of concerns for the two case studies and their specific hydrogeochemical conditions. The partner at TUM will focus on field-scale modeling of the proposed engineered remediation strategy and the scientific challenge will rely on EIE application under highly transient flow conditions (Italy) and under high hydrogeochemical uncertainty (Jordan). Moreover, TUM will perform an in depth stakeholder analysis, including stakeholder engagement, workshops, interviews and co-development of a graphical user interface for planning EIE.
Project duration: April 2021 – March 2025
Project funding: TUM International Graduate School of Science and Engineering (IGSSE)
TUM Project team: Prof. Dr. Gabriele Chiogna, Dr. rer. nat. Markus Muhr, M.Sc. Mohammad Alqadi, M.Sc. Francesca Ziliotto
DTU Project team: Prof. Dr. Massimo Rolle, M.Sc. Henning Wienkenjohann, M.Sc. Jacopo Cogorno