Revitalisierte Auwälder – Dynamik und Resilienz im Zeichen der Multifunktionalität
Riparian forests offer a variety of ecosystem services that are increasingly recognized due to climate change and the extinction of species. However, many of these services have been lost because of the regulation of rivers that separated the river and the adjacent forest from each other. In addition, other factors such as climate change threaten this important ecosystem.
The A-DUR project is investigating the riparian forest along the Isar River between Munich and Landshut to better understand the dynamics and processes of riparian forests and thus enable efficient management strategies for this ecosystem. The interdisciplinary project consists of several sub-projects that consider various aspects of the riparian forest, such as tree regeneration, species protection, climate protection, and recreation.
The adjacent river characterizes the alluvial forest and the availability of water has a significant influence on plant growth and health. In turn, the vegetation influences the water cycle. Therefore, the time series of existing groundwater level measurements are analyzed and compared with the time series of the Isar water levels. In addition, the outflow of the Isar is simulated using the HEC-RAS software and the groundwater levels along the Isar are modeled, taking into account the water levels in the river using the software MODFLOW.
Prof. Dr. Peter Annighöfer (TUM) is leading the interdisciplinary project with researchers from the Technical Universität of Munich (TUM), the Hochschule Weihenstephan-Triesdorf (HSWT), the Bayerische Landesanstalt für Wald und Forstwirtschaft (LWF), the Bayerische Forstverwaltung (AELF Ebersberg-Erding), BUND Naturschutz in Bayern e.V. (BN), Scientes Mondium UG (SCIMOND), and Green-Solutions GmbH. The Chair of Hydrology and River Basin Management works closely with the other team members. The Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung is funding this project.
For more information please visit www.fona.de/de/neues-grosses-auwaldforschungsprojekt-