Conceptional hydrological modelling

Lecturer (assistant)
Duration2 SWS
TermSommersemester 2024
Language of instructionGerman
Position within curriculaSee TUMonline
DatesSee TUMonline


Admission information


Students after finishing the course know about the relevance of hydrological models, their application and basic structure. They are able to understand hydrological processes and computational concepts in conceptual hydrological models and to apply discussed models (simple MS Excel, HEC-RAS and HBV Lite). Furthermore they are able to understand the calibration and validation process as well as to assess related problems. They are able to analyze, compare and evaluate the applicability as well as advantages and disadvantages of conceptual hydrological models.


• Introduction: Overview of the most important hydrological processes and physical and empirical concepts • Definition and components of a hydrological model • Application and benefits of hydrological models • Model types • Classification and implementation of a MS Excel model (computational work) • Application example of the MS Excel model (homework) • Classification and implementation of a HEC-HMS model (computational work) • Application example of the HEC-HMSl model (homework) • Classification and implementation of a HBV Lite model (computational work) • Application example of the HBV Lite model (homework) • Summary and compareson of the model results


Basic knowledge in hydrology (e.g. the course "Hydrologie Grundmodul")

Teaching and learning methods

lecture with integrated computational exercises


The examination is done with a 60 minutes written exam. Questions will be taken out of the entire lecture content and consist of theoretical questions and computations. It is allowed to bring a non-programmable pocket calculator only. Further tools are not allowed.
