TUM Landslides Group: Monitoring, Analysis and Early Warning of Landslides

Mission Statement:
Landslides are among the most severe natural hazards and frequently damage and destroy infrastructure and endanger human lives. The term “landslides” includes a wide range of types with different processes, mechanics, triggers, types of motion and hazard potential. Applied and scientific research and teaching focusses on process understanding, characterization and modeling as well as anticipation and mitigation.
The newly founded (2011) TUM landslide group focusses on long-term anticipation of potential failures in rock slopes using geophysical methods and short-term prediction of landslide activity. This includes the development of innovative field and laboratory methods especially with respect to the tomographic monitoring of frozen and thawing materials as a proxy of their mechanical strength and with respect to TDR borehole instrumentations in rapidly deforming landslides.
The teaching covers the whole field of landslide research and cooperates with for instance geodesy, risk management and others. Here we plan to offer bachelor and master students a wide range of scientific and applied insights into landslide research and consultancy. We cooperate with a range of governmental and private stakeholders to develop a well-established interface for advanced students at the level of BA or MA-thesis.