Chair of Landslide Research

The German National Academic Foundation (Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes e.V.) has approved funding for our PhD student and teaching assistant Sibylle Knapp (left person on picture above). The German National Academic Foundation is Germany's…

Late last summer two videos appeared documenting spectacular fractures forming in bedrock at locations in both California and Finland. Kerry Leith joined members of the Geological Survey of Finland (GTK) to undertake geophysical surveys and detailed…

A large landslide last week is thought to have killed over 2000 people from the village of Ab Barek in north-eastern Afghanistan. This is one of the worst landslide disasters of recent years, a timely reminder of the power of nature - and in this…

The 2015 General Assembly of the EGU will again be a busy time for members of the Landslide Research Group. As well as ten oral and poster presentations during the conference (links to all the abstracts and session times are listed below), Michael…

The Earth Surface Processes and Landforms special issue was guest edited by Michael Krautblatter (TUM) and Jeffrey R. Moore (Univ. of Utah). The issue contains 15 articles discussing state of the art in weathering, detachment, transport and…

Erosion in alpine landscapes occurs as a result of processes such as glaciation, cracking of rocks through freeze/thaw action, rockfall and landsliding, and river erosion. In a new study due to be published in the February 2015 issue of E&PSL,…

As part of the XII IAEG congress in Torino (Italy) Milos Marjanovic co-chaired a session on Advanced landslide field instrumentation and monitoring. The session gathered multidisciplinary researchers from China to Canada with illustrative case…

A "Preis für gute Lehre an Bayerns Universitäten" (Prize for Good Teaching at Bavaria's Universities) was awarded to Michael Krautblatter by Bernd Sibler, the Bavarian State Secretary of Science. The award ceremony for the fifteen nominees was…

Stress corrosion cracking is a process that describes the interaction of chemistry and loading on fractures in materials. This determines the time it takes for fractures to propagate in intact rock, and therefore the rate of rockfall development in…

A new article from Shiva Pudasaini (University of Bonn) and Michael Krautblatter (TUM) is now available online. In it, they introduce a new two-phase model that is capable of performing dynamic strength weakening due to internal fluidization and…