Chair of Landslide Research

Monsoon rains triggered a large earth flow near the town of Koslanda yesterday (29/10/2014). The landslide struck early in the morning, and according to the Disaster Management Center destroyed more than 120 homes, with current estimates suggesting…

This week the Landslide Research Group at TUM hosted the 7th annual meeting of the German working group on permafrost (AK Permafrost). The meeting brought together 50 researchers from across Europe (Switzerland, Austria, United Kingdom, Norway,…

Increased rockfall activity has recently been noticed at the Hochvogel (2592 m üA, Allgäu, Germany), where a large fracture at the peak is gradually opening. Lukas Paysen-Petersen and Michael Krautblatter, along with MSc students of the TUM landslide…

The window is now open for abstract submission to the European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2015. The conference will run from the 12th - 17th of April in Vienna (Austria), while the window for abstract submission closes on 7 Jan 2015.  …

NOAA reports that August 2014 was the hottest since records began. Long periods of exceptionally high temperatures in California and Finland this summer have been associated with the formation of large ‘exfoliation’ or ‘sheeting’ fractures in bedrock…

The 8th I.A.G./A.I.G. working group SEDIBUD met at the Umweltforschungsstation Schneefernerhaus for a series of discussions and field excursion to the Reintal. The working group included researchers from a number of countries including Germany, USA,…

The Turtmann Talks are an annual workshop for geomorphologists working in alpine regions. The workshop is organised by members of the Geomorphological and Environmental Research Group at the Universität Bonn, and this year included members from the…

Two very large rockfalls in 1991 left an almost 1,000 m high cliff on the western side of the Matter Valley in Southern Switzerland. The valley is one of the most travelled in the Alps as it serves as access to the town of Zermatt and the skifields…

Eleven students from Engineering Geology and Environmental Engineering MSc programs joined Kerry Leith for an excursion to study various aspects of construction and hazard assessment in Alpine regions. The trip included visits to a range of…

The development of a landslide-dammed lake following the Badakshan tragedy in northern Afghanistan posed a difficult challenge to the already devastated community. The initial landslide events killed more than 350 people, and blocked the main river -…