Curriculum Vitae
Since 01/2017 | PhD candidate at Landslide Research Group, Technical University of Munich Topic: Mechanical and structural controls of rock falls and rock slope failure in cold climates |
10/2013 – 12/2015 | Technical University of Munich & Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich M.Sc. Engineering Geology & Hydrogeology Thesis: Structural Influences on Rockfall Activity: a LiDAR-based Geological Approach in the Wetterstein Mountains, Bavarian Alps |
10/2012 – 09/2013 | Technical University of Munich & Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich Geoscientific gap year in the Geoschiences B.Sc. programme |
10/2008 – 05/2012 | University of Bonn B.Sc. Geography; Minor subjects: Geology, Geodesy Thesis: CAD-based 3D terrain modelling for potential earth flow and rotational earth slide volume analysis of the Si7-landslide (Oberdollendorf) |
Winter term 2010/2011 | University of Southampton, Southampton (UK) Study abroad within the ERASMUS-Programme |
Since 01/2016 | TU Munich, Landslide Research Group
12/2012 - 12/2015 | TU Munich, Chair of Engineering Geology; Chair of Landslide Research Research Assistant |
05/2011 - 05/2012; 08/2012 - 09/2012 | Kühn Geoconsulting GmbH, Bonn Student employee |
03/2011; 07/2011 | University of Southampton, Environmental Processes Research Group Research Assistant |
09/2009 - 08/2010; 04/2011 - 08/2011 | University of Bonn, Department of Geography Tutor for Physical Geography and Statistics |