Biography | CV | Research | Publications |
M.Sc. Johannes Leinauer
- Tel.: +49 (89) 289 - 25870
Postdoc Researcher
Position at the Chair of Landslide Research: Lecturer, project manager, and postdoctoral researcher.
PhD Thesis: Early warning of rock slope failures – real-time monitoring, process analysis and failure time forecasting (link)
- GIS für Geologen
- Hangbewegungskartierung
- Einführung in die Geologie
- Alpine Hazards
- Ingenieurgeomorphologie und Erdoberflächendynamik
- Geländeübung Geomorphologie Süddeutschland
- Ingenieurgeomorphologische Techniken
- Erdsystemwissenschafen im Klima- und Umweltwandel
Supervision of Thesis:
- Entwicklung von Analysewerkzeugen zur Ermittlung des Zusammenhangs zwischen Regenereignissen und Kluftöffnungsraten mit R.
- Evaluating acceleration models and respective stochasticity towards a real time forecasting model for landslides
- Challenging Early Warning Systems for Alpine Hazards in Terms of Explanatory Power and Reliability - Exemplified at the Hochvogel in Germany/Austria
- Cascading Risks at the imminent Hochvogel Rock Slide - Field Assesment and Scenario based Modelling in the Weittal Runout Channel
- Irreversible crack opening and environmental forcing of imminent rock failures exemplified at the Hochvogel
- Process analysis of the imminent Hochvogel rock slope failure with real-time monitoring data
Further contact details