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28. Münchener Massivbau Seminar

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11th International Conference on Bridges in Danube Basin

| Aktuelle Meldungen

Registration is now open for our November events!

11th International Conference of Bridges in Danube Basin (21 November), and 28th Munich Conference on Structural Concrete (22 November) This year, in addition to our annual Conference on Concrete and Masonry Structures (MBS), we are thrilled to organise the 11th International Conference of Bridges…

| Aktuelle Meldungen

Congratulations on passing your doctoral examination!

Jonathan Meißner successfully defended his doctoral thesis on 25 June 2024. The title of his dissertation is "Contribution to the design of monolithic plane brick masonry in the exterior wall-slab node". Congratulations on this great success!

| Aktuelle Meldungen

Team spirit and sporting success at the TUM School of Engineering and Design soccer tournament!

On 26 June, some colleagues from our chair participated as part of the LKI (Laboratory for Structural Engineering) team in the TUM School of Engineering and Design soccer tournament, organised by the Chair of Aerodynamics and Fluid Mechanics. With 10 goals scored and only 3 goals conceded, we put in…

| Exkursionen, Aktuelle Meldungen

Excursion for the Chair of Concrete and Masonry Structures bachelor students at the Technical University of Munich

Thanks to the collaboration with the Bavarian Construction Industry Association, the students had the chance to visit four impressive construction projects on 16 May. These included a new 5-storey office building, an 11-storey residential building with commercial units, a secondary school with a…

| Aktuelle Meldungen

11th International Conference on Bridges in the Danube Basin

Submit your abstract for an oral or poster presentation by 15 June 2024 for review by our scientific committee. The conference, scheduled for 21 November 2024, provides an excellent opportunity to present projects related to the planning/execution, recalculation/evaluation, or retrofitting of…

| Aktuelle Meldungen

TUM Campus Run 2024

Last week, we successfully participated in this year's 11km TUM Campus Run in perfect running conditions! With two teams of five colleagues, we came 28th and 47th out of 92 chair teams. We are particularly proud of our best time of 45 minutes and 10 seconds. A great event and a great team…

| Aktuelle Meldungen

Save the Date: 11th International Conference on Bridges in Danube Basin

Seien Sie dabei, wenn die traditionsreiche Internationale Donaubrückenkonferenz (ICBDB) in München stattfindet. Gemeinsam mit dem Lehrstuhl für Metallbau freuen wir uns, die erste Konferenz nach der Pandemie ankündigen zu können, die am 21. November 2024 an der Technischen Universität München (TUM)…

| Aktuelle Meldungen

Excursion of the Chair of Concrete Structures to the Rotwandhaus 19-21.10.2023

On Thursday noon, we set off toward Spitzingsee to the Taubenstein cable car, which took us up to 1613m. We covered the remaining meters on foot and arrived at the Rotwandhaus in time for dinner. On Friday, we listened to exciting lectures by the scientific staff on current research topics before we…