Bachelor's / Master's programmes

Descriptions of the lectures including lecture times and rooms can be found at and in the information display of the Chair of Concrete and Masonry Structures.


Bachelor's programme

Course C/E Term SWS ECTS
Massivbau Grundmodul C 4 4 5
Massivbau Ergänzungsmodul E 5 4 5
Konstruieren im Massivbau E 6 2 4

Master's programmes

In the Master's degree in Civil Engineering, we offer electives (E) and compulsory subjects (C) in the specialisations in Concrete Structures (MB), Specialisation in Condition Control and Repair of Structures (BWE) and Tunnelling (TB).


Information on the courses


These courses can only be taken as a complete module “Prestressed Concrete and Solid Bridge Construction” (8 ECTS in total).


This course can only be taken as a complete module “Concrete Structures and Engineering Geodesy in Tunnelling”. The module can only be taken as an elective if no specialization in tunnelling has been selected.


These courses can only be taken as a complete module “Structural Assessment and Strengthening of Concrete Structures” (4 ECTS in total).