Defense of the doctor's thesis from Michael Schäfers

On 21.01.2025 the successful defense of the dissertation of Mr. Michael Schäfers took place. The title of the thesis is „Design of concrete-filled steel tube composite columns with cores consisting of high-strength laminated steel plates".
We are pleased with Dr.-Ing. Michael Schäfers and would like to thank Prof. Schäfer (University of Luxembourg) and Prof. Feldmann (RWTH Aachen) for taking over the co-lecture as well as Prof. Fischer (TU Munich) for chairing the examination.
Winter excursion 2025

During this year's winter excursion, the students of the Chair of Metal Structures had the opportunity to experience two exciting days filled with valuable insights into the industry.
On the first day, the group visited the Liebherr Group, where they gained comprehensive knowledge about the statics and production of tower cranes. A heartfelt thank you goes to Michael Eggert for the excellent organization of this visit. Following this, they explored the Zeppelin Museum in Friedrichshafen, which not only offers fascinating information about the origins of lightweight construction but also highlights the innovative power of engineers and entrepreneurship.
The second day of the excursion began with an informative tour at Montana Bausysteme AG, led by Markus Duerr. The students learned about the production of trapezoidal and composite sheets, as well as sandwich profiles and industrial facades. In the afternoon, they visited the WETTER Group, where, under the guidance of Marc Kreissig, they were able to gain hands-on experience in drilling, MAG welding, and stud welding. The realization that good craftsmanship must be learned was impressively conveyed.
The day concluded with a night tour of Lucerne and a visit to the Festival of Lights, followed by a pleasant evening at the Seebar of the KKL Lucerne, where the students enjoyed a delightful end to their day.
A big thank you goes to all the participating companies and their employees who dedicated themselves so enthusiastically to the excursion!
13th Conference on Advances in Steel-Concrete Composite Structures

From 11th till 13th December the 13th Conference on Advances in Steel-Concrete Composite Structures (ASCCS 2024) took place in Hongkong! Prof. Mensinger gave a talk on "Space-Saving Composite Columns Made from High-Strength Materials for High-Rise Buildings." He was thrilled to see such great interest in our innovative high-strength steel columns—perfect for skyscrapers! Nevertheless there very many other fascinating contributions and inspiring discussions with colleagues from 26 different countries. On the 14th of December, Prof. Mensinger discussed our joint research with Dr. Yangchen Cai from the Metropolitan University Hongkong on Additive Manufacturing and material behaviour of metals at elevated temperatures.
New research project - Optimized nodes of hollow section structures subjected to fatigue loading
There will also be another new research project in the field of additive manufacturing in the new year.
In collaboration with the Chair of Structural Analysis at the Technical University of Munich and the Institute for Materials and Construction Research - Laboratory for Steel and Light Metal Construction at Munich University of Applied Sciences, a scientific basis is to be created for the optimised design and dimensioning of additively manufactured hollow profile nodes, taking into account production-specific boundary conditions. Furthermore, additive manufacturing is used in combination with mould finding to create nodes with a higher degree of complexity and significantly greater geometric freedom.
New research project - Development of a multifunctional ceiling system in steel-timber hybrid construction
The year 2025 starts with a new research project in the field of composite construction.
In collaboration with ABA Holz van Kempen GmbH, KoRoH GmbH and H. Wetter AG, a multifunctional ceiling system in steel-timber hybrid construction is to be developed. Extensive experimental and numerical investigations and the derivation of a design concept are planned at the Chair of Metal Structures.
The project is supported by the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) on the basis of a decision by the German Bundestag.
Welcoming new employees and scholarship holders

We are delighted to welcome four new employees to our team.
Lu Yan started working for us at the beginning of July. Lu Yan, a scholarship holder from China, works in the field of gradient materials (FGMs) produced by laser DED (L-DED).
Constantin Schwendner also joined our team at the beginning of July. He is working on the development of beam-column connections and slab-column connections for composite columns with a high-strength steel core.
In October, Florence Aruwan, who comes from Nigeria and will enrich our chair as a scholarship holder, also joined us. She is researching low-carbon, niobium-alloyed steels for offshore applications.
From January 2025, Christoph Ehrenlechner will be working as a research assistant at the chair. He will be working on the development of a multifunctional deck system in steel-timber hybrid construction.
We warmly welcome all four new employees and look forward to working with them.
Upcoming presentations by Prof. Mensinger
In the first half of 2025, Prof. Mensinger will be giving presentations on various topics at a wide range of events. Below is a list of dates and the titles of the presentations. We look forward to your interest!
13.02.2025 | EBA Sachverständigentagung, Berlin - Begutachtung der historischen Stahlgusslager des Chemnitzer Viadukts |
20.03.2025 | Dresdner Brückenbausymposium, Dresden - Bruchmechanische Berechnungen zur Bestimmung sicherer Betriebszeitintervalle bei Bahnbrücken aus Stahl |
10.04.2025 | VSVI Bayern Seminar Konstruktiver Ingenieurbau, Oberschleißheim - Aktuelle Entwicklungen von Stahl- und Verbundbrücken |
28.05.2025 | 15th International Conference on Metal Structures, Warschau – Buckling behaviour of longitudinal stiffened plates during incremental launching ( |
Announcement Japanese-German Bridge Symposium 2025

The 14th Japanese-German Bridge Symposium will take place in Munich in September 2025. We are pleased to organize the next symposium together with the University of the Bundeswehr Munich and the Chair of Concrete and Masonry Structures at TUM on September 17 and 18 in Munich. The excursion will take place on September 19 and 20. The details and the call for papers will follow soon and will be published here and at We hope for active participation and look forward to an exciting symposium. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Advent dinner

At this year's Advent dinner, we looked back on a successful 2024: Not only did we update our lectures, but we were able to acquire five new research projects and two research grants. In addition, we were able to place more than 10 papers in renowned international journals, which makes the quality of our research visible.
We also took the opportunity to say goodbye to our guest PhD student Shervin Safaeifaegh from the University of Trento, who was a very pleasant and much appreciated part of our team for several months. Piotr Woźniczka from Krakow Polytechnic also visited us for a week to talk to us about our research, especially in the fire protection of steel and composite structures.
11th Conference on Bridges in Danube Basin 2024

The Chair of Metal Structures at TU Munich and the Chair of Concrete Structures organized the 11th International Conference on Bridges in Danube Basin, which took place from 20 to 22 November 2024. The event brought together experts from science and practice to discuss current developments and innovative approaches in bridge construction.
On November 20, 2024, an excursion offered participants the opportunity to experience technical excellence and historical highlights. Autobahn GmbH des Bundes warmly welcomed us to two of its latest bridge projects: the “Overfly” extradosed bridge at the Nuremberg freeway junction, built using modern steel composite construction, and the Unterrieden viaduct, an impressive prestressed concrete structure. In the afternoon, a historical city tour through Nuremberg introduced the participants to the medieval history of the city. The culinary finale was the famous Nuremberg bratwurst (“3 im Weggla”) before the return trip to Munich for the official conference reception.
The conference opened on November 21 at the Catholic Academy in Munich. After the welcoming address by Prof. Mensinger, Dr. h.c. Marjan Pipenbaher gave an inspiring keynote lecture on the topic: “Actual Trends in Design, Construction, and Monitoring of Large-Span Bridges”. This was followed by 44 technical presentations covering a broad spectrum, including cable-stayed and long-span bridges, railroad bridges, research and development in bridge construction, monitoring and load approaches as well as construction methods and design approaches. The crowning finale was the keynote speech by Jiří Stráský entitled “Progressively Erected Bridges”. Prof. Fischer then bid farewell to the participants before the conference dinner began in a festive atmosphere.
The conference brought together a total of 124 participants from 13 countries, including Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Austria, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria and Kosovo. This diversity underlined the international significance of the event and promoted professional exchange between the nations.
The next Danube Bridge Conference will take place in Budapest in 2027. We look forward to once again providing impetus for the bridge construction community and further deepening the interdisciplinary exchange.
Defense of the doctor's thesis from Johannes Diller

On 01.10.2024 the successful defense of the dissertation of Mr. Johannes Diller took place. The title of the thesis is „Advancing the understanding of the fatigue behaviour of AISI 316L, manufactured via powder bed fusion of metals using a laser beam (PBF-LB/M)".
We are pleased with Dr.-Ing. Johannes Diller and would like to thank Prof. Krafft (Ruhr-Universität Bochum) and Prof. Rutner (Hamburg University of Technology) for taking over the co-lecture as well as Prof. Dörfler (TU Munich) for chairing the examination.
PhD seminar summer semester 2024

Our doctoral seminar in the summer semester 2024 took place in Chieming with 15 participants. Current research work was presented in 9 detailed presentations followed by a discussion and new research ideas were collected. The lectures dealt with fire protection safe constructions in steel-wood mixed construction, seal-welded hollow boxes, beam-column and slab-column connections of high-performance composite columns made of high-strength steel, additive manufacturing in metal construction and the mechanical behaviour of multi-material parts manufactured with laser DED. Other topics included form and production optimisation of welded-on lamellas, steel-timber hybrid construction, modelling and testing of welded hollow structural connections processed with laser cutting technology, the assessment of the fatigue safety of welded railway bridges and the sustainable maintenance of cyclically loaded industrial steel structures. We also had Simos Gerasimidis as a guest on Monday, who presented his research to us and collected ideas for future joint projects.
Honorary professorship Dr.-Ing. Heiko Trumpf

Dr.-Ing. Heiko Trumpf, IWE has been appointed honorary professor at the Technical University of Munich. We would like to congratulate him on this! Heiko Trumpf holds the lecture " Structural design of glass constructions" at the Chair of Metal Structures very successfully and always with an outstanding feedback from the students, which he took over from Prof. Mensinger many years ago. At that time, Heiko Trumpf approached Prof. Mensinger because he wanted to maintain contact with universities and students. He is not only an enrichment for us because of his expertise, but also because of his really positive personality.
We would like to take this opportunity to say a big thank you to Professor Trumpf! We and our students are very much looking forward to the next years! 😊
The certificate of appointment was handed over by our Vice President Prof. Dr. Jeanne Rubner.
Photography: U. Benz, Technical University of Munich
Guest lecture: How to Drive a Sustainable Path for Metal 3D Printing in AEC?
Alper Kanyilmaz is an assistant professor at the Faculty of Architecture, Built Environment and Civil Engineering at the Politecnico di Milano in Italy. He will answer the question of how to take a sustainable path for 3D metal printing in the AEC sector.
On July 10 at 1 pm, Alper Kanyilmaz will present his latest research findings. You are cordially invited to the lecture! There will also be plenty of time to ask questions and engage in conversation. Please register briefly if you wish to attend in person; participation via Zoom is also possible. [read more]
Defense of the doctor's thesis from Mathias Rengstl

On 06.06.2024 the successful defense of the dissertation of Mr. Mathias Rengstl took place. The title of the thesis is „Welded Joints of Alloy AA7020 with Quasi-Static and Variable Loading in Context of Low Cycle Fatigue of DIN EN 1999-1-3".
We are pleased with Dr.-Ing.Mathias Rengstl and would like to thank Prof. Maljaars (TU Eindhoven) for taking over the co-lecture as well as Prof. Fischer (TU Munich) for chairing the examination.
Guest lecture Temeswar

From 3 June to 5 June, Prof. Mensinger visited his colleagues in Temeswar and gave a block lecture on steel bridge construction in the German-language civil engineering course there. The students there were very interested and most of them also speak very good German. It was a lot of fun, not only because of the great atmosphere during the lecture, but also because of the tremendous hospitality of the Romanian colleagues!
Doctoral examination in Milan

At Corpus Christi, Prof. Mensinger was invited to join Prof. Nikolaos Lagaros and Prof. Marco Simoncelli on the examination board for the doctorate of Aleksei Kondratenko, who completed his doctorate at the Politecnico di Milano on the use of AI in the optimisation of steel structures with dissipative dampers. He was supervised by Prof Alper Kanyilmaz, who will soon be joining us in Munich as a TUM Global Visiting Professor. As a reward for defending his doctoral thesis, he will receive a doctoral wreath in Milan.
In recent weeks, Prof Mensinger has also been a member of the examination committee for Özgün Ergün's dissertation at the University of Luxembourg (Innovative Design Method for Concrete-Encased Steel Composite Columns) and for Nick Blau's dissertation at the University of Wuppertal (Investigations into the fatigue safety of transverse frame connections in composite bridges). Congratulations to the doctoral candidates!
Defense of the doctor's thesis from Thomas Riedel

On 13.05.2024 the successful defense of the dissertation of Mr. Thomas Riedel took place. The title of the thesis is "Contribution to the assessment of the fatigue safety of riveted railway bridges made of mild steel on the basis of fracture mechanics investigations".
We are pleased with Dr.-Ing.Thomas Riedel and would like to thank Prof. Flederer (HTW Dresden) and Prof. Unterweger (TU Graz) for taking over the co-lecture as well as Prof. Fischer (TU Munich) for chairing the examination.
Long Night of Music in Munich on 11.05.2024

The Long Night of Music 2024 in Munich is over. For the first time, the Technical University of Munich was directly involved with 3 bands on the main campus. Many thanks to the Old's Cool Bigband of the professors, to the Soul Jazz Combo and to Baulärm, who together provided a sensational 6 hours of good mood. Thanks also to the student council of the CEE department for their fantastic efforts, to the many cake bakers, to all those who set up and dismantled and to Rainer and Nathalie Grimm for the gin and tonic. And there were many more guests than expected. A big thank you to you too. It was a really nice evening with lots of good music and many happy faces!
Announcement International Conference on Bridges in Danube Basin 2024
The International Conference on Bridges in Danube Basin (ICBDB) has become a traditional international event in bridge engineering, initiated by Prof. Miklós Iványi and organised periodically each third year in different Danube countries. The first conference after the pandemic, the Eleventh International Conference on Bridges in Danube Basin, will take place at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) in November 2024, aiming to analyse present trends in bridge research, design, construction and rehabilitation in Danube countries.
The Chair of Metal Structures and the Chair of Concrete and Masonry Structures look forward to your visit and cordially invite you to the ICBDB in November 2024 in Munich. Further information can be found here.
Important Dates:
Submission of abstracts: | June 15, 2024 |
Acceptance of abstracts: | July 15, 2024 |
Submission of full-papers: | August 31, 2024 |
Acceptance of full-papers: | September 30, 2024 |
End of early registration | September15, 2024 |
Preliminary Programm:
November 20, 2024 | |
07:30 - 18:30 | Technical Excursion "Recent Bridges in Bavaria" |
19:30 - 21:30 | Welcome Reception |
November 21, 2024 | |
08:30 - 18:30 | Plenary Sessions |
19:00 - 24:00 | Conference Dinner |
2nd place - Best Young Researcher Presentation Munich Steel Construction Days 2024

Ernst & Sohn supported the Munich Steel Construction Days for the third time by awarding the prize for the best presentation by a young engineer. This prize was awarded to Fabian Seitz from the Chair of Steel Construction at the University of the Bundeswehr Munich for his presentation "Fatigue testing on a historic railway bridge". Second place went to Drilon Gubetini from the Chair of Metal Structures (TUM) for his presentation "High-strength steels in scaffolding and crane construction".
We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the winners and are delighted with the awards! It's great that so many different topics are attracting interest in practice.
Advance ticket reservation: Long Night of Music in Munich on 11.05.2024 (20:00 - 2:00)
On May 11, 2024, the Long Night of Music will take place for the 23rd time and this time Prof. Mensinger will be there. More than 400 concerts will take place at over 90 venues and one of them is the Nordbau of TUM. Only one ticket is required for all concerts and venues. These can be pre-ordered here and picked up at the box office at Theresienstraße 90 (Nordbau N1). Please state your name and the number of tickets in the subject line of the e-mail.
PhD seminar winter semester 2023/2024

Our PhD seminar in the winter semester 2023/2024 took place with 15 participants in St. Martin am Tennengebirge. Current research work was presented and new research ideas were collected in 10 detailed presentations followed by a discussion. The lectures dealt with fire protection safe constructions in steel-wood mixed construction, the load-bearing behavior of headed studs in profiled sheets with high webs under fire load, seal-welded hollow boxes, the mechanical properties of welded connections in aluminum lattice structures and additive manufacturing in metal construction. Other topics included composite columns with high-strenth steel plates as core, steel-timber hybrid construction, high-strength pipes, modular rolled beam in concrete frame bridges, the assessment of the fatigue safety of welded railroad bridges and the sustainable preservation of cyclically loaded industrial steel structures.
New research project - Reliable design concept for hollow section composite columns with high-strength and hybrid cross-sections on a uniform basis
A new research project in the field of composite building construction will start in spring 2024. The aim is to develop a standardized design approach for new composite column structures made of concrete-filled hollow sections with high-strength steels at room temperature. A simplified verification method for these composite columns under fire loading, which is based on the verification concept at room temperature, is also to be developed.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank our industrial partners, FOSTA and DLR for funding the research project!
New research project - Beam-column and floor-column connections of high-performance composite columns made of high-strength steel
A new research project in the field of composite building construction will start in spring 2024. The aim is to develop economical and high-strength beam-column connections and floor-column connections for composite columns with a high-strength steel core. Extensive experimental and numerical investigations are planned as part of the project.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank our industrial partners, FOSTA and DLR for funding the research project!
Farewell to our visiting scientist Tohid Ghanbari-Ghazijahani

As an Alexander von Humboldt scholarship holder, Dr. Tohid Ghanbari-Ghazijahani from Australia spent two three-month periods as a visiting researcher at our chair.
Dr. Tohid Ghanbari-Ghazijahani deals with composite columns and has done a lot of research in the field of wood-concrete-steel columns. During his time with us, he mainly supported us in our composite structures projects, which also resulted in several joint publications.
We look forward to further good cooperation and long-term collaboration with Macquarie University.
Winter excursion 2024

In January, the metal construction students of the Technical University of Munich went on excursion!
In winter, the first day always deals with the topics of lightweight construction, aluminum and aluminum products for facades. We started at the Zeppelin Museum in Friedrichshafen. A great museum and the perfect start to the topic of lightweight construction. A visit is highly recommended for all ages!
Afterwards we visited the aluminum hot rolling mill and the extrusion press with the largest extrusion press in Europe (100 MN) at Constellium in Singen. Andreas Fellhauer and his colleagues gave us, as always, super information and guided us!
Later, Frank Ritter, one of our alumni, and his colleagues from 3A Composites gave us a lot of information about Alucobond and similar products for façade construction, including a demonstration of processing.
On the second day we were at Montana AG in Villmergen. From Markus Duerr and his team we learned a lot about the production of trapezoidal profiles, sandwich elements, composite sheets like Holorib and about industrial facades. The tour through the production was also super informative! In the case of the weather group, there was then also a tour of the steel construction production. There was also a lot of welding, drilling and screwing. We were supervised here by Marc Kreissig and Sandra Schärer.
After the official end of the excursion, we could still enjoy the famous galvanized steel constructions in the alpine region, even if there is not much snow at the moment.
A huge thank you to the companies and people involved for their hospitality and great commitment!!!!
Glass construction excursion to seele GmbH and sedak GmbH on 30.11.

On 30.11.2023, the participants of the Master's course Konstruktiver Glasbau traveled to Gersthofen near Augsburg to experience a company tour at the companies seele GmbH and sedak GmbH. After an informative presentation at seele with a guided tour of the production halls, the students enjoyed a detailed tour of sedak, including a presentation by experienced employees.
We would like to thank both companies for the great insights into the world of glass construction!
Defense of the doctor's thesis from Niclas Rausch

On 14.11.2023 the successful defense of the dissertation of Mr. Niclas Rausch took place. The title of the thesis is "Application of the structural stress concept for cruciform joints subjected to fatigue loading under the specific evaluation of influences from imperfections on the component behaviour".
We are pleased with Dr.-Ing.Niclas Rausch and would like to thank Prof. Feldmann (RWTH Aachen) and Prof. Taras (ETH Zurich) for taking over the co-lecture as well as Prof. Fischer (TU Munich) for chairing the examination.
Scientific visit from Eindhoven University of Technology

We are pleased to welcome Davide Leonetti from Eindhoven University of Technology as a visiting scientist for one month.
Dr. Leonetti's research interests include the assessment of existing bridges, fatigue of components and additive manufacturing. During his time with us he will mainly work on ideas for joint research projects and support our projects through extensive scientific exchange. We are looking forward to good cooperation, future exchange and joint research projects as well as a long-term collaboration with TU Eindhoven.
PhD seminar summer semester 2023

Our PhD seminar in the summer semester 2023 took place with 14 participants in the Martelltal. In the course of 10 detailed presentations with subsequent discussion, current research work was presented and new research ideas were collected. The lectures dealt with fire protection safe constructions in steel-wood mixed construction, tightly welded hollow boxes, the form and production optimization on welded-on lamellas and additive manufacturing in metal construction. Other topics included galvanized frame bridges, hot-dip galvanized composite beams and the load-bearing behavior of headed studs in profiled plates with high webs under fire loading, the fatigue strength of the shear bond with headed studs under uniaxial and multiaxial fatigue loading, and the assessment of the fatigue safety of welded railroad bridges. A joint excursion to a mountain hut in great weather supplemented the presentation program.
Improved offer for international students
Starting from this semester, lecture videos for the course "Composite Construction" (Verbundhoch- und brückenbau) will be provided in English. The lecture itself will be given in German with English-language slides. In this way, we aim to cater to the needs of both our German-speaking and international students. The latter will also have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the German technical language, which is essential and mandatory for future work in structural engineering in Germany.
Additionally, the two-semester elective course "Temporary Works Equipment - Scaffolds, Falsework, Formwork, and their Application" consisting of the parts Falsework Construction and Working and Safety Scaffolds, will be offered in English by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Robert Hertle starting from this semester.
Examinations will continue to be offered in both German and English languages.
New research project - Fatigue strength of the shear bond with headed studs under uniaxial and multiaxial fatigue loading based on reliability considerations
A new research project in the field of composite construction will start in October 2023. In this project, an experimentally and reliability-theoretically based fatigue strength limit for headed studs will be developed. We would like to take this opportunity to thank our industrial partners and the German Research Foundation (DFG) for funding the research project!
BSI Certificate of Appreciation for contribution to second generation of EN Eurocodes

The work under all four phases of Mandate M/515 'Towards a second generation of EN Eurocodes' agreement has now been concluded. On behalf of Steve Denton (CEN/TC 250 Chairman) and Tracey Wilkins Prof. Mensinger was presented with a BSI Certificate of Appreciation for his valued contribution to this important work.

At the beginning of September, the European steel construction research and industry community met for the most important conference in structural steel engineering EUROSTEEL 2023 in Amsterdam. At the three-day event, more than 500 participants from over 38 nations gave nearly 450 presentations on numerous current topics from research and development in steel and reinforced concrete composite construction and related topics. Also included were four papers from the Chair of Metal Structures on fillet welds of seal-welded box girders, the influence of elastomeric bearings of shear rockers on the buckling analysis in the incremental launching method, the load-bearing behavior of headed studs in high-strength profiled plates in fire, and the residual stresses of thick, high-strength steel plates. All contributions are freely available as ce / paper from the publisher Ernst & Sohn. In addition to the interesting conference contributions, exciting discussions and networks for industry and young researchers resulted. After the conference, participants could join the discussion on "Addressing future needs by new technologies and education in steel construction" at the Post-Conference Event at TU Delft.
We would like to thank all the organizers from TU Delft under the leadership of Prof. Veljkovic and the ETH Zurich under the leadership of Prof. Taras for the successful event and look forward to the next edition of EUROSTEEL in Krakow 2026.
13th German-Japanese Bridge Symposium - Presentations and conference papers

The 13th Japanese-German Bridge Symposium took place in Osaka at the end of August. A total of 67 papers were presented, which led to fruitful discussions. The Chair of Metal Structures presented 5 papers and gave a keynote lecture. In addition to the interesting presentation days, two excursion days were organised, including visits to bridge construction sites, the Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge and the Hanshin Expressway Earthquake Museum. The sights gave an interesting insight in Japanese construction techniques and lessons learned from the big Kobe earthquake. Furthermore, the Japanese-German friendship was cultivated and deepened at joint evening events.
We thank our Japanese colleagues for their impeccable organisation and hospitality and look forward to the next symposium in Munich in 2025.
New research project - modular rolled girder in concrete frame bridge
A new research project in the field of composite bridge construction has started in May 2023. In this project, a modular rolled girder in concrete frame bridge is to be developed, which offers an innovative solution for fast and resource-efficient construction of economical railway bridges.
At this point we would like to thank our industrial partners, FOSTA and AiF for funding the research project!
Graduation Ceremony and Teaching Award Doce et Delecta for Prof. Mensinger

On 14 July, the graduation ceremony of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering took place with the farewell of the graduates and the awarding of prizes. Every year, the student council of the Department Civil and Environmental Engineering awards teaching prizes to lecturers who have shown a special commitment to teaching. This year, the second prize of the Doce et Delecta teaching award was given to Prof. Martin Mensinger for the Bachelor course Introduction to Steel Construction. We are pleased that the revision of the course has paid off and that students are being introduced to steel construction with pleasure. At the subsequent celebration in front of the Audimax, the band Baulärm played and provided a super atmosphere.
Announcement 24th DASt Research Colloquium
The 24th DASt Research Colloquium will take place in Munich on 05 and 06 March 2024. All junior researchers are cordially invited to submit a technical paper and present it at the 24th DASt Research Colloquium.The Chair of Metal Structures is looking forward to your visit and cordially invites you to the 24th DASt Research Colloquium in Munich. Further information can be found here and in the flyer.

Summer excursion 2023
This year's summer excursion of the Chair of Metal Structures took place from June 28 to June 30. Thanks to SEH Engineering GmbH and their hosts, Mr. Behnke and Mr. Kicherer, the students gained valuable insights into the renovation of the suspension bridge Cologne-Mühlheim and the new construction of the Rhine bridge Leverkusen. Another highlight was the visit to Friedrich-Wilhelms-Hütte (FHW Stahlguss) in Duisburg, where Mr. Arno de Buhr shared his extensive knowledge of steel casting with the students.
We would like to thank our dedicated and competent hosts once again!
The excursion was rounded off by interesting field studies on the influence of Kölsch on the social behavior of Bavarian students. The exclusively positive results showed the invigorating effect of the popular beer on mood and togetherness. This excursion provided the students with a valuable extension of their expertise in the field of metal construction and promises exciting excursions in the future.
Scientific visit from Politecnico di Torino

We are pleased to welcome Luca Santoro from the Politecnico di Torino as a guest scientist for the next three months.
Mr. Santoro will be working with our LME/AM working group, respectively together with Mr. Diller and Mr. Blankenhagen, to investigate the applicability of thermography for the monitoring of additive manufacturing (AM) processes and the detection of AM defects and their effect on fatigue.
Prof. Raffaella Sesana, Mr. Santoro's supervising professor at the Politecnico di Torino, also visited last week. In addition to an extensive scientific exchange with the team of the Chair, she gave a very interesting guest lecture in the Fatigue & Fracture course. Overall, many common topics and interfaces could be identified, especially in the field of aluminium. We look forward to future exchanges and joint research projects.
Scientific exchange with Japan in spring 2023
Finally, entry to Japan was possible again without any problems! This was a perfect opportunity to refresh our contacts with Japanese universities and to lay a good foundation for the Japanese-German Bridge Symposium (JGBS) in August.
In the course of this, Dorina Siebert spent a total of 6 weeks as a guest researcher at the Tokyo Institute of Technology with Prof. Sasaki in spring 2023. His chair has very good connections to the Japanese Railway and was therefore the perfect environment to provide valuable input and impulses for Dorina Siebert's DFG project "Method for assessing residual use and determining safe operating time intervals of older welded steel bridges".
Ms. Siebert's stay was combined with guest lectures by Dr.-Ing. Radlbeck on "Fatigue and Fracture of Metal Structures" as well as with an overview of current research at the TUM Chair of Metal Structures both with Prof. Sasaki at the Tokyo Institute of Technology and at Kyoto University with Prof. Sugiura. There was a great response from Japanese scientists and students at both universities. There was extensive discussion and exchange, and some promising contacts were made. Particularly remarkable was the response to the TUM sustainability projects, e.g. ReUse.

Finally, Dorina Siebert and Christina Radlbeck visited the Osaka Institute of Technology (OIT) together. The cooperation between OIT and Metallbau/Stahlbau TUM has lasted for several decades and the reception there was correspondingly warm. The focus of the meeting was on the upcoming JGBS and future cooperation opportunities.

Overall, the research stay and guest lectures were a great success and the German-Japanese exchange before Corona can be continued seamlessly.
Defense of the doctor's thesis from Nadine Thomas

On 28.02.2023 the successful defense of the dissertation of Mrs. Nadine Thomas took place. The title of the thesis is "Influence on the buckling behavior of longitudinally stiffened panels under biaxial stresses and eccentric load introduction from different launching bearings".
We are pleased with Dr.-Ing. Nadine Thomas and would like to thank Prof. Kuhlmann (University of Stuttgart) and Prof. Ummenhofer (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) for taking over the co-lecture as well as Prof. Fischer (TU Munich) for chairing the examination.
Announcement Japanese-German Bridge Symposium
In the end of August, the 13th Japanese-German Bridge Symposium will take place in Osaka. We are happy that it can finally take place after two years of Corona constraint. All details and the call for papers can be found here. We hope for a large participation and look forward to an exciting symposium. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. For coordination purposes, please send us a message if you plan to participate.
New research project - Reuse of wood and steel construction products
A new research project on the reuse of wood and steel construction products will start in March 2023. This research project aims to lay the foundations for reusing timber and steel construction products after a structure has been deconstructed. In this way, the consumption of primary materials can be reduced, secondary materials can be reintroduced into the material cycle and possible material bottlenecks can be avoided.
At this point, we would like to thank the Ministry of Regional Development and Housing of the State of Baden-Württemberg (MLW BW) for funding the research project!
PhD seminar winter semester 2022/2023

Our PhD seminar in the winter semester 2022/2023 took place with 17 participants in St. Martin am Tennengebirge. In the course of 10 detailed lectures with subsequent discussion, current research work was presented and new research ideas were collected. The presentations dealt with fire-protection safe constructions in steel-wood mixed construction, seal-welded hollow boxes, mechanical properties of welded joints in aluminum lattice structures and additive manufacturing in metal construction. Other topics included ultimate load increase of predominantly compression loaded hollow structures, longitudinally stiffened buckling fields under multiaxial loading, and fatigue safety assessment of riveted and welded railroad bridges.
Winter excursion 2023

In January, the metal construction students of the Technical University of Munich went on another excursion!
In winter, the first day always deals with the topics of lightweight construction, aluminum and aluminum products for facades. We started at the Zeppelin Museum in Friedrichshafen. A great museum and the perfect start to the topic of lightweight construction. A visit is highly recommended for all ages!
Afterwards we visited the aluminum hot rolling mill and the extrusion press with the largest extrusion press in Europe (100 MN) at Constellium in Singen. Andreas Fellhauer and his colleagues gave us, as always, super information and guided us!
Later, Frank Ritter, one of our alumni, and his colleagues from 3A Composites gave us a lot of information about Alucobond and similar products for façade construction, including a demonstration of processing.
On the second day we were at Montana AG in Villmergen. From Markus Duerr and his team we learned a lot about the production of trapezoidal profiles, sandwich elements, composite sheets like Holorib and about industrial facades. The tour through the production was also super informative! In the case of the weather group, there was then also a tour of the steel construction production. There was also a lot of welding, drilling and screwing. We were supervised here by Marc Kreissig and Sandra Schärer.
After the official end of the excursion, we could still enjoy the famous galvanized steel constructions in the alpine region, even if there is not much snow at the moment.
A huge thank you to the companies and people involved for their hospitality and great commitment!!!!
Bridge building for elementary school students

The third and fourth grades of the Dintikon elementary school have recently been working intensively on the topic of "bridges" and have really learned a lot about it.
At the end of this project, Prof. Mensinger designed a lesson for the students and explained how a bridge is designed, planned and built.
Finally, a model was used to explain how a suspension bridge works. Here thanks go to Michael Schulte-Wrede for providing the model.
The interest was huge, there were really good questions and everyone had a lot of fun!
We think it's great when even elementary school students come into contact with our profession!
Welcome of our visiting scientist Tohid Ghanbari-Ghazijahani

Since the beginning of December, Tohid Ghanbari-Ghazijahani from Australia is a guest researcher at our chair.
As Alexander von Humboldt scholarship holder, he is working with us twice for three months. Dr. Tohid Ghanbari-Ghazijahani is working on composite columns and has done a lot of research in the field of wood-concrete-steel columns. During his time with us, he will mainly support us in our composite column projects.
We are looking forward to good cooperation and a long-term collaboration with an Australian university.
Christmas Lecture Announcement
Also this year there will be a Christmas lecture by Prof. Mensinger - finally in presence again!
It will take place on 6.12. from 18:30 in N1095. For the christmassy mood there will be Glühwein. You are welcome to bring gingerbread, cookies, etc., to make it even cozier and Christmas sweaters are of course appreciated as well 😉
We wish you a wonderful pre-Christmas season and Happy Holidays!
Teaching Award Doce et Delecta for Prof. Mensinger

Every year, the student council of the Department Civil and Environmental Engineering awards teaching prizes to lecturers who have shown a special commitment to teaching. This year, the first prize of the Doce et Delecta teaching award was given to Prof. Martin Mensinger for the Bachelor course Introduction to Steel Construction. We are pleased that the revision of the course has paid off and that students are being introduced to steel construction with pleasure.
Maurer Söhne Foundation Award for Ludwig Siebert's master's thesis

Every year, the Maurer Söhne Foundation awards the Maurer Söhne Foundation Award with the aim of rewarding outstanding bachelor's and master's theses as well as doctoral dissertations in the field of engineering dynamics. For the non-profit promotion of research and science, in particular basic research in the field of dynamics in the field of structural engineering, final theses are awarded that deal with basic research in structural dynamics. This year, Ludwig Siebert's master's thesis entitled "Defect analysis of µ-CT scanned, additively manufactured fatigue specimens using machine learning" was awarded. He developed a method to detect and classify internal defects of additively manufactured fatigue specimens based on CT scans and using machine learning algorithms. We sincerely congratulate Ludwig Siebert on this award and are very happy about the distinction of one of our many interesting final theses at the Chair of Metal Structures!
Welcome of our visiting scientist Šemso Kalač

Since the beginning of October, Šemso Kalač from Montenegro is a guest scientist at our chair.
Within the framework of a Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt Fellowship, he is working with us for an initial period of five months. Šemso Kalač is working on the mechanical properties of welded joints in aluminum lattice girders and is assisting with other projects.
We are looking forward to good cooperation and long-term collaboration with the University of Montenegro in aluminum research.
New research project - Structures in steel-wood mixed construction that are safe from a fire protection point of view
In autumn 2022, a new research project has started to evaluate mixed steel-wood construction in case of fire. In this project, a design concept is to be developed for wood-clad steel profiles as well as steel profiles embedded in other wooden components in the event of fire. The aim is to make the resource-saving mixed steel-wood construction method even more attractive in application.
At this point we would like to thank our industrial partners, FOSTA and the AiF for funding the research project!
Award for the bachelor thesis of Fabien Schanet

Since 2018, Schroeder & Associés from Luxembourg awards every year 3 bachelor theses in the field of civil engineering. This year, one of these awards was given to the bachelor thesis of Fabien Schanet on the topic "Evaluation of parametric FE shell models on cross joints in Ansys APDL using the structural stress concept". The thesis dealt with the modeling and the determination of the stresses on cross joints modeled with shell elements using the structural stress concept. We would like to congratulate Fabien Schanet and are very happy about the award for one of our many interesting theses at the Chair of Metal Structures!
New research project - Method for assessing residual life and determining safe operating time intervals of older welded steel bridges
A new research project for the assessment of existing welded steel bridges will start in fall 2022. The aim is to develop a concept based on fracture mechanics that will enable the determination of safe operating time intervals and the assessment of the remaining service life of older welded railroad bridges.
We would like to thank the DFG for funding this research project!
New research project - Seal-welded hollow boxes
In summer 2022, a new research project was launched in the field of bridge construction. This research project aims to investigate the influence of the internal pressure, which results from the climatic effects, on the single-sided welded fillet welds of tightly welded box girders. In this context, analyses are conducted to determine the effects of the internal pressure and to examine the load-bearing and fatigue behavior of single-sided fillet welds. The results will contribute to the economic and sustainable dimensioning of one-sided fillet welds of tightly welded hollow boxes.
Thanks to the AiF member association DASt, which was very involved in the realization of the project, to our industrial partners and to the AiF!
Summer excursion: Bavaria in the Rhine Valley

From July 18 to 19, we had the pleasure of going on a summer bridge construction excursion with a group of 20 people. For this, we first went to the A9 Fürth-Nuremberg interchange to the Overfly bridge construction site. This "Overfly" represents a very special structure: in order to relieve the traffic junction and to bundle the northbound traffic of the A3 onto the A9, a so-called "extradosed" bridge was designed by the engineering office Klähne BUNG Ingenieure. During the visit, Mr. Marco Weber of DEGES and Mr. Georg Liebig of ARGE Donges/Implenia explained the reason for this special design: preservation of the landscape and compliance with the maximum construction height, given by the surrounding woodland. The sub-segments of the steel composite bridge are assembled on the construction site and moved to their final final position over the highway using the incremental launching method.
Afterwards, the students went to one of the oldest German settlements for a historical guided tour of Speyer. The Palatine dialect overtaxed one or the other Bavarian, but not our Professor Mensinger, who originally lived in this region. The evening was duly ended in Speyer's city center with a spritzer from the original Dubbeglas.
The next day, in search of the origin of the steel components of the Overfly bridge, we went to Mannheim to the company Donges SteelTec. Here, Mr. Scahde presented the impressive bridge and special steel construction projects of the company and then Mr. Nicolay and Mr. Schade showed the production of the segments of the bridge Overfly during a factory tour. Strengthened, happy and full of new impressions, we then started the long drive back to Munich.
We would like to thank all participants of the company Donges, the ARGE Donges/Implenia and the DEGES for this impressive experience and are looking forward to the next visit.
PhD seminar summer semester 2022

Our PhD seminar in the summer semester 2022 took place in Bolzano with 12 participants. In the course of 10 detailed presentations with subsequent discussion, current research work was presented and new research ideas were collected. The presentations dealt with galvanized frame bridges, composite columns with sheet metal sections using high strength steel, the structural stress concept in steel construction, and additive manufacturing in metal construction. Other topics included seal-welded hollow boxes, shape and fabrication optimization of welded-on plates, hot-dip galvanized composite beams and the load-bearing behavior of headed bolt studs in profiled plates with high webs under fire loading. Presentations were also given on high-strength tubes in scaffolding and the assessment of the fatigue safety of riveted and welded railroad bridges.
Major Civil Engineering Excursion Istanbul 2022
The traditionally annual Major Civil Engineering Excursion 2022 was allowed to be organized by the Chair of Metal Structures. Due to the COVID19 pandemic, it had not been able to take place for two years, which is why the efforts to create a memorable excursion were particularly intensive. 40 students were able to register to participate due to intensive support from industry. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Mensinger and the scientific staff Johannes Diller M.Sc., Drilon Gubetini M. Sc., Rudolf Röß M. Sc. and Kurt Tutzer M. Sc. were responsible for the organization of the program. In order to offer the prospective civil engineers a small compensation for the online teaching without social interactions and without excursions to exciting buildings, Turkey was chosen as destination, where the suspension bridge with the largest main span in the world was recently built. Among other things, the participants were allowed to marvel at the Yavuz Sultan Selim Bridge, designed as a suspension and cable-stayed bridge at the same time, with a main span of 1408 m, both from the inside of the superstructure and from the middle span on the superstructure.

The 1915-Çanakkale Bridge, the suspension bridge with the largest main span in the world (2023 meters), was also visited, where the visit to the gigantic anchor block further accentuated the dimensions of the structure. Çimtaş, one of the world's largest steel construction companies based in Gemilik, invited visitors to tour the plant, where impressive technology, professional staff and a "zero accident" policy were evident as the basic building blocks of the company's success. At the İSKİ Ömerli Water Treatment Plant and the Pasaköy Advanced Biological Wastewater Treatment Plant, drinking water treatment and wastewater treatment in a mega-city like Istanbul were experienced live and explained through interesting lectures. To make sure that the cultural program and getting to know each other were not neglected, a visit to the Galata Tower, the Sultan Ahmed Mosque and the Hagia Sophia followed by a joint dinner were not to be missed. For the unforgettable excursion we would like to thank all people involved and the organizers as well as the sponsors from the industry who made this trip possible:
BPR Dr. Schäpertöns Consult
Bayerischer Bauindustrieverband e.V.
IBS-Seeger GmbH
Grassl GmbH
BGU Faculty of the Technical University of Munich
Mensinger Stadler Ingenieure GmbH
Maurer SE
Büchting+Streit AG
SSF Ingenieure AG
Zilch + Müller Ingenieure GmbH
Suess Staller Schmitt Ingenieure GmbH
Ingenieurbüro Grimm
Bung Ingenieure AG
1st place - Best Young Researcher Lecture Munich Steel Construction Days 2022

For the second time, Ernst & Sohn supported the Munich Steel Construction Days in terms of content by awarding the young engineers for the best presentation. This prize was awarded to Florian Oberhaidinger from the Chair of Metal Structures with the presentation "Galvanization-compliant grouted joint for integral frame bridges in composite construction". The paper will be published in the journal "Stahlbau" in 2023.
We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Florian and are very pleased about the award! It is nice that such an innovative topic meets with approval in practice.
Tensegrity tower with additively manufactured aluminum nodes for the Deutsches Museum
Form finding, form optimization and additive manufacturing from design to assembly something we can do!
At the end of March, the Tensegrity tower for the bridge exhibition at the Deutsches Museum was delivered by the Chair of Metal Structures at TUM. With pressure pipes made of aluminum, the stainless steel cables and the shape-optimized, additively manufactured aluminum nodes, the construction weighs just 150kg.
Under the direction of Florian Oberhaidinger, an extraordinary project was created at the Chair of Metal Structures over the past two years that can certainly be described as state-of-the-art for steel construction. As a specialist in additive manufacturing, Johannes Diller planned and manufactured the aluminum nodes using a Realizer SLM 250 from DMG Mori. Drilon Gubetini was responsible for the entire area of measurement technology for the tower and provided decisive support for the structural analysis.
Shape optimization by Armin Geiser at the Chair of Structural Analysis at TUM gave the nodes their final shape and enabled a material saving of 30% compared to the statically dimensioned initial model. Even if the absolute savings are small, it is nevertheless clear how much resources can be saved with such an optimization.
We were particularly pleased with the cooperation and support of Prof. Krafft of the Munich University of Applied Sciences. In the laboratories for applied materials technology, the nodes were heat-treated and prepared for installation.
We would also like to thank all the persons and companies who supported the project. A special thanks goes to Stahlbau Hausmann for the support during the installation and for the fabrication of the base plate, the pressure pipes and the inlays. Furthermore we would like to thank Jakob Rope Systems for the production of the ropes and Rösler Oberflächentechnik for the vibratory grinding of the nodes.
Lectures summer semester 2022
The lectures at the Chair of Metal Structures in the summer semester 2022 will be held in presence.
All information on the schedule and the course materials will be made available on Moodle by the beginning of the semester.
According to the currently valid Infection Protection Measures Ordinance, as of April 3, 2022, there is no longer a 3G obligation for entering TUM premises, so that the corresponding compliance check is no longer required. The obligation to wear a mask has also been lifted, but we urgently and emphatically recommend the use of FFP2 masks on all TUM premises where the minimum distance of 1.5 meters cannot be maintained.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Chair of the ad hoc group Composite Bridge Construction by Prof. Mensinger
As part of the revision of Eurocode 4 under the leadership of Prof. Markus Schäfer (University of Luxembourg), Prof. Mensinger is taking over the leadership of the ad hoc group on composite bridge design. Specifically, this involves prEN 1994-2 Eurocode 4 - Design of composite steel and concrete structures - Part 2: General rules and rules for bridges.
Prof. Mensinger elected new chairman of the Fire Protection Working Committee of the bauforumstahl e.V.
On March 22, 2022, Prof. Mensinger was elected as the new chairman of the Fire Protection Working Committee of bauforumstahl e.V., replacing his predecessor Prof. Peter Schaumann of the University of Hanover. The Fire Protection Working Committee deals with all issues of preventive structural fire protection for buildings in steel and composite construction, promotes the internal exchange of experience and represents the interests of the steel construction industry vis-à-vis other associations, standardization, authorities and politics.
2nd prize at the 23rd DASt Research Colloquium 2022 in Dortmund, Germany

Due to pandemics, the 23rd DASt Research Colloquium in Dortmund was held as a purely digital event on February 22 and 23, 2022. The established DASt Research Colloquium offers young researchers in steel, metal and composite construction an excellent platform to present their own research work to a broad, interested professional audience. Rudolf Röß from the Chair of Metal Construction was awarded second prize for his presentation on "Fabrication and structural details of bar bundle columns".
We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Rudolf and are very happy about the award! It is nice that the innovative bar bundle columns meet with approval in practice.
New date Munich Steel Construction Days

Due to the continuous relaxation of the Corona measures, there is again the possibility to hold the Munich Steel Construction Days as a face-to-face event at the facilities of the Munich University of Applied Sciences. These are jointly organized and hosted by the Munich University of Applied Sciences, the University of the Federal Armed Forces Munich and the Technical University Munich. The new date will be May 5 and 6.
Registrations that have already been made will be maintained for the time being. Should you not wish to do so, we will of course refund the conference fee paid immediately.
You will find all information and registration options at .
Participants will receive a certificate of attendance, which will be recognized by the Bavarian Chamber of Civil Engineers as continuing education (Reg. No. F210450) with 14 time units.
The participation fee includes the conference documents, the lunch snack, drinks during the breaks and the evening event.
You can download the flyer for the conference with the complete program overview directly here .
We look forward to your numerous participation, as well as the exchange and discussions at an interesting event!
Participation fee:
Regular: 380,- Euro + VAT; (Full-time) students: 60,- Euro + VAT.
Defense of the doctor's thesis from Andreas Hahn

On 15.12.2021 the successful defense of the dissertation of Mr. Andreas Hahn took place. The title of the thesis is "The effects of diffraction and multi-reflection on cylindrical columns and adjacent structures".
We are pleased with Dr.-Ing. Andreas Hahn and would like to thank Prof. Rutner (Technical University of Hamburg) for taking over the co-lecture as well as Prof. Bletzinger (TU Munich) for chairing the examination.
Defense of the doctor's thesis from Till Waas
On 22.09.2021 the successful defense of the dissertation of Mr. Till Waas took place. Mr. Waas wrote his thesis in cooperation with the company Linde Gas entitled "Development of engineering methods for the determination of the dynamic soil-structure interaction for elevated tank structures for the storage of liquefied gases".
We are pleased with Dr.-Ing. Till Waas and thank Prof. Müller and Prof. Hertle (both TU Munich) for taking over the co-lectures as well as Prof. Cudmani (also TU Munich) for chairing the examination.
PhD seminar summer semester 2021

Our PhD seminar in the summer semester 2021 took place in Munich with 17 participants. In the course of 14 detailed presentations with subsequent discussion, current research work was presented and new research ideas were collected. The presentations dealt with galvanized frame bridges, bar-bundle columns with high-strength reinforcing steel, composite columns with sheet metal sections using high strength steel, longitudinally stiffened buckling fields under multiaxial loading, and additive manufacturing in metal construction. Other topics included the ultimate load increase of predominantly compression loaded hollow structures, shape and fabrication optimization on welded-on plates, hot-dip galvanized composite beams and the load-bearing behavior of headed bolt studs in profiled plates with high webs under fire loading. Presentations were also given on high-strength tubes in scaffolding, the assessment of the fatigue safety of riveted and welded railroad bridges, the development of a mobile safety system for protection against vehicle attacks, and the automated preliminary structural design of steel-concrete composite buildings.
Public presentation of student designs for the planned urban bike bridge Ständlerstraße - A8
In the summer semester of 2021, our master's students have worked out and visualized designs for the replacement of the Ständlerstraße - A8 cycle path bridge.
A total of nine teams designed a wide variety of bike bridge structures under the supervision of Professor Martin Mensinger of the Chair of Metal Structures. In addition to idea generation and concept development at the beginning of the project, calculation, construction and visualization were important components of the project. The students received direct practical support from five Munich civil engineering offices.
The results are attractive designs of a barrier-free pedestrian and bicycle bridge as truss, arch and cable-stayed structures. The designs are based on the planning principles of the building department and were presented on 15.07.2021 in the Audimax of the TUM and met with an enthusiastic response. If you are interested in details of the designs, please contact our secretariat.
We would like to thank the civil engineering offices BPR, Bulicek, Grassl, SSF, ZMI for their support and the students for their extraordinary commitment. We would like to thank Mr. Michael Dzeba, City Councillor, representing the Lord Mayor of the City of Munich, and Mr. Andreas Kapeller, representing the Building Department, for coming and for their cooperation.
Final presentation of student designs for the planned urban bicycle bridge Ständlerstraße - A8
We are pleased to invite you to our presentation of the student designs for the replacement of the Ständlerstraße - A8 bicycle bridge. The designs are based on the planning principles of the building department. Already last year, we were able to establish a great interest of citizens and media with the designs for the Schwere-Reiter-Straße bicycle bridge.
The event will take place on 15.07.2021 from 16:00 to approx. 19:00, the event will be broadcast via Zoom.
Link: Meeting-ID: 669 5110 9874 Password: 831811
Good news: On the way to CO2-neutral steel production

Steel is already the building material with by far the highest recycling rate. Well over 90% of the rolled sections used in German-speaking countries, are made of recycled material which, after use, can even be reused to make particularly high-quality products and does not have to be "thermally recycled" or buried in road construction.
Now the steel industry, together with the German government, is setting out on the road to C02-neutral steel production. The aim is to replace carbon as a reducing agent in primary steel production with climate-neutral hydrogen.
Further information on this major step in the right direction can be found here:
Translated with (free version)
For us, this is an incentive to continue our commitment to sustainable steel as a building material in research and teaching!
SAVE THE DATE: Münchner Stahlbautage 02.12.21 – 03.12.21

This year's Munich Steel Construction Days will take place at the Munich University of Applied Sciences on December 2 and 3, 2021.
Two of our scientific employees will also give us insights into their research as part of the presentations.
Niclas Rausch will talk about the structural stress concept and Florian Oberhaidinger will report on galvanized frame bridges.
The main topics are:
- News from steel construction standardization
- News in steel construction
- Projects in bridge construction
- News from steel construction research in Munich
- Historical steel structures
- Special topics and projects in structural engineering