Year | Name | Title | Supervisor |
2024 | Elena Maier | Numerical investigations of stress intensities at cracks in lamella-reinforced plates | Dorina Siebert |
2024 | Juilee Thakre | Local fatigue assessment of structural details of structures for wind turbines under consideration of multi-axial stresses and combined loading | Rasmus Eichstädt, Christina Radlbeck, Dorina Siebert |
2024 | Qiuyu Lan | Numerical investigations on the influence of residual stresses on crack propagation | Dorina Siebert |
2024 | Benedikt Fischer | Fracture mechanical assessment of a cross joint detail with directly loaded welds and crack propagation from the root gap | Dorina Siebert |
2024 | Julian Wojta | Numerical investigation and assessment of fatigue damage to the 60-year-old Riesa Elbe railroad bridge | Thomas Riedel, Dorina Siebert |
2023 | Luisa Eckl | Numerical investigations of laminated steel plate composite columns under the influence of fire | Michael Schäfers |
2023 | Roman Maier | Numerical recalculation of fatigue tests on aluminium butt weld specimens with different weld angles | Dorina Siebert |
2023 | Jonathan Krapf | Investigation of the track/bridge interaction using the example of a historic railway bridge | Thomas Riedel, Joseph Ndogmo |
2023 | Hedi Moalla | Numerical investigation and evaluation of the load-bearing capacity and fatigue safety of an existing welded railroad bridge | Thomas Riedel, Dorina Siebert |
2022 | Wei Zhao | Numerical study of stress intensities at welded constructional details | Dorina Siebert |
2022 | Yichen Sui | Parameter study of notch effect on aluminum cross joints with different angles considering multiaxial stress states | Dorina Siebert |
2022 | Manuel Urueña Palomo | Numerical investigations regarding local buckling effects of high-strength steel circular hollow sections under axial compression | Drilon Gubetini |
2022 | Seline Bechtel | Studies on initial crack size for stable crack propagation calculations | Dorina Siebert |
2022 | Eva Zerwes | Design of a decision tool for the selection of a sustainable time to start the planning of a replacement structure in railway bridge construction | Dorina Siebert |
2022 | David Schreiber | Determination of bending stiffness of high-strength steel-concrete composite columns with sheet packages | Michael Schäfers |
2022 | Nadine Wallner | Extraterrestrial Construction - From the planning to the execution of a research station on the Mars using additive manufacturing | Johannes Diller |
2022 | Jakob Blankenhagen | Influence of the surface roughness on the fatigue properties of 316L, manufactured by powder-based fusion of metals using a laser beam | Johannes Diller |
2022 | Ludwig Siebert | Defect analysis of µ-CT scanned, additively manufactured fatigue specimens using machine learning | Johannes Diller |
2022 | Georg Knallinger | Numerical Investigations on Push-Out Test Specimens | Kurt Tutzer |
2022 | Alexander Brandstetter | Evaluation of Tensile-Tests of a grouted joint for integrated composite frame bridges | Florian Oberhaidinger |
2022 | Marin Shera | Influence of the production of double-curved steel sheets on material properties and structural design using the example of the Rosengold bridge | Florian Oberhaidinger, Kurt Tutzer |
2022 | Julia Schmelt | Numerical investigations of residual welding stresses and crack propagation calculations | Dorina Siebert |
2022 | Alexander Hartl | Evaluation of parametric FE models for misaligned cruciform joints and transverse stiffeners by stress magnification factors using PyANSYS | Niclas Rausch |
2022 | Michael Schwengler | Numerical investigations of welded-on cover plates under fatigue loading under the application of the structural and effective notch stress concept | Niclas Rausch |
2022 | Michael Landsperger | Programming, verification and evaluation of parametric finite volume and shell element models for the applicability of the structural stress concept to details with welded longitudinal stiffeners | Niclas Rausch |
2022 | Tahir Akin | Comparison of plastic and strain-limited cross-sectional load-carrying capacity of composite columns with high-strength steels | Rudolf Röß |
2022 | prestressed composite columns | Rudolf Röß | |
2021 | Hammam El Filali | Numerical modeling of bar bundle columns with high strength reinforcing steel | Rudolf Röß |
2021 | Franziska Meusburger | Investigation of the load application by headed studs into the abutments of integral frame fractures by means of FEM | Rudolf Röß |
2021 | Andreas Nikolaou | Bearing Behaviour of Metal Sheet Sectional Composite Columns Under the Influence of Fire | Michael Schäfers |
2021 | Tomás Pena Cervera | Fracture mechanical investigations on welded bridge details by FEM | Dorina Siebert |
2021 | Daniel Schardt | Optimization, fatigue behaviour and test design for a grouted joint suitable for hot-dip galvanizing for composite frame bridges | Florian Oberhaidinger |
2021 | Stefanie Haugeneder | Test-based determination of the fatigue strength of the aluminum alloy EN AW-6082 T6 and testing of the influence of different surface conditions and loads on the fatigue strength | Christina Radlbeck, Dorina Siebert |
2021 | Juan Felipe Lopez Pacheco | Numerical analysis of the elastic notch effect of aluminum cross joints with different weld angles | Dorina Siebert |
2021 | Malik Ltaief | Entstehung und Auswirkungen einer unplanmäßigen Biegebeanspruchung durch temperaturinduzierte Druckschwankungen bei einseitig geschweißten Kehlnähten dichtgeschweißter Hohlkästen | Nadine Maier, Christina Radlbeck |
2021 | Lukas Rier | Investigation of the influence of different scanning speeds on the cyclic material properties of additively manufactured 316L steel with comparative analysis to conventionally manufactured 316L | Johannes Diller |
2021 | Benjamin Hoffmann | Numerical analysis of bar bundle columns under standard ISO time-temperature curve loading - with the program Abaqus | Rudolf Röß |
2021 | Igor Desatov | Planning and execution of pull out tests for a grouted joint of integral composite bridges | Florian Oberhaidinger |
2021 | Tobias Hanel | Investigation of residual stresses to consider the influence on the structural stress concept | Niclas Rausch |
2021 | Peter Rumelsberger | Numerical investigations on the influence of the thickness effect on the fatigue behavior of welded joints by means of the strctural stress concept | Niclas Rausch |
2021 | Stefan Ruatti | Sensitivity analysis on internal forces of a grouted joint for integral frame bridges in composite construction | Floria Oberhaidinger |
2020 | Martin Zöls | Thermal interaction of unprotected secondary beams and protected main beams in case of fire | Samuel Pfenning, Rudolf Röß |
2020 | Michael Schäfers | Development of a universal and easy to install Steel construction connection details on solid pre-fabricated parts with Tolerance compensation | Rudolf Röß |
2020 | Ulrich Auer | Einfluss der Geometrie auf die Abkühlrate und somit auf die Mikrostruktur und die mechanischen Eigenschaften von additiv gefertigtem 316L | Johannes Diller |
2020 | Eva-Maria Baumann | Numerical and experimental studies of effects of misalingment on the stress distribution on welded joints using the structural stress concept | Niclas Rausch |
2020 | Christoph Haderer | Numerical investigations on the bearing behaviour of a grouted, hot dip galvanized joint for integral composite bridges | Florian Oberhaidinger |
2019 | Alexander Stary | Einfüsse aus Torsion auf das Beulverhalten längsversteifter Platten | Nadine Maier |
2019 | Bernd Tornede | Optimierung eines Hohlkastens unter Verwendung verschiedener Nachweiskonzepte gegen Plattenbeulen | Nadine Maier |
2019 | David Sekal | Analysis of Block Shear Failure | Nadine Maier |
2019 | Lucia Ferrini | Numerical simulation of a grouted joint for an integral composite frame bridge | |
2019 | David Reissmüller | DB RiL805 - Load safety of existing railway bridges: Measured value-supported testing of train types for fatigue calculation | Mathias Rengstl |
2019 | Sabine Heiderich | Fracture mechanical properties of uncalmed cast steels and determination of the factor ρBM for adapting the operating time interval proof of the RIL805 to the regular traffic of the EC1-2 | Mathias Rengstl |
2019 | Matthias Engl | Reference models for cracked components of historical bridges | Mathias Rengstl |
2019 | Dorina Siebert | Determination of the "Chaboche" material parameters for the aluminium alloy EN AW-7020 on the basis of experimental investigations for numerical evaluation of the effects of cyclic loading on notches | Mathias Rengstl |
2019 | Marina Bracher | Application of fracture mechanics concepts to welded aluminium joints | Mathias Rengstl, Christina Radlbeck |
2018 | Johannes Diller | Inuence of O2 and N2 on Ti-6Al-4V parts produced by Laser Powder Bed Fusion | Christina Radlbeck |
2018 | Martin Queißer | Unprotected composite construction below R30 - Economic consideration of an office building | Christian Gaigl |
2018 | Livio Lischio | Numerical investigations on the buckling behavior of stiffened plates of a hollow box section with differnt launching bearings | Nadine Maier |
2018 | Kevin Braunmüller | Stabilitätsnachweis längsversteifter Platten unter biaxialer Beanspruchung nach aktueller Normung | Nadine Maier |
2018 | Julian Seißenberger | Beuluntersuchungen an längsversteiften Platten unter realistischer Lasteinleitung aus dem Taktschiebeverfahren | Nadine Maier |
2017 | Simon Reiter | Entwicklung einer FE-Anwendung zur materiell nichtlinearen Analyse von Stahl und Verbundträgern im Brandfall | Samuel Pfenning |
2017 | Rudolf Röß | Tragverhalten von Verbundträgern mit Profilblechen unter Brandbelastung | Samuel Pfenning |
2017 | Martin Spoida | Additive Fertigung mit Aluminium - Anwendungsmöglichkeiten im Fassadenbau | Christian Gaigl, Christina Radlbeck |
2017 | Artem Kuchukov | Design of modular robot-oriented metal scaffolding | Christian Gaigl |
2017 | Luca Pennisi | Numerical Simulation of Load Slip Behaviour of Headed Stud Shear Connectors in Fire | Samuel Pfenning |
2017 | Jürgen Tresch | Einfluss des Verdübelungsgrades auf die Tragfähigkeit eines Verbundträgers im Brand | Samuel Pfenning |
2016 | Melanie Königer | Numerische Modellierung von Rissen in 2D und 3D mit ANSYS APDL | Mathias Rengstl, Richard Schiller |
2016 | Theresa Larverseder | Dynamische Simulation von Zugüberfahrten über eine Stabbogenbrücke zur Beurteilung der Resonanzgefahr | Marjolaine Pfaffinger |
2015 | Jan Zitny | The Optimization Tool for Composite Bridges | Marjolaine Pfaffinger |
2015 | Maximilian Peschl | Modellbildung für Anschlussvariationen für Flachstahlhänger an Stabbogenbrücken | Marjolaine Pfaffinger |
2015 | Matthias Haslbeck | Ermittlung von Belastungslinien für Zugüberfahren an einer Stabbogenbrücke; Simulation an einem Schalenmodell | Marjolaine Pfaffinger |
2014 | Sonja Surrer | Software zur Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung von Brücken | Marjolaine Pfaffinger |
2013 | Martin Seitner | Nachhaltigkeitsindikatoren von Brückenbauwerken - Anwendung und Diskussion im Rahmen eines Bauwerksvergleiches | Marjolaine Pfaffinger |
2011 | Wolfgang Schnell | Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung von Verbundbrücken | Marjolaine Pfaffinger |
Year | Name | Title | Supervisor |
2024 | Michael Führer | Parameter study on the influence of geometric factors on the stress intensity factor of indirectly and directly loaded cross joints | Dorina Siebert |
2024 | Moritz Off | Concept development and application analysis of a hybrid steel-timber ceiling system | Christoph Ehrenlechner |
2024 | Robert Konak | Parameter study on stress intensities at cross joint details with root crack on both sides | Dorina Siebert |
2024 | Benedek Tóth | Overview of typical structural welding details in historical railway bridge construction and exemplary investigation of stress intensities at directly loaded cross joints | Dorina Siebert |
2024 | Marta Schiemenz | Influence of different traffic compositions on crack propagation in welded steel bridges | Dorina Siebert |
2023 | Jan Singhof | Applicability of electrochemical polishing using the example of 316L produced by powder bed-based laser beam melting | Jakob Blankenhagen |
2023 | Xhorxhi Mertiri | Comparative evaluation of numerical simulation methods for fatigue crack propagation | Dorina Siebert |
2022 | Felix Schmiz | Analysis of the economic viability and sustainability of powder bed fusion of metals using a laser (PBF-LB/M) for the construction sector | Johannes Diller |
2022 | Julius Seifert | Fracture mechanical material properties of steels of welded bridges | Dorina Siebert |
2022 | Oliver von Eitzen Toni | Low-carbon steelmaking technologies to foster a green streel transformation | Johannes Diller, Dorina Siebert |
2022 | Johannes Bornhorn | Limitations of strain based design of composite columns using high strength steel | Michael Schäfers |
2022 | Mohamad Mohamad | Eccentricities of bar bundle columns | Rudolf Röß |
2022 | Rieder Leonhard | Stability of general structural systems | Niclas Rausch, Veronika Singer (Lst.f.Statik) |
2022 | Fabien Schanet | Evaluation of parametric FE shell models for cruciform joints in Ansys APDL based on the structural stress concept | Niclas Rausch |
2022 | Rupert Reininger | Numerical studies on the influence of geometry and misalignments on the fatigue behavior of welded joints under bending loads using the structural stress concept | Niclas Rausch |
2021 | Katharina Fraberger | Determination of residual stresses of high strength steel sheets using sectioning- and hole drilling method | Michael Schäfers |
2021 | Roman Maier | Numerical recalculation of tests on misaligned transverse stiffeners and cruciform joints using the structural stress concept | Niclas Rausch, Nico Hempel (Lst.f.Werkstofftechnik, Fak. Maschinenwesen) |
2021 | Maximilian Jancke | Evaluation and numerical recalculation of static tensile tests on longitudinal stiffeners using the structural stress concept | Niclas Rausch |
2021 | Mohammed Hag Yousif | Residual stress analysis for more precise consideration of all relevant influences on the structural stress concept | Niclas Rausch |
2021 | Simon Rist | Software for lateral-torsional buckling based on the energy method | Florian Oberhaidinger |
2021 | Nina Kugler | Investigations on hot-dip galvanized T-studs | Florian Oberhaidinger |
2021 | Osman Kocan | Experimental determination of friction coefficient of shot blasted metal sheets | Michael Schäfers |
2020 | Benedikt Fischer | Fatigue behaviour of hot dip galvanized T-Studs for composite bridges | Florian Oberhaidinger |
2020 | Florian Merkl | Residual stress determination of high strength reinforcing steel | Rudolf Röß |
2020 | Lina Smida | Load introduction areas of composite columns with special consideration of the bar bundle column | Rudolf Röß |
2020 | Sebastian Ortner | Investigation of bar bundle column cross-sections | Rudolf Röß |
2019 | Manuel Maier | Computergestützte Berechnung des idealen Biegedrillknickmoments mithilfe des Ritz-Verfahrens | Florian Oberhaidinger |
2019 | Enea Tallushi | Versagensmechanismen einer ausgesteiften Platte unter Verwendung unterschiedlicher Ersatzfedersteifigkeiten | Nadine Maier |
2018 | Eva Mpouam Bondo | Realisierung einer Tensegrity Struktur am praktischen Beispiel | Nadine Maier |
2016 | Pföstl Johannes | Traglastermittlung von Verbundstützen mit RFEM | Andreas Hahn |
2015 | Martin Kreithner | Simulation von Schweißnähten aus Aluminium und Stahl | Christina Radlbeck, Marjolaine Pfaffinger |
2014 | Kurt Tutzer | Untersuchungen am Anschluss von Flachstahlhängern bei Stabbogenbrücken | Marjolaine Pfaffinger |
2014 | Christoph Przibilla | Windinduzierte Schwingungen an Flachstahlhängern von Stabbogenbrücken | Marjolaine Pfaffinger |
2013 | Korbinian Beck | Computerbasierte Ökobilanzierung | Marjolaine Pfaffinger |
2012 | Dominik Hannemann | Analyse und Beurteilung von Umweltaspekten in Produktionsprozessen | Marjolaine Pfaffinger |
2011 | Christian Brandl | Erstellung einer parametrisierten Simulation mit ANSYS Workbench zur Berechnung der Eigenformen und Traglasten von Trägern aus hochfestem Stahl | Marjolaine Pfaffinger |