Master's Theses

Topic Supervisor Availability
Shape Optimization for High-Performance and Low Impact Concrete Structures using Vertex Morphing for AM concrete structures immediately
Physics-Aware timber-block assembly using structural analysis to aid decision making for shape generation and design immediately
Hyper Physicality - Elastic Multibody Simulation for 3D Boundary Filling using physics simulation for generative shape design immediately
Implementation of a Nitsche-type method for formfinding and transient isogeometric multipatch membrane analysis Andreas Apostolatos assigned
Erhöhung der Genauigkeit von semi-analytischer Sensitivitätsanalyse Martin Fußeder immediately
Enhancing Uncertainty Quantification with Sensitivity Information Martin Fußeder immediately
Dirichlet boundary conditions in the Material Point Method with friction Veronika Singer assigned
GIMP element formulation for the Material Point Method Veronika Singer immediately
The MPI parallelization of the Material Point Method Veronika Singer & Manuel Meßmer immediately
Mixed Element formulation (u-p element) for the Material Point Method (MPM) Veronika Singer immediately
CAD-integrated analysis and verification of membrane structures Ann-Kathrin Goldbach assigned
Structural analysis of inflated ETFE cushions Ann-Kathrin Goldbach assigned
Shape Optimization for Beam-Like Structures using Vertex Morphing David Schmölz assigned
Shape Optimization with Explicit Filtering on the Initial Configuration David Schmölz immediately
Geometric Non-Linear Beam Element Formulation with Cubic Hermite Splines David Schmölz assigned
Formulation of a Shell Element for IGA with Subdivision Surfaces Bastian Devresse assigned

Bachelor's Theses

Topic Supervisor Availability
Particle Methods - The Discrete Element Method in 2D Klaus Sautter assigned
Dynamic Model of a Building in MATLAB/Simulink Manuel Meßmer immediately
Sensitivity analysis based on 2nd order structural analysis Martin Fußeder assigned
Development of a user interface for truss models Veronika Singer assigned
Consideration of the interaction of internal forces in yield joint theory Veronika Singer assigned
The Yield-line method for plates in bending Klaus Sautter assigned
E-learning course: statically determinate systems (in German) Klaus Sautter assigned
E-Learning Course: Pont de Normandie (in German) Ann-Kathrin Goldbach immediately
Combination of imperfections on the basis of sensitivities (in German) Martin Fußeder assigned

Student research projects

Student research projects can be included in the Master's curricula of Civil Engineering and CoMe. With 3 ECTS a student research project counts as an elective subject.

Topic Supervisor Availability
Vertex Morphing Filtering with Geodesic Distances David Schmölz assigned


For further information on one of the offered subjects, please contact the indicated assistant directly.