Chair of Urban Water Systems Engineering

Welcome to the Chair of Urban Water Systems Engineering at the Technische Universität München. Our research activities are centered around sustainable, energy-efficient urban water and wastewater systems, energy recovery from wastewater and anaerobic technologies, storm water treatment and management, microbial systems, engineered natural treatment systems, advanced water treatment (membrane- and oxidation hybrid processes), water recycling, and state-of-the-art analytical tools for process control and water quality.


For more information follow the link to the project YouTube channel.

Trends in conducting quantitative microbial risk assessments for water reuse systems: a review

Schneller mögliche Corona-Neuinfektionen oder Hotspots lokalisieren: Das ist das Ziel einer neuen Studie der TU München. Kläranlagen aus Bayern…

Differentiating between adsorption and biodegradation mechanisms while removing trace organic chemicals (TOrCs) in biological activated carbon (BAC)…

International Collaborators

The complete list of international partners can be found here.


Member of German Water Partnership