The master´s thesis "Financing and cost structures of wastewater treatment and collection and evaluation of specific investment and rehabilitation costs of wastewater treatment plants and sewage parts" written by Nils Horstmeyer at the Technische Universität München - Chair of Urban Water Systems Engineering in Garching was awarded the 3rd prize of the Oswald-Schulze-Foundation.
The master´s thesis was part of the project "Specific investment and rehabilitation costs of wastewater treatment plants and sewage parts" funded by the Bavarian Environment Agency. In the first part the financing and investment needs as well as cost structures and organisation forms in wastewater treatment are considered. Main focus of the thesis is the collection and evaluation of specific investment and rehabilitation costs of municipal wastewater treatment plants and sewage components. Overall, across Bavaria 159 sewage data, 90 storm water overflow structures data, 32 wastewater treatment plants data and 119 wastewater treatment plant components data were collected. The data processing and data evaluation is described in detail. In addition, selected effects on the costs are studied more closely. For example, in the area of sewage the tender date, the type of water-keeping and the soil class were identified as cost-incurring parameters.
In addition, our team member Maximilian Huber received for his master's thesis "Laboratory Testing and ADM1-Modelling of Anaerobic Industrial Wastewater Treatment" written at the Institute for Sanitary Engineering and Waste Management at Leibniz Universität Hannover the first Prize of the Oswald-Schulze-Foundation.