Welcome to the Chair of Urban Water Systems Engineering at the Technische Universität München. Our research activities are centered around sustainable, energy-efficient urban water and wastewater systems, energy recovery from wastewater and anaerobic technologies, storm water treatment and management, microbial systems, engineered natural treatment systems, advanced water treatment (membrane- and oxidation hybrid processes), water recycling, and state-of-the-art analytical tools for process control and water quality.
Utilization of real-time electrospray ionization mass spectrometry to gain further insight into the course of nucleotide degradation by intestinal…
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Das 42. Abwassertechnische Seminar (ATS) findet am 10. Juli 2014 in Garching b. München zum Thema "Zukunftsfähige Bewirtschaftungskonzepte für…
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PD Dr. rer. nat. habil. Thomas Letzel was elected to the Management Committee ESSEM COST Action ES1307 "Sewage biomarker analysis for community health…
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